Monday 11 December 2017

Xperiential Outreach To Hospital Children Cancer Ward

After postponing a few times due to unforeseen circumstances, we finally managed to reach out to the children at a hospital - cancer wards.

We ministered healing and loved them with Spidey performance, songs, Polaroid photo-taking as well as prophetic encouragement cards. Special thanks to some folks from Soakability for drawing the cards in advance and passing them to us.

The social worker who worked with us encountered Jesus powerfully and gave her life to Jesus.

Had a word of knowledge for her right shoulder. As we ministered without touching her, she felt a Person enfolding her from the back gently. She felt warmth all over her body and was healed. Then what came next shocked her completely.

"You are someone who loves freedom of space. Like a fish, you flow freely and creatively. The way you think is very creative and there is so much more potential in you than what you are doing now. Because this job does not fit you. You don't feel at ease and it doesn't fit you in. Because you are wired for something else and you know that. This job is just a transition. You are not doing what you want to do yet."

It was her first time experiencing all these. She was shocked, yet allowed us to share the Gospel with her.

An hour later, we received a phone call from her. She called my wife's number because I wrote it down as an emergency contact number (required by the hospital for volunteers). She wanted to know more.

God spoke and we said, "You have been in a vicious cycle of hurting relationships and God wants to set you free and protect you from this."

She was so surprised that she started pouring out everything about her relationships and her present job. It was indeed a transition for her and she wanted to do something very different from the present social work. She also wondered why she kept falling into the same cycle of hurting relationships.

We shared further and she gave her life to Jesus! So good! Jesus!

Praying that the kids received healing for cancer. Amen!

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