Monday 26 December 2016

Greater Breakthroughs 2017

I am pretty shocked to receive an iPhone from my client for Christmas gift. My current one has no more memory space. As a result, I can't use certain apps as it requires new iOS update. I'm still at iOS 7.0.

One month ago, I told my wife how expensive iPhone 6 and 7 are. I usually buy one version lower as it's much cheaper. But iPhone 6 and 7 are equally expensive this time. Yet because of my work, I need to eventually change it.

Little did I realise that I would receive a new iPhone from my client. I found it a little difficult to receive at first, but I was reminded of what God spoke to me few weeks ago.

Few weeks ago, during my devotion, I felt God speaking that we need to learn to be good receivers. The more we can receive His love, the more we will see breakthroughs.

This includes learning to receive love from people when they bless you. Humility is not rejecting what is good for you. Humility is acknowledging that every good and perfect gift comes from above, even when it's through people.

This is something I'm growing into. Thank You Jesus. You are surely good!

P.S: I think Ps JP confirmed this at Christmas day service. It's likely gonna be the theme for 2017 for New Creation Church. Be good receivers.

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Personal Healing

I was literally limping for more than three days. I'm not exactly sure what I did to pull my left hamstring badly. For past two nights, I couldn't get to sleep because of the pain. I couldn't find the right position to place my leg. Each time when I got up from bed to walk, it felt as though my left leg was unable to function at all. I had to rely on my right leg and both arms to walk. My wife had to support me to the living room from the bedroom. I couldn't even walk properly, let alone bending my knee or squatting.

But I didn't want to go to a doctor. I'm trusting God for complete healing because I know His heart for me.

Disclaimer: Please don't read this and apply the same thing. Go to a doctor if you need. It's not a gimmick or a method. It's about a relationship where we grow to see what He sees. We are all on a journey. If we don't see it, use wisdom and go to a doctor.

Today, as my wife and I watched Todd White's movie, I was so touched by the love of God that tears kept flowing down. I was thankful of His amazing love. After the movie, I squatted fully to close the YouTube browser from my laptop, which was on the floor.

My wife looked at me in amazement. I looked at her and said, "Why?" I asked a few times before reality hit me. Little did I realise that I was squatting! And there was no pain! Jesus is so good!

As I'm typing now, I'm walking normally in the mall. Jesus! I'm so thankful.

Sunday 18 December 2016

Cashier at Subway Received Jesus

Went to subway to get a cup of coffee. While making payment, I asked the young lady if she had problem with one of her knees. She said that she just fell & injured it earlier. I said, "Just give me a few seconds."

As I stood there, she felt the power of God touching her knee & she was completely healed. I shared the Gospel and she invited Jesus into her life. She said, "I'm feeling very happy now!" Yeah it's a happy Gospel. Jesus!

Her colleague, who is a Christian, had persistent lower back problem. For persistent lower back problem, usually it's because the spine is not straight. If you sit the person down and lift up both his legs, one of the legs will appear shorter. It's not because the leg is physically shorter. It's because of the uneven spine that makes the leg appear shorter. Thus, there is no need to command the leg to grow out. We have seen spines straightened without speaking to the leg. Real leg growth is where part of one's leg has been amputated.

As the male staff had no time to sit down and let me check his spine, I said, "You just stand there." I stood there and command the spine to be straightened but nothing happened. I knew that if he were to sit down and let me hold his legs, he would be totally healed. But that's not the point, since he was busy.

The truth is... I have been so used to seeing a person's spine healed and straightened by the method of sitting the person down and holding both his legs, that I failed to have my mind renewed to see what Christ sees. Because the mind of Christ doesn't need the person to sit down to be healed. The moment we are stuck in what we see (method), we will not see what He sees. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #salvation #mindofChrist

Friday 16 December 2016

Christmas Outreach

Christmas outreach tonight with many WOK, prophecies and healings, including salvation.

One youth received Jesus and was baptized in the Holy Spirit. He felt His tangible presence filling his whole body.

J ministered to a guy with knee injury and the guy was completely healed. Yay Jesus!

But J was really distracted by candies after that. He was supposed to give out the candies (prepared by Ray) to bless others. But he kept wanting to eat it. Bringing a 3-year old boy for outreach requires really a different level. #firstexperience #toughjob #tiring

P.S: Love the outreach team from more than 10 different churches. Thanks John and the rest for leading the Christmas carols, bringing such joy into the atmosphere. Joy is the atmosphere of heaven.

Thursday 15 December 2016

The Way To True Freedom

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. - Gal 2:20

Everything in the old nature has been co-crucified with Christ on the Cross. It is dead. A dead person no longer speaks. Neither does anything that is dead has any power.

