Tuesday 12 September 2017

Door Knock

Door Knocking

An interviewer knocked on our house door to do an interview. She was shocked when she was told where her pain was. She initially couldn't place her right arm behind her back due to pain. When she was healed, her expression was priceless. She said, "This is really amazing."

We shared Jesus with her. She said that her daughter is also a Christian but she isn't. She has certain concerns holding her back from being one. As we shared with her, she said, "I'm really touched by what you said." Before she left, she said, "I think I will go with my daughter to church now."

Usually, it's Jesus knocking at your door. This one knocked on the door of the household of Christ.

This is a lifestyle every believer can walk in every single day, regardless of where you are and what you are doing. You keep sowing the seed of Love (Gospel) to people, because you never know when you are going to reap the harvest. Some sow and some reap. Don't underestimate your sowing. Your sowing will empower others to reap. Others who sow also empower you to reap. That's partnership in the kingdom.

Can you imagine 3000 Singaporeans walking in this lifestyle of identity every single day? I can imagine how we will impact our nation. 

This is why I'm sharing these testimonies these few days. You can touch at least one life everyday. It's a lifestyle you and I can walk in every single day. You don't wait until you enter into a ministry mode, a church ministry or an outreach event. You ARE the ministry. You ARE the outreach. You never stop. 

It's not about signs and wonders. It's about you being the sign that makes people wonder who Christ is. You don't pursue signs and wonders. You pursue IDENTITY, and signs and wonders will follow you.

"As Christ is, so are we in this world." We use this verse for many things including the supernatural. What about using this verse in its original context ---- by simply becoming Love?

1 John 4 is talking about love.

As Christ is Love, so are we to become Love in this world. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #identity #powerandlove2018 #dailyhealings #everyday

P.S: As we entered the same lift with a M lady, we asked, "Your left knee is giving you problem?" She responded, "Ya. It is STILL painful." Suddenly, she realised that she didn't know us. Thus, she asked, "Eh? How come you know?" Cut the long story short, she was healed. Jesus!

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