Sunday 8 October 2017

Without His Stripes, The Universe Breaks Apart

Without His Stripes, The Universe Breaks Apart

Righteousness before Christ died on the Cross was all on credit.

Abram believed the LORD, and He credited it to him as righteousness. - Gen 15:6

The reason why sins could be covered (not removed though) in the Old Testament was because of the blood sacrifices (Heb 10:1-4).

The reason why sins committed before and during Jesus’ time could be forgiven was because Jesus was going to the Cross (Rom 3:24-26).

Similarly, the reason why all the people in the Bible could be healed before and during Jesus’ time was because Jesus was going to take the stripes.

Until then, all healings were on credit, just as righteousness was on credit.

You use your credit card to purchase stuff. It’s on credit, but you get the stuff first. The actual payment is later.

People were healed on credit. They received first. Jesus would make the actual payment by taking the stripes.

If Jesus were to give up in the Garden of Gethsemane while He was so distressed that His sweat became blood, all those healings would NOT be paid for.

God would become a liar.

But God holds His Word Above His Name (Ps 138:2). His whole nature and character rests upon His Word.

It was His Word that held the whole Universe together.

“...upholding all things by the word of His power...” - Heb 1:3

If Jesus did not take the stripes, God would be a liar and the whole Universe would break apart, because His Word could no longer uphold all things.

This is the reason why we should take healing seriously. God placed His name at stake. He placed the Universe at stake.

It is interesting that we believe Jesus went to the Cross and removed our sins, but we don’t believe He took the stripes and removed our sicknesses.

Because we can’t feel our sins, we live by faith that they are forgiven. But we can feel our sicknesses, so we don’t live by faith.

The reality of His Word must be greater than the reality of our world.

There are people who can’t wait to minister healing. That is good, but it is not the most important thing. Knowing WHY we believe in healing is more important than ministering healing. Because even if you don’t see results sometimes, it won’t change your position on healing. You will never be disappointed nor fall into unbelief. You will hold your ground and not be moved.

By His stripe (singular), we were healed. If we were healed, we are healed and we remain healed. It is past, present and future because God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus!

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