Thursday 21 September 2017


I can't sleep.

In 2018, we are going to see Normal Christianity exploding everywhere. It is no longer about one man at the pulpit. It is no longer about big churches. It is about sons and daughters awakening to Father-reality. It's the revelation of inheritance.

The so-called "revival" we are looking for is not men and women gathering in churches worshiping and hearing the Word preached.

The so-called "revival" is the awakening of normal believers seeing tremendous harvest of souls coming into the kingdom.

To reach the whole city, the believers in the city must be involved. We are going to see normal believers ushering in the revival from the bottom. It will be bottom up. It is the awakening of the Bride.

Behold. The Groom is coming for the Bride. And the Bride is getting ready.

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