Friday 31 October 2014

Coffee Stall Lady

We went back to a small coffee stall at the village area to buy coffee. Had a WOK concerning the lady's right ankle area. Tried speaking Thai with her but she didn't understand what I was saying.

Our missionary helped me to translate. She confirmed that she had pain but she didn't want me to pray for her as she was a Buddhist.

Forgot to inform our missionary not to tell her that I would be praying but rather, to tell her that I could help her get well.

Training The Leaders & Pastors

After Pastor Reuben taught in the morning sessions, I continued from where he left off.

Touched on the power of the Holy Spirit and healing as a tool for reaching the lost before getting the local pastors and leaders to be baptised with the Holy Spirit. Then I got them to heal the sick among themselves.

Had a WOK for someone with problem from neck to shoulder area. She stood up. Another guy had back problem for few months and he also stood up.

The locals prayed for the one with neck problem and she felt better. When the guy with back problem was prayed for, he shared that his whole body was feeling very warm. I told him that it was the manifestation of God's healing. As he didn't feel any better, I told him to come to the front. We checked his legs and both were quite even. Nevertheless, we prayed for him.

He said, "When you held my legs up, it was so painful that I wanted to cry. But as you prayed, the tension at my legs and back was loosened. I felt much better."

He went to walk around and tested his back and both the legs (he experienced pain too). When he came back, he shared his testimony. The sharp pain he had for few months was gone! Praise Jesus!

We then got the rest who were sick to stand. I asked the locals to pray for them. A couple of healings took place! They were so encouraged. One by one began to share his/her testimony.

Glad to be able to be used by God to equip them for power evangelism.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Owner Of Guest House

Went to have a conversation with the owner of the guest house as he could speak in Mandarin.

Had a WOK concerning his right neck. When I asked him, he paused and hesitated for a moment before saying, "Yes. And also high blood pressure."

Prayed for him twice and he could rotate his neck freely. He felt better and asked, "What kind of treatment is that?"

I said, "I simply prayed for you. I'm from the Church in Singapore."

He nodded his head.

We had a short conversation and he told me that he was a refugee from Myanmar. I think life must be very hard for him and his family. Thankfully, they managed to set up a guest house here. Most of the guests are from China and a few from Taiwan. They are usually here to look at the schools. We are the rare Singaporeans because nobody would want to come to this village area for holiday.

Evangelism goes with us where we go.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

On Flight To Chiangmai

Boarded the flight towards Chiangmai.

Two ladies sat in front of us. I asked the Holy Spirit and received a WOK - neck problem.

I typed it into my phone and showed them the message.

They confirmed it. The lady on the left had neck problem for many years. It was apparently caused by disc issue at L4 & L5 area.

Prayed for her twice. Surprised, she looked at her niece (on her right) and smiled, while nodding her head. She felt so much better.

I shared about Jesus with them.

They were Buddhists and they were on a trip to worship at a temple in Chiangmai.

I pray that this God-encounter has sown a seed of the Gospel in their hearts. Once the seed is sown, the plow is on it's way. Amen!

Cab To Airport

On my way to airport, I had a WOK for the driver - neck problem. But as it wasn't so clear, I did not give it.

When I asked the Holy Spirit, I thought I received about his left knee. When I gave it to him, I got it wrong. The first one was correct instead.

He said, "I have no problem with my left knee but my neck."

He went for operation for his neck before due to an accident. Prayed for him anyway. Glad to know that he's a Christian too.

When I get a WOK wrong, I can learn from it and grow to be sharper. Thank You Jesus for teaching me.

Sunday 26 October 2014

Bossini Sales Assistant

Was at Compass Point with my wife and son for dinner. While my wife was buying yogurt for my son, I received a WOK for the Bossini sales assistant - left knee.

Went up to him and he confirmed it. But he wasn't open for me to pray as he's a Muslim.

Jesus bless him :)

Missions Training

At missions training this afternoon, I covered very briefly on power evangelism, healing and word of knowledge.

I gave a few word of knowledge and two of them responded. One with persistent and recurring back problem while the other with pain from left shoulder to neck area.

Got the participants to pray and lay hands on the two of them.