Old nature does not only encompass sinful habits and behaviours, it also includes everything of the past. The old nature is what separates us from Christ. This is why Romans 8:38-39 says, "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

"Things present nor things to come" cannot separate us from the love of Christ. But the things of the past is not in that list, because our past can separate us from receiving His love.

The old nature includes the things of the past. It could be sickness; it could be a broken heart; it could be an emotional trauma; it could be a bad childhood experience, etc. These are things of the past - the old nature that has been crucified with Christ on the Cross.

The way to freedom, therefore, is this: "It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh (body), I live by faith in the Son of God."

This means that I only focus on Christ in me, the Hope of glory. He is the new Man. He is the perfect Man. I stop giving the things of the past any influence or power. I live my life thinking Christ and seeing Christ. What I see in Him is what He sees in me. I simply look at Christ and say, "That's me. That's my new man." And I live that way. This is beholding as in the mirror the glory of the Lord.

When thoughts of the past come to my mind, when feelings of the past come to my mind, I say, "These thoughts and feelings are no longer me. They belong to the old man, which has been crucified with Christ. Father, I thank You that I am a brand new man. Thank You that I have been set free from those stuff. Thank You for the Gospel." And I continue walking out who I am in Christ.

In this way, I don't need mental medicine. I don't need counseling. I don't need inner healing. Because I just need truth, which sets me free from me, so that I can live in true freedom. The Gospel is a one-step programme where I receive a brand new life in Jesus' name.

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Same Price Tag - Healing Depends On Us

Every item in Daiso is $2, whether big or small. It's the same price tag.

Every sickness and disease cost Jesus the price of dying on the Cross. Be it terminal diseases or muscle ache, it's the same price tag. The blood of Christ can redeem all.

If we are told to pray for the sick, the result depends on God. But if we are told to heal the sick, the result depends on us (Matt 17).

What hinders us from seeing the result is therefore, mind renewal (Romans 12:2).

Monday 12 December 2016

Healing Is Simple

Many healings in few days.

Hotel bellboy was healed completely. He asked, "When did you find out you have this ability?" I said, "It's Jesus who spoke to me and healed you. We are believers. Every believer can hear God's voice and heal the sick."

The Gospel cannot be reduced to men's ability and gifts. It has to be Jesus and His finished work.

Healing is simple. If you believe, you receive. If you don't believe, you don't receive.

While it should be the minister who stands in faith for the sick to be healed (James 5:14-15), healing works when either side of the party believes: either the minister (Matt 8:14-15; Mark 7:33-35) or the sick (Matt 9:29; Mark 5:34). As such, the minister should not think (or take credit) that it is him who gets the sick well. 

Note: Of course, we know that Jesus is the One who heals ultimately.

If we think that it is always the minister who gets the sick well, we reduce the simple message of the Gospel to men's ability and gifts. We look to the minister instead of Jesus. In this case, minister gets the glory instead of Jesus.

Thus, I love the fact that healing works even if the minister doesn't believe like Christ does. Believing is simply seeing what Christ sees. While the minister may not see what Christ sees when ministering healing, the sick can still believe and receive healing. It's the sick who gets himself healed. The minister acts as a mere instrument. I love this because it shows how simple the Gospel is. Simply believe.

We may wonder how the sick believes and receives healing when it's actually the minister who prays.

Romans 10:17 says that faith comes from hearing and hearing from the Word of Christ. The sick can hear the Gospel preached/shared by the minister, respond in faith and receive healing. The minister has nothing to do with the healing except to deliver the message and pray. Jesus gets the glory. But more often than not, we give the minister glory instead of Jesus. Because we use physical eyes to see: minister prays and the sick is healed. If we use spiritual eyes to see, we will know that it's not always the minister who believes.

In the first Kingdom Invasion in Singapore, a minister released many word of knowledge but saw little results of healing. He then realised that he forgot to share with the participants how to receive healing when a word of knowledge is released. He shared that when God releases a specific word of knowledge, He wants the person healed. So the person should respond and receive on the spot. After that sharing, he again released many word of knowledge and the results of healing were tremendous as compared to the previous session. The minister wasn't the one who got the sick healed. It was the sick who got themselves healed after hearing and understanding the message.

One healing minister shared that this is the reason why you can give fake word of knowledge from the pulpit and people will still get healed, because it isn't the minister's faith. It's the sick who responded in faith.

I believe that this is the same reason why a minister can pray for the sick in the first world country and the third world country and see different results. It's not always the minister who sees what Christ sees.

This is actually good because everyone gets to participate in appropriating the benefits of the Gospel. Jesus gets the glory. Yay God!

I was meditating on Ephesians 4:12-14 today. I wonder why we are taking a long time to reach the unity of the faith. Because the five-fold offices are supposed to equip the saints to DO the WORK of ministry. If every believer is equipped to do the work of the ministry, the church will be edified and come to the place of unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God. Because when you do the work and experience Him, it will alter your theology to align with the Gospel truth. When we share the same truth, we will represent the same Christ.

