Saturday 30 September 2017

Coins That Teach Divine Healing Perspective

In 2012, a group of us kept playing with coins and other objects (keys, buttons, cards, fork, spoon, etc.) by sticking them on the wall through prayer.

Since then, some items are left sticking on my wall for many years. Make no mistake... they are not stuck there by glue or adhesive tapes. They are stuck there by the power of God. True story...

Yesterday, after my son played with coin sticking. I decided to do this... check the video below.

I did the same way for 10 cents as I did for a dollar. In the natural, the weight of a dollar coin is heavier than the weight of a 10-cent coin. It should be "harder" to stick on the wall. I should pray "harder". But I didn't. Because in relation to the weight of God's glorious power, it is always the SAME, regardless of the weight of the object. The focus is not on the weight of the object. Neither is the focus on the way I pray. The focus is on the glorious weight of God's power.

This has to do with a renewed mind.

In the same way, the healing of muscle ache is the SAME as the healing of terminal diseases such as cancer. In God's perspective, every sickness is of the same level, in relation to His power and the finished works of the Cross.

It is purely human perspective to pray in a simple way for muscle ache, but to pray in a sophisticated way for cancer. In that approach, we are saying, "Cancer is harder to be healed than muscle ache." That is the operation of a carnal mind.

For the spiritual mind, the healing of muscle ache is the same as the healing of cancer. Jesus died to pay for both to be healed. The blood of Christ is REQUIRED for the healing of muscle ache, just as it is required for the healing of cancer. We are not appreciating the blood sacrifice and the finished works of Jesus if we think that healing of muscle ache is "LESSER" or "SMALLER".

The carnal mind exalts cancer above muscle ache. How do we know that? Often, the way we give thanks and share testimony for the healing of cancer is WAY ABOVE the way we give thanks and share about the healing of muscle ache. In fact, more often than not, we choose not to share testimonies of "smaller" healings, thinking that we should only share testimonies of "bigger" healings such as healing of cancer. That is NOT a renewed mind. By exalting "bigger" testimonies, we are indirectly exalting those sicknesses as "BIGGER". 

The mind of Christ does not see it that way. The mind of Christ sees cancer and muscle ache as "sickness". And every sickness is on the SAME LEVEL in heaven's perspective. Just as there is no bigger or smaller sin (Sin is sin. Period.), there is no bigger or smaller sickness. Just as the ONE act of Christ's sacrifice removes every sin, the ONE act of Christ's sacrifice destroys every sickness. The focus is not on the sickness. The focus is on the POWER and the FINISHED WORKS of Christ.

At the beginning of this year 2017, God already said, "The healing of cancer shall be as easy as the healing of muscle ache. But unless My people give thanks for the healing of muscle ache as much as they give thanks for the healing of cancer, they won't see the same result."

Therefore, the way we pray for someone to be healed from cancer should be the SAME as the way we pray for someone to be healed from muscle ache. Because the way we pray for a heavier coin to be stuck on the wall is the same way we pray for a lighter coin to be stuck on the wall. Jesus! #renewedmind #heavenperspective

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