The one with back problem had her left leg grown out by 1.5cm. She felt her back loosened. Her back problem will leave completely in Jesus' name.

The one with pain from left shoulder to neck area was 70% healed.

And these were done by the participants!

Got them to practise WOK. One received a WOK about hearing problem while the other received about stomach issue. Both were bingo and we prayed for the two people who had these issues.

It's a joy to equip others for kingdom work because every believer is supposed to represent Jesus in love and power.

Saturday 25 October 2014

Taste & See + Soccer Boys

At Taste & See earlier, a lady with crooked spine went forward for prayer. After she received prayer, I went after her, hoping to collect her testimony.

She said that she felt better but the backache was still there. I asked her what her spine problem was and she said that it was scoliosis.

Got her to sit down. Her left leg was shorter. Prayed and it grew out. Got her to stretch out both her arms. Her left arm was shorter. Prayed and it grew out. I guess it was a C-shaped spine. Prayed for her spine and back. She tested out and said that her backache was gone. I asked her to let me know how it goes by calling the church again.

As I was returning home, I saw 2 youths and 3 children playing soccer at the pavilion near my house. Received a WOK concerning one of their left ankles. I asked them and a Chinese child confirmed it.

He sprained his left ankle weeks ago. Prayed for him twice and he got completely healed. He also had pain at his two left toes. Prayed for him and he felt much better - not complete healing though. On top of all these, his left shin was a little swollen from injury. Prayed and felt heat flowing through. He said, "It's warm and I can feel the heat."

Then I shared with three of them about Jesus. The other two Muslim youths were playing with the ball. These three were children - 1 Muslim and 2 Chinese. The one who received healing said, "Power lah!" And he kept thanking me. I told them that it's Jesus who healed and Jesus loves them very much.

The seed of the Gospel was sown. I trust that God will cause it to grow until they come to know Him. Amen!

Thursday 23 October 2014

Fish Soup Stall (Punggol) - Follow-Up

I am down today as I have caught my son and wife's flu.

Went to the same fish soup stall (as on 14 Oct) to get noodles and I asked the owner's wife if his gastric issue still persisted, because he wasn't around.

She said, "I think he is doing fine now because he doesn't complain about it anymore."

Gastric healed in the name of Jesus! Hallelujah!

Wednesday 22 October 2014

A Thought

Today, I had a thought and I believe that it was from God.

1) Often, I would receive a WOK for a person when I ask the Holy Spirit. When it's a spot on, I can share about Jesus, pray for healing and share about Jesus again.

2) Sometimes, I don't receive any WOK when I ask the Holy Spirit. I should then ask the person if he has any pain in his body or need any healing for his body. I can pray for healing and share about Jesus.

3) If there is not enough time to ask the Holy Spirit, I can ask the person if he has any pain or need any healing for his body.

Awesome thought! Thank You Jesus!

Tuesday 21 October 2014

CBTL Manager

Managed to pray for the CBTL manager after she knocked off from work today.

I asked my colleague to help me video it. Her left leg grew out slowly.

Me: Did you feel anything?

She: I felt like electricity going into my leg.

Her back should be healed. She couldn't test out as she didn't have pain at that point in time.

We also prayed for her heart and stomach. Trusting God to grant her full manifestation of the healing. Amen.

Aircon Servicing Guys

Went to the toilet when I saw two guys servicing the aircons in one of our church worship halls.

I asked the Holy Spirit how I could bless them. Received a WOK for the guy - right calf/shin area.

Walked into the hall and asked where they are from. One is from India while the other Blangadesh.

I asked the Indian guy, "You have problem here?" (Pointing to my right leg).

He hesitated a while. I said, "You have, right?"

He replied, "Yes. Sometimes." Prayed for him and got him to stamp his foot. There was no pain at that moment so he couldn't verify. I trust that he will be healed.

Asked the Blangadeshi if he has any problem. He told me that he has lower back problem. He came down from the ladder and I prayed for him. Got him to test out by bending down and turning to his sides. He's healed and he thanked me.

Told them that Jesus loves them. Hallelujah!

Monday 20 October 2014

Thai Guy

Was walking from Circle Line to North East Line at Serangoon when I saw a guy limping with a walking stick.