But the more we don't equip the believers to do it, the more we will look to the 'pulpit' minister. That perhaps results in different denominations and doctrines, with some thinking that Jesus doesn't always heal and with some thinking that healing is a spiritual gift that not all believers have. Healing is just one of the examples.

This is one reason why I stop ministering in a group setting where believers are present. We should get every believer to participate and do the work of ministry. That stops one-man show. And that awakens the true identity in every believer. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #equipping #simpleGospel #healingissimple #anyonecandoit #donotlooktominister #looktoJesusinyou

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Revelation of The Blood

If we have a clear revelation of the blood, we will have the revelation why we cannot be sick.

The blood removes us from the act of sin. In the sight of God, we are justified - just as if we have never sinned before. And if we have never sinned before (because of our Redeemer), we cannot be judged for sin, which means we cannot suffer the effects of sin - that is, sickness. We are judged in Christ. Sickness had been judged on the Cross, because Christ became sin for us.

Holy Spirit, I thank You that it is Your commitment and Your desire to reveal Christ to us, that we may know Him more and become like Him.


Christianity is not about changing your life. It's about receiving a brand new life.

If anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation. All things have passed away. Behold! All things have become new. - 2 Cor 5:17

Truth is a Person, not a principle. If you try to apply truth and hope for a change, you are in for failure. But if you receive Truth (He is the Truth) and rest in that Truth, the new life flows out of you.

It's not about changing your old life. It's about starting a new life. You don't live to become a new person. You live because you are a new person.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Giving Jesus Glory

Word of knowledge in a group/service setting imparts faith to the hearer so that he gets healed because of his faith, not because of the preacher. 

A speaker, at the first Kingdom Invasion in Singapore, released many WOK and saw little healing results. Because it's all about the speaker. 

He realised that he had to teach the hearers how to receive from Jesus directly so that they can receive healings effectively. True enough, after the teaching, when he gave many word of knowledge, many healings broke out.

It's faith in Jesus that releases the healing. We need to start giving Jesus glory instead of giving the man at the platform glory. It's about Jesus.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Miracles In Missions Field

The reason why miracles are easy in missions field is this: the third world people have faith in Jesus more than the preachers. It is what the people believe that gave them the miracles they needed. We are merely instruments pointing them to Jesus. God is so good in that as long as any side of the equation (preacher or people) believes, it will be done. There is nothing to take credit about when miracles happen in third world. Instead, there is much to learn from the local people. Simple faith. Simple trust. Simply believing.

Missions Trip In Surabaya

Passenger in flight, hotel staff, cafe baristas, toilet cleaner, food store uncle, cafe customers, security guard, bartenders, waiters and waitresses get healed in Jesus' name. Mini-healing revival breaks out in Indonesia.

It's a lifestyle. Where you walk, the King is revealed because He is always IN you.

Thursday 24 November 2016

Truth Alters Experiences

While experience alters theology, truth alters experiences.

Truth sets you free from experiencing what is true so that you can start experiencing what is truth.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Kill Religious Sacred Cows Part 4

1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

This verse is overused by many to justify, "You must confess your sins to be forgiven by God." Apparently, they are still living by the Old Covenant.

If we need to confess sins to be forgiven by God, then we need to confess every single sin. We can't just be picky and choose which sin to confess and which sin not to confess because we have forgotten. If confession of sin = forgiveness, then we have to ensure that every single one is confessed. Else we may not end up in heaven.

Some say that the context of John's writing is very important, because we need to know who the message was written to. But if a layman doesn't know the context, he can still easily interpret 1 John 1:9. To interpret 1 John 1:9 as the necessity to confess our sins in order to be forgiven has to be wrongly taught in order to be learnt that way by a lay person.

If we look at the verses without other verses in this book, we can rightly assume confession of sins is necessary for forgiveness.

1 John 1:8-10 - If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.

But if we look at the beginning of the next chapter, we will discover the true meaning of 1 John 1:9.

1 John 2:1 - My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.

John wrote, "I write to you, so that you may NOT sin. And IF anyone sins..."

Apparently, it is possible to walk free from sin. And that's the heart of John in his writing.

Comparing 1 John 1:8-9 and 1 John 2:1, and you will get the answer. John could not be saying, "My little children, I write this so that you may not sin. Because you can be free from sin. But you always will be sinning, so you can't say that you won't be sinning..." This sounds absolutely weird and inconsistent with the New Covenant. Jesus died to free us from sin. We have a brand new divine nature that is not sinful to begin with. To say that we are always going to sin is to deny the goodness and the power of the Gospel.

