Friday 15 December 2017

Testimony - HRT Online Healing Room

We had an elderly man who came online and requested ministry for his finger, which constantly trembled due to the diagnosis of Parkinson Disease.

After ministry via Zoom, his finger stopped trembling. Jesus! We are waiting for follow-up to see how he is and what the doctor says.

The interesting thing is this... there was a problem with my laptop’s microphone. So he couldn’t hear us at all. Yet ministering healing is more about believing than speaking. The signs indeed follow the one ministering, because it has nothing to do with the recipient. Even if he can’t hear any single word, even if he is online in the Internet, he can still receive healing. The Law of the Spirit of Life can transcend time and space to crush the law of sin and death. Jesus!

Next HRT online Healing Room will be held on Thursday, 28 Dec.

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