Monday 18 December 2017

In God’s Timing Or In Your Timing? Part 2

Last night, I told my son, “After you have finished eating your dinner, you can have your Yakult.”

Yakult is a promise given to him by his father. However, there is a timing between the promise given and the promise fulfilled. That timing doesn’t depend on me. It depends on my son. As far as I am concerned, I have already given my promise. I won’t take back nor change my mind.

Why does the fulfillment of the promise depend on my son’s timing? The faster he finishes his dinner, the earlier he gets to enjoy my promise - drinking Yakult. The slower he finishes his dinner, the later he gets to drink.

He’s not trying to earn my promise by eating dinner. It’s not work-oriented. It’s faith-based. It’s about him believing that his papa will be faithful to fulfil his promise of letting him drink Yakult. Eating his dinner well, hence, is a result of faith, because faith always produces works.

God promised Israel that they would enter the Promised Land given to them, one that was flowing with milk and honey. The journey from Egypt to Canaan was 11-days. But it took Israel 40 years. The timing between the promise given and the promise fulfilled could have been very short. Yet because Israel did not believe, what should be 11 days’ journey became 40 years.

The Old Covenant was the New Covenant concealed. The New Covenant is the Old Covenant revealed.

The Promised Land pointed to the Promised Spirit (Gal 3:14). The Land filled with milk and honey pointed to the Holy Spirit who came with all the spiritual blessings and all the riches in glory in Christ.

In the Old Covenant, milk and honey were on the external. They were the outward manifestations. In the New Covenant, milk and honey are on the internal - these are the unlimited resources of heaven in Christ which are our inheritance.

This is why milk and honey flow out of our tongue when we believe (Song of Solomon 4:11), because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

On the Cross, Jesus opened the Way for heaven to pour out the Promised Spirit (Acts 2) on every single one of us. From then on, we are not waiting for God’s timing to pour out more blessings or more of His Spirit. His timing was done and completed. His Promise was given and released.

Now we simply receive His promises by believing. The timing for promise fulfilled is based on us, just as the timing to drink the Yakult depends on my son.

God’s promises are not based on His timing. It is based on our timing.

P.S: On side note, while people are still waiting for God to bring revival, God is waiting for us to manifest the Revived Son. Revival doesn’t depend on His timing. It depends on our timing. This is why the Great Commission says “GO.”

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