Went after him and asked him if I could bless him with a prayer. Found out that he's a Thai.

He said that he had fractured his knee and ankle four weeks ago.

Prayed for him and got him to test out without the walking stuck. He was surprised that he felt better and lighter.

He said, "Oh this is impossible!"

I prayed again. Told him that Jesus loves him and that I trust that he will be completely healed. He was very thankful.

I know that it is impossible for me to lay hand on the sick without anything happening. God has promised that in Mark 16.

When the seed of healing is sown into the sick, it will grow like a mustard seed. Sometimes, the person is fully healed immediately. Sometimes, he is fully healed on the same day. Sometimes, he is fully healed when he wakes up the next day. The key is for us not to be affected by what we see. Focus on Him and His finished work. Amen.

Sunday 19 October 2014

Sales Lady - Luggage

We went to Plaza Singapura for dinner before purchasing a family luggage for the trip to Taiwan. As I was making payment, I asked the Holy Spirit for a WOK to bless the sales lady. He showed me her front left ankle.

I asked her, "Is your left leg in pain?"

She replied, "Yes. How do you know?"

I added, "It's at the front part of the ankle, right?"

She answered, "Yes. How do you know?!"

"I'm a Christian. I believe in Jesus. He is God and He tells me that. Can I pray for you?"

Prayed for her. Was expecting complete healing but she received partial healing. Nonetheless, the seed of healing and love is sown. I'm trusting God for full manifestation of His healing as she goes home. Thank You Jesus!

Friday 17 October 2014

Drunk Man

An Indian guy came into the church and he just needed people to talk to. My colleague was attending to him before I took over. Spoke with him and realised that he had been in and out of prison due to drugs and other stuff. He had gone to halfway house and came out of it. Kept losing his jobs because of his addiction to gambling and drinking.

As I was talking to him, I received a WOK about his left ankle and back problem. Checked with him and he confirmed it. He had pain on his left ankle and his back was messed up - metal plates were inserted.

Prayed for his ankle and he felt better. Prayed for his back. Prayed also for both his knees as he had arthritis. Got him to test out by walking. He could walk much better and faster. Praise Jesus!

He said that he had diabetes, hypertension, high blood and high cholestrol. Prayed for him.

He's a believer, but his life is still messed up. May Jesus help him break free from addictions and health issues.

The Coffee Bean Manager

I read my SMSes when I woke up this morning. The CBTL manager whom I spoke to on 13 Oct messaged me late last night when I was sleeping. She confirmed that her right leg is longer, which means her left leg is shorter. That's a confirmation of the WOK I received for her.

Will be finding an opportunity to pray for her. Yay Jesus!

Thursday 16 October 2014

TTSH Again

Two of my colleagues and I went to TTSH to pray for the sick during lunch.

I ministered to an Indian man who was on the wheelchair. He had a lot of issues - he broke his left ankle (had screws and metal plates in it), broke his right thigh, had crooked spine, shoulder problem and sharp pain at his right thumb.

Prayed for his ankle and he felt better. Prayed for it a few times and it got better. Prayed for his thigh and he could raise higher. He told me to pray for his shoulder and he felt the difference. I asked if he had crooked spine and he said "Yes". Prayed and his spine was straightened. Prayed for his thumb but there wasn't much improvement.

He asked me which church I attend as he wasn't a Christian. Told him and passed his my number. He said that he would call me as he might visit. Praise Jesus!

There was a male nurse attending to him. I had a WOK for this nurse - back problem. Prayed for him. He couldn't tell the difference as the back problem came on and off and he didn't have pain at that moment.

More Jesus!

Dell Guy

My colleague arranged for a Dell technician to come to the office yesterday because my DVD-rom wasn't working.

Received a WOK for his back and he said that it's his upper back. Prayed for him and he said that he felt better but there was a little bit left.

Got to know that he's attending Hope Church :)

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Fish Soup Stall (Punggol)

Both my wife and son were sick today. I went to the fish soup stall near my house to buy fish porridge for them. Received a WOK - an image of a belly and an impression 'gastric'.

I asked the middle-aged couple and the uncle said, "Yes, I have gastric issue on and off."

Me: Can I have your hand? I'll pray for you.