1 John 2:12 shows us further that the believers have already been forgiven of their sins because of what Jesus had done on the Cross. It would be absurd for John to ask them to confess their sins in order to be forgiven when he said that they were already forgiven.

1 John 1:7 - But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.

To have fellowship with one another is to be in fellowship with the Father and the Son (1 John 1:3). When we are in Christ, the blood of Christ cleanses us continually and permanently from all sin. So how can 1 John 1:9 still applies to believers who have been and are continually cleansed from all sin?

1 John 1:3 shows us who John was writing to in this part of the message. "...that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us..."

In other words, John was saying, "I'm declaring the Gospel (Jesus is God who became flesh and lived among us - we have seen and heard and even touched) to you, so that you may have fellowship with us, so that you may believe and be in Christ!

Therefore, 1 John 1:8-10 is clear.

1 John 1:8-10 - If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.

1 John 1:8 - "If we say that we have no sin..." In other words, "If we say that we have no need for a Saviour..." This is consistent with 1 John 1:10 - "If we say that we have not sinned". If you believe that you have not sinned before, then you don't need a Saviour. But that will make God a liar, because all have sinned and fallen short of His glory (Rom 3:23).

Thus, 1 John 1:9 is John preaching the truth (Gospel) as there were non-believers who tried to deceive the believers (1 John 2:26) in church. Just because people attend church do not mean they are saved (1 John 2:19). They can believe in wrong doctrine instead of Jesus, which happened for this case. "If you confess your need for the Saviour, God is faithful and just. He cleanses you from all unrighteousness."

For the believers, we are and will always be the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (2 Cor 5:21).

Does this mean we cannot confess our sins? Yes we can. But we don't confess to be forgiven. We confess because we are forgiven. #killsacredcows

Sunday 20 November 2016

Healing By Nothing

Had a word of knowledge for the hotel supervisor concerning his left ankle. He shared that he had ankle injury for many years due to football.

I stood there doing nothing. Was not even looking at him. Suddenly he felt electricity current flowing in his left ankle. When I got him to test out, he felt the great difference. Jesus!

Was at Nespresso boutique to purchase some capsules. A M staff approached to serve me. I had a WOK for the back of her neck. I said, "Do you have tightness there?" She replied, "How do you know?" As I stood there doing nothing (not even looking at her), she was healed completely.

Love the mind of Christ. There is nothing that is impossible! Jesus!

Friday 18 November 2016

Incarnation VS Impartation

Someone asked me to give him an impartation. I said, "No. I don't believe that. Christ is in you and thus, you have everything. You just need to believe and walk in it." 

If we seek after impartation, we go from man to man. If we seek after incarnation (Christ in us), we go from glory to glory.

Impartation kills identity. But incarnation reveals identity.

The Power Of Consciousness

While coming out of the lift, I saw a youth going to enter another lift. He was wearing a bandage from wrist to his forearm. I asked him to come out for a while. As I stood there talking to him, he felt tingling all over his wrist and arm. Asked him to test out and he couldn't find any pain, which he had earlier. I asked if he could remove his bandage but it was made of a hard material which requires the doctor to cut open. Jesus!

The laundry man came late to my landlord's unit. But Jesus touched him anyway. Had a word of knowledge for the back of his neck. He nodded and shared that his shoulder and his elbow were in pain too. He added that it wouldn't recover because it had been there for many years and he is already in his 50s.

I stood there and his pain left his neck. Stood a while more and he said, "Eh? My shoulder and my elbow are so much better." In the end, he was healed. He asked if it was mind power. I said it's Jesus. Jesus!

When you are conscious of the One in you, people become conscious of the One through you. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealing #dailylifestyle

Thursday 17 November 2016

Pubs Outreach

Many were healed as we simply did and said nothing. Jesus!

One beautiful testimony is an ex-convict who was selling keychains with his mates. He had pain at the side of his foot. We simply stood there and the pain left him completely. He then shared that he had occasional lower back pain. We held his legs without saying anything. His spine was straightened and he felt tingling on his left leg.

Then we prophesied about his family. He nodded in agreement and felt the love of God upon his life. He said that his whole body was vibrating as we prophesied and ministered to him. He is a believer but he hasn't been to church for many years. But God hand picked him to pour out His love. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #surprisedpeople #pubs #outreach #nightlife

Saturday 12 November 2016

Personal Note

In this order of sequence:

1) Natural + Effortless + First Pop-Up + Spontaneous

2) Natural + Effortless + First Pop-Up + Clear

3) Natural + Effortless + First Pop-Up + Vague

4) Natural + Effortless + Wait + Spontaneous Clear

5) Natural + Effortless + Wait + Spontaneous Vague

Friday 11 November 2016

Hosting The King - Healing Without Words Or Actions

Staff At Burger-Up Received Jesus!

Met up with a friend at Burger-Up. I saw one M lady wearing a wrist guard. So I approached her. She was suspicious and skeptical about what I wanted to do. I said, "I do free healing." She replied, "No thanks. It's okay." I continued, "It just takes a few seconds and I don't have to touch you." She insisted, "No it's ok." I responded, "A few seconds start now." She looked at her friends and gave the weird look. Her friends were giggling. She started giggling too. Well, you have to get past any offense to minister.

I did nothing and said nothing. Then I said, "You test it out." She was shocked when she couldn't find any pain. I said, "Take out your wrist guard and test it." She looked surprised and spoke in M language to her friends. She said, "It's totally okay now!" All her friends' expressions changed from giggling to amazement.

"What did you do?"
"Is that magic?"
"Is it permanent?"

I received a word of knowledge and I asked if one of them had pain at the back of the neck. Everyone said "No." I looked at one guy and said, "It's you, right?" He was surprised and nodded his head. I said, "Test out your neck now." He tested and said, "F**king weird!!" Because it's healed.

One of their friends had ACL. So I ministered without doing anything. She couldn't test it as she had no pain at that moment.

The fourth friend had pain at the side of her foot. As I conversed with her, she felt tingling at her foot. In the end, she was completely healed. She told her friends, "Som Ba!" It means "I swear!"

All of them were astonished. I started sharing about Jesus with them. They are all M.

As I was sitting down with my friend, one of the Burger-Up staff approached me and told me she had pain at both shin areas. She said, "But I can't stay here because my boss is around. I have to go back to the counter."

I went up to the counter to find her. As she was wiping the tray, I said, "What are you feeling right now?" Her mouth opened wide and she replied, "There's stuff going on in my legs!" I replied, "Now, you walk and test them out." She was completely healed. With her eyes and mouth wide opened, I shared the Gospel and she received Jesus into her life right behind the cashier's counter. When the Holy Spirit filled her, her whole body was filled with His presence. She said, "I can't describe what I'm feeling right now."

Jesus is awesome! Ministry is so much easier when you don't have to do or say anything. It's about hosting the King. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #Gospel #dailylifestyle #dailyhealings

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Revelation of Cyclops

While waiting for my prata to be ready, I asked one of the staff, "How's the left part of your neck?" He shared that it was sore.

I said, "Ok." Then I did nothing and said nothing. I asked, "How are you feeling now?" He replied, "Suddenly it's relaxed and it's tingling right now." When he tested out, the sore was gone.

Man, this revelation will really help us to minister to any staff who needs to work and can't stop for you to minister. #lifestylechristianity101 #dailylifestyle #dailyhealings #collectingpayment #cyclops

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Breakthrough - Cyclops Healing Power

Two Girls Born Into The Kingdom!

Spidey Solo Outreach

Decided to minister healing today by pointing finger. Not with the middle finger though. If I do that, I may be the one who needs healing.

Many healings from necks, shoulders, deltoid, knees, ankle, etc. They are all healed by pointing finger from a distance.

Some of the testimonies are as follows:

1) A Malay guy 
- He had just sprained his right deltoid yesterday. I pointed my finger at him from a distance. He kept moving towards me but I said, "No. You go further away from me." He was completely shocked when he tested out his shoulder. Totally healed! Jesus!

2) China lady
- When I was pointing to her neck where she had pain, she was busy taking welfie with me. She stood a distance away from me. As she was positioning her phone camera, she suddenly touched the back of her neck and exclaimed, "Eh?! Where is it? Where is the pain? Eh?! Weird!"
- Apparently she thought I was joking. She thought I was posing by pointing my finger. Her friends were laughing. Passersby were giggling away. It's ok to be a clown for Jesus because people do not know what you are doing.
- She was healed even though she didn't believe and she wasn't even concentrating. She was doing her own thing - adjusting her camera position and posing. LOL. Jesus is awesome!

3) Two girls born into the kingdom
- They were sitting on a public bench. They stopped me to ask what I was doing. One of them had dislocated her left knee years ago and she continually had pain.
- I pointed to her knee. Her face was in extreme shock. She kept saying, "This is freaking me out totally! I can feel tingling all over my knee." She was completely healed.
- Prophesied on the two of them. For this girl, I said, "When you graduate, you are going to step into an area where everyone is discouraging you from doing. But you will be bold enough to step into it." She was surprised and joyfully exclaimed, "I'm going to graduate soon and I'm planning to enter into the stock market where everybody is telling me not to go into."
- Shared the Gospel with them and they received Jesus into their lives! Holy Spirit filled them and this girl felt sudden peace coming upon her. She turned and told her newly born-again friend, "Didn't I tell you that I was feeling so stressed just now? It all left!"
- As I saw them holding to some keychains, I knew they were trying to earn some pocket money. Blessed them with some money and told them how much Jesus loves them. Yeah Jesus!

4) Two girls doing survey
- Two girls came to me as they were doing survey as their part-time job.
- One of them (Malay girl) had ankle injury. As my arm was tired after pointing to many people, I decided to be a cyclops. I reckoned that as long as it's in my line of sight, the person should get healed without my finger pointing.
- I simply stood there doing nothing. While having a conversation with her, suddenly she said, "My ankle is getting warm!" I replied, "More is coming." She said, "It's hot now! How did you do that?" Cut the long story short, she was healed without me saying or doing anything. It's awesome Jesus!
- She continued, "Can you do the same for my left knee? Whenever I bend, it would be painful due to past injury." I applied 'cyclops' power again and she bent her knee in great amazement because there was no more pain! She told her friend, "I'm serious! I'm not kidding! The pain is gone!"
- Her friend asked, "Is this fortune telling?" I replied, "No, this is healing. It's Jesus. And Jesus knows stuff concerning your life too." Then I turned back to the Malay girl and prophesied, "I see a heart that is broken but Jesus is mending it. You just went through a broken relationship and you are hurting. But Jesus is restoring because He loves you."
- She opened her mouth wide and told her friend, "Oh my gosh! That is so exact. He knew it!"
- Shared the Gospel with them. I could tell that the Malay girl was ready to receive Jesus but her Chinese friend said, "I want to be a Christian but I'm not ready as my parents forbid." The Malay girl then hesitated and said, "I think I'm not ready too. But I'll email you." Apparently, peer does have an influence.

God is bigger than we know. We can never put Him in a box. I used to think that I had to lay hand to heal the sick; then I thought I could just point with my finger; now I know I can just be a cyclops. There were so many 'shocked' expressions today that were priceless.

The world is waiting for us to arise. This is for EVERY believer. We are going to reap a harvest that we have never seen before. Today is the day of salvation! Now is the time to arise and walk out your identity! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailylifestyle #dailyhealings #Gospel #spideyoutreach #cyclops

P.S: Maybe it's time to get a cyclops suit.

Kill Religious Sacred Cows Part 3

Kill Religious Sacred Cows Part 3

Luke 4:1-2, 14 - Then Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, being tempted for forty days by the devil. And in those days He ate nothing, and afterward, when they had ended, He was hungry... Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and news of Him went out through all the surrounding region.

Some say that because Jesus fasted 40 days in the wilderness, He could return in the power of the Spirit. Thus, fasting is taught as the key for power. "If you want to walk in miracles, signs and wonders, FAST! If you want to walk in power, FAST like Jesus!"

Does fasting give you power?

While Matthew 4 uses the words "Jesus fasted..." (Matthew is written to the Jews), Luke 4 does not record the word 'fasting'. Instead, the Holy Spirit inspired Luke to write, "being tempted for forty days by the devil."

Jesus was tempted by the devil concerning His identity - "If You are the Son of God..." The reason why He returned in power is not complicated. He overcame all the temptations of the devil, which revealed that He knew His identity and walked in His identity. The beginning of the verse already told us that "Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit" was being tempted for forty days by the devil. In John 3:34, God gave Jesus the Spirit without measure. The fullness of the Spirit was already in Jesus. In other words, Jesus was already filled with power.

NOTE: Believers who think that they need to fast to get power or move in power is to deny the fullness of power that is already IN them because of what Jesus paid for on the Cross.

Look at what the Bridegroom said about fasting.

Mark 2:18-20 - The disciples of John and of the Pharisees were fasting. Then they came and said to Him, “Why do the disciples of John and of the Pharisees fast, but Your disciples do not fast?” And Jesus said to them, “Can the friends of the bridegroom fast while the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them they cannot fast. But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast in those days.

Jesus was revealing the New Covenant. It is the new wine (Mark 2:22) that His death and resurrection would bring about.

"As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast." Jesus was WITH them, so they didn't need to fast. But Jesus would go to the Cross, and the disciples would have to fast (mourn). After Jesus resurrected, He gave His disciples the Holy Spirit. This is the promise of God, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." Where is the Bridegroom now? He is IN us and WITH us.

This destroys the religious sacred cow of the obligation to fast.

The question is... "But how do we walk in power?" 

John 6:28-29 - Then they said to Him, “What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?” Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you BELIEVE in Him whom He sent.”

The people saw the miracles Jesus did and they asked Him how they could do the same miracles. Jesus replied, "Believe in Me."

Apparently, walking in power has nothing to do with fasting. It has to do with simply believing. Mark 16:17 - And these signs will follow those who BELIEVE...

The key to walking in power is simply about believing in Jesus and what He says about you. It is knowing your true identity as the sons and daughters of God. EVERY believer can walk in POWER, whether you fast or not. Because fasting does not give you power.

It is knowing your identity that releases the power that is already IN you. Christ IN you is the Hope of glory.

