Sunday 3 December 2017

“Papa, I Don’t Have To Pray”

“Papa, I Don’t Have To Pray.”

My son excitedly exclaimed when he discovered that he didn’t have to pray for a button to be stuck on the wall.

I replied, “You are right. You don’t have to pray. You only need to believe.”

This is the principle of the kingdom. Everything is by grace through faith. If we believe, we don’t have to say a prayer.

Very often, we see people healed before we say anything. Because your believing goes faster than your prayer.

Romans 12:2 says that if we renew our mind, we can prove the good, pleasing and perfect will of God. It didn’t say that if we pray long enough, we can prove it. It has to do with the renewal of mind because it has to do with believing. Jesus said, “Only believe.”

Yet more often than not, I notice that we cannot stay silent. We feel the need to say something in prayer. We feel awkward ministering in silence. If we feel awkward with silence, the recipient will feel exactly the same way. On the other hand, if we are okay with silence, the recipient too, will feel at ease.

Jesus’ healings were always without words or with a few words. Because He simply believed.

It is not about how much we say or declare. Some even like to decree. It is simply about believing.

We held the hand of a hotel staff because of a word of knowledge. She felt spine adjustment going on. Three days ago, she had to wear belt support for her back. And now she’s healed. Jesus!

Don’t confuse prayer with believing.

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