He gave me his hand and I prayed for him.

Jesus, I trust that he is healed.

The next time when I go, I will check with him and share the Gospel with him.

Coffee Bean

Yesterday, I was with my colleague and pastor-in-charge at CBTL, Toa Payoh Central. We were there to plan the pulpit calendar for 2015.

I received a WOK for the CBTL manager - left leg. When I checked with her, she said that she didn't have. However, she had back problem. I told her that I would pray for her after the meeting.

After the meeting, we went up to her but she was busy. So I got her name card because I would like to pray for her one of these days.

I texted her in the evening and asked, "Is this back problem a frequent and longstanding issue?" She replied, "Yes."

As I felt that it had to do with the WOK concerning her left leg, I told her to check out her left leg when she got home. She would have to rest her back against the wall and stretch out both her legs to check if her left leg is shorter/longer.

Waiting for her response. Touch her, O Lord.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Indonesia Auntie

While queuing to buy dinner home from NEX, I saw an Indo auntie wearing a wrist guard.

Spoke to her and found out that she had wrist injury. Prayed for her thrice and she saw significant improvement. "Only left with a little bit," she said.

As she had to go, I told her that Jesus loves her very much.

I want to live a 24/7 Christian lifestyle. The Holy Spirit in me never shuts down. Hallelujah!

Muslim Guy

On my way to a church today, I spoke to a Muslim driver. He was asking me about the brand of perfume I used. Shared with him and passed him the namecard of the perfume shop. And I received a WOK.

I: By the way, do you have neck issue?

He: Yes. How you know?

I: I am a Christian. I talk to Jesus. He talks to me and He tells me about your neck. He wants you well and healed because He loves you.

He: Oh ok.

I: I would like to bless you later for your neck to be well.

He: Thank you.

I: Are you a Muslim in practice? Do you go to the mosque?

He: Yes. I pray five times a day and go to the mosque on Friday.

I: So you also fast?

He: Yes I fast.

I: I also fast regularly.

He: Fasting has good health benefits too.

I: Yes. So you also read Quran?

He: Yes. I also read abit of the Bible.

I was thinking in my heart - "This guy is a hardcore Muslim..."

He started sharing with me about his interpretation of who Jesus is based on Old Hebrew Bible and Quran. He has pretty good knowledge of the Bible.

While I was thinking of debating with him, I felt the Holy Spirit saying, "Do not use intellect reasoning with him. Tell him that he doesn't have much peace within despite that he's been trying to find peace through prayer. Because peace is a Person - Jesus Christ."

I arrived at my destination. Prayed for his neck and he got completely healed. As I had to go, I got down his mobile number, hoping to follow up on him.

Jesus, touch this guy (Rafi). I pray that he will know you personally. Amen!

Friday 10 October 2014

Cool - WOK

Last evening, my wife and I took a cab from Jeshua's nanny's place as it is near our home. We were late in picking him so we didn't want to spend more time traveling back home.

While talking to the driver, I had a WOK - left ankle area due to back problem. This was the first time it involved more details.

I conversed with the driver until we were near our place. Then I asked, "Do you have problem with your left leg?"

He replied, "Yes."

I: Is it the ankle area?

He: Yes, in fact, it's the whole left leg.

I: And your left leg problem is caused by your back problem because you can't walk properly and the strain has come upon your left leg.

He: Yes!

Wanted to pray for him but there was a car behind us waiting for the cab to go. We had no choice but to alight.

Man, I should have asked him to go somewhere else so that I could pray for him. A lesson learnt for future.

Yoga Instructor

Two nights ago, I came home late from School of Evangelism (Reinhard Bonnke). Took a cab and received a WOK for the driver. It was concerning his upper spine. I asked him but he said, "No, I don't have."

As the impression was strong, I felt that it was a WOK. We continued to talk and I found out that he's a yoga instructor. Immediately, I asked him if his students have spine issues and he nodded. I asked if his fellow instructors have S-shaped spines and he nodded.

I said, "Can I come to your yoga centre and help them for free? I have seen many spine problems healed."

He: Ok. How do you help? Reiki energy?

Me: Similar kind of energy (I can't say that I'm a Christian yet as I want the door to his fellow instructors remain open.)