Stop trying.
Stop striving.
Stop achieving.

Start trusting.
Start resting.
Start receiving. #killsacredcows

Saturday 5 November 2016

Born Again At 7-eleven

Born Again At 7-eleven

Went to 7-eleven outside of MRT to buy a drink. As I was making payment, God spoke to me about the cashier concerning her toes. She was shocked that her problem was made known. Ministered to her and she was healed. She requested healing for both her fingers and they were both healed. I continued, "And your left knee too." By now, she's totally stunned. Shared the Gospel with her. As she believed in many gods, I had to be intentional in saying, "Jesus is the God of all gods. He is the only Way to the Father. There is no other way."

She listened and nodded. And she invited Jesus into her life! 

It was interesting as we had to stop and continue a few times as there were customers making payment. As I prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill her, she could feel her whole body tingling with His tangible presence.

Sometimes, all we need is just one word and one touch of God. It changes everything. #lifestylechristianity101 #daily #collectingpayment #Gospel

Atonement For All

The reason why non-believers can be healed is because their sins have all been forgiven on the Cross once and for all.

If we can see a person 'just as if' he has never sinned before, we can heal the person 'just as if' he has never been sick before. #AtonementofChristforAll

Friday 4 November 2016

Kill Religious Sacred Cows Part 2

Mark 6:4-6 - But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house.” Now He could do no mighty work there, except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them. And He marveled because of their unbelief.

Some said that Jesus could not do any miracles because of unbelief. Apparently, they believe that unbelief in the atmosphere can shut down Jesus' anointing and power. They conclude with the passage where Jesus put everyone out of Jairus' house, for unbelief can prevent Jesus from raising the 12-year old girl from the dead.

Can unbelief override faith?

Jesus laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them. Either they came to Jesus for healing or they just couldn't really move away from Him. Because whomever He touched would surely be healed and made whole.

The same story can be found in Luke 4:16-30. It revealed why Jesus couldn't do mighty works there.

Luke 4:28-30 - So all those in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath, and rose up and thrust Him out of the city; and they led Him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built, that they might throw Him down over the cliff. Then passing through the midst of them, He went His way.

Scripture interprets Scripture. The Jews thrust Jesus out of the synagogue. They rejected Him. If you planned to heal the sick in the church, but you were rejected and thrust out of the church, it is obvious why you couldn't do miracles. Because nobody came to you for healing.

It was not that Jesus couldn't heal the sick because of the presence of unbelief in the atmosphere (or in the hearts of people). It was because He was literally chased out of the place.

Stop blaming the afflicted ones and start growing in the Lord.

Kill Religious Sacred Cows

Kill Religious Sacred Cows

Always love Acts 3 where Peter healed the man born lame.

1) The man did not expect healing. He was expecting money.
2) The man did not have faith to be well. He had no clue.
3) The man did not even want/request to be well. He just wanted money.

Yet Peter simply released the life of the Spirit through faith in Jesus' name.

A bible teacher said, "There are 100 over reasons why a person is not healed." 

If there are many reasons, Jesus would have taught that in the Gospel.

It is the goodness of God that leads men to repentance. Not the other way round. If we say, "Well, just use whatever method, as long as the person gets healed." Then we should get the New Age people to do healing. They can be rather effective. But why do we not ask for their help? Because it misrepresents who God is and it opens door for demonic deception.

Similarly, if we need to break generation curses or get the person to release forgiveness/bitterness before he can be healed, we are misrepresenting the nature and the goodness of God. Because the afflicted one will walk in fear, always thinking that the enemy can attack him anytime if he doesn't make sure that unforgiveness in his heart is constantly released. So he ends up focusing on the devil instead of the goodness of God.

I think we need to stop giving extrabiblical reasons on why a person is not healed, because it has nothing to do with the afflicted one if we are walking in true power. Just admit that we are not there yet. There are many healings I have seen and there are many I haven't seen. I'm just not there yet. It is a misrepresentation of God's nature if we say that the afflicted ones cannot be healed because they don't have faith or have deep seated issues of unforgiveness and bitterness.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Why Jesus Wept

Why Jesus Wept

John 11:33-35 - Therefore, when Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who came with her weeping, He groaned in the spirit and was troubled. And He said, “Where have you laid him?” They said to Him, “Lord, come and see.” Jesus wept.

It is interesting that Jesus didn't weep like us at Lazarus' funeral. He 'groaned in the spirit'. In the Greek, it means, He 'snorts in anger'. He was angry at the devil for causing the death of His friend. He was also troubled. In the Greek, it means 'agitated'. Jesus was angry and agitated at the work of the devil - that caused the death of Lazarus.

At the same time, Jesus was filled with compassion towards Mary and Martha.