He: Okay. I will give you my namecard. (When I first asked him on hearing that he's a yoga instructor, he wasn't open to give)

Jesus, open this door so that I can represent You at the yoga centre to the yoga instructors. I trust that You will show up; they will be healed and they will come to know You when the Gospel is preached. Thank You Jesus!

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Cramp At Left Leg From Calf To Ankle

Received a WOK for one of the staff from Kampong Cafe catering - left calf to ankle area.

Checked with her and she said that she experienced cramp in that area every night. Prayed for her.

On the following day, I checked with her and she told me that she didn't experience cramp on the previous night. Praise Jesus!

Didn't know how to tell her about Jesus as she can't speak English

Monday 6 October 2014

Three Indian Men

Gave a wrong WOK to a Singaporean man at Punggol LRT platform.

As I walked into the lift at Damai LRT station, I asked the Holy Spirit for a WOK for the three Indian men. He showed me one - right ankle.

I realised that WOK is not as difficult as we think it is. The more we pray and think about it, the more we get it wrong. The more it comes naturally (without thinking and focusing), the more accurate it is.

I asked them and one of them confirmed it - pain at right ankle for one month. Prayed and he got completely healed.

On seeing this, his friend asked me to pray for the back of his left knee. It had been a three-year injury. Prayed once and he said, "Left a little." Prayed a second time and he got completely healed. Wanting to make sure that he was really healed, I asked him a few times to confirm it. Then I got him to squat and stand a couple of times. He said, "no more pain."

The third guy asked, "can skin problem be healed?" I prayed for him, but no visible result as he was wearing long sleeves.

Talked to them about Jesus but they didn't seem open. They thanked me and shook my hand.

Thank You Jesus!

Kingdom lifestyle. Let it be a daily encounter.

Sunday 5 October 2014

Gong Cha

Was queuing at Gong Cha, Tampines when I received a WOK for the cashier - pain at her right shin.

While collecting my drink, I decided to ask her as there was no one in the queue.

Me: Do you have pain on your leg?
She: Huh?
Me: (Repeated)
She: Sorry, I don't get you. (She is a Filipino)
Me: Pain on your leg? (Slowly)
She: Ah! Ya...
Me: Your right leg?
She: Yes.
Me: This area, right? (Pointing to my right shin)
She: Ya... You can see? Or you sense?
Me: I sensed it. Can I bless you by praying for you?
She: Ok. (And she walked out of the stall from a door)

Laid hand and prayed.

Me: You try out now.
She: (Lifting her leg up and down). Oh it's good now!
Me: No more?
She: No more.
Me: Do you know Jesus?
She: Yes I know.
Me: He healed you. He loves you.
She: Thank you so much!

We can bring the love of Jesus wherever we go. Praise Jesus!

Friday 3 October 2014

Receiving Word of Knowledge In Advance

This morning, I received a WOK during my devotional time. I saw a woman bound in wheel-chair. Her left leg was the problem.

In the evening, Carol, Jeshua and I went to the airport at T3. When we went to basement 2, I saw this lady who was wheel-chair bound. Feeling a nudge in my spirit, I approached her and asked, "You are unable to walk because of your left leg?"

She nodded.

Prayed for her but I didn't get her to test out by getting up from her wheel-chair. Trusting that the power of God had come upon her.

I also prayed for a toilet cleaner. I was relieving myself when I received a WOK for him - lower part of his left leg, near the ankle area. Checked with him and he showed me the plaster which he pasted near his left ankle. 

He was an old man who had arthritis at that area, as well as his left knee. Prayed and he felt better but it wasn't complete healing. More Lord, more!

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Shocked & Healed

My colleague was talking to a sales guy outside the office when I walked back from the toilet. I was asking the Holy Spirit for a WOK for the guy when my colleague called out to me.

Apparently, this guy just injured his left knee one or two days ago. My colleague requested that I joined him to pray for him.

After we prayed, he tested out. The look on his face was priceless. He was totally shocked. He kept testing out his leg by bending his knee. Then he exclaimed, "So fast ah? It's totally gone!"

As he had attended church services before, he knew about Jesus but he hadn't yet believed.

We encouraged him to visit our church.