He was ANGRY at the devil, but COMPASSIONATE towards Mary and Martha at the same time. This reveals how we should deal with sickness and premature death - angry at the devil and compassionate towards the afflicted one.

The Bible says that 'Jesus wept'. It is interesting to note that Jesus did not weep like Mary and the Jews (v33). In the Greek, the word 'weep' is used differently for Jesus. For Mary and the Jews, it is the word 'klaio', which means 'mourning for the dead'. For Jesus, it is the word 'dakry', which means 'tears'. It is only used one time in the New Testament and it is used here.

Jesus did not mourn for the dead. He was here to raise Lazarus from the dead. He knew that Lazarus would surely come out of the tomb alive and kicking.

In Luke 7, a widow's son had died. Jesus actually told the widow NOT to weep.

Luke 7:13 - When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep.”

The word 'weep' here in Greek is 'klaio'. It is exactly the same word used for Mary and the Jews when they mourned for the dead Lazarus.

Jesus told the widow of Nain not to weep because He was going to raise him from the dead. Scripture interprets Scripture. Therefore, Jesus wept (dakry), not because He was mourning for Lazarus like humans do.

Jesus wept (in tears) because He was grieved at unbelief - the root of sin (Mark 3:5; Eph 4:30). He wouldn't mourn because He was going to raise Lazarus from the dead. If He would mourn, He would have mourned with the widow of Nain. He was grieved because no one knew the heart of God. They were all mourning for the dead.

Jesus is the exact representation of God. We can learn from Him to be angry at the devil and compassionate towards the afflicted. And compassion is not simply a feeling. It is filled with action and passion of love. In other words, we need to heal the sick and raise the dead.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Unanswered Prayer - Only Two Reasons

"The only two times when a prayer is not being answered in Scriptures are faith and selfish motives." - Dan Mohler

James 1:6 and 4:3.

Spidey Duo Outreach

Spidey duo outreach today:

During the first hour or so, there was only a few people in the streets due to unexpected rain. We were thinking of ending today's outreach early.

However, as we were walking back to where we started, in the short 40 minutes or so, there were so many whom we ministered to. Two group of students interviewed us as they did their surveys/project.

Three necks healed; knees healed; few backs healed; unknown stomach pain healed; few shoulders healed; wrists healed; frozen shoulder and old injury healed; lungs restored, etc.

Many faces were in complete shocked because of the healing.

1) A lady with breathing difficulty felt her heart burning during prayer and she began to breathe properly.

2) A male student had an old wrist injury for many years and he could hardly bend his wrist. When he was healed, his face was totally stunned. He even tested out by doing a hand stand.

3) A magician with old shoulder injury (healed) was so shocked that he said, "I have done magic for many years. But what is this man?!"

4) His Hindu friend was healed of frozen shoulder. He cursed and said, "What is this shit, man?!" We shared the Gospel with him. As he's a Hindu, we had to be intentional in explaining that Jesus is the only true God (apart from the rest of the gods he worshiped) and the only Way to the Father. Praise Jesus! He's born again into the family of God. As we baptized him with the Holy Spirit, he felt his whole body vibrating because the Spirit has taken residence. Then we prophesied on him about what God sees in his life and he nodded in agreement with the One who knew him before he was born into this world.

I must say Rei's Mandarin is really good and some of us probably need a crash course from him on "How to share the Gospel in Mandarin". #lifestylechristianity101 #healing #collectingpayment #gospel

Halloween Outreach 2016

Part of the Halloween outreach team on 28 Oct at RWS and Vivocity. So beautiful! 9 different churches united for one purpose. Same Jesus and mission. Love it!

New Creation
Full Gospel Assembly
Cornerstone Community
Enqun Community
Church of the Ascension
Agape Baptist
Living Sanctuary Brethen


When you are a sinner, you pray from earth to heaven.

When you are a saint (born again), you pray from heaven to heaven.

When you are a son (knowing your authority), you pray from heaven to earth.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Jesus Used The Least Words

While preparing for teaching, I realised that Jesus used so many words when He shared His heart and explained His teachings. But those times when He used the least words are when He healed the sick and cast out demons.

In other words, when it comes to demonstrating power, it's not about what you say, but about what you believe. If you believe, you don't have to say.

If the way we pray for cancer is different from the way we pray for a muscle ache, it means that we need to change our belief about His power.

On Immortality & Death

But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. 23 But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ’s at His coming. 24 Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power. 25 For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet. 26 The last enemy that will be destroyed is death. - 1 Cor 15:20-26

One of the clearest passages on death. Everyone has to die eventually (not prematurely and not with sickness). This is the reason why we need a glorified body when Jesus returns. To believe in immortality is to believe in a lie.

For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54 So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory. - 1 Corinthians 15:53-54

Sunday 16 October 2016

Prayer: Heaven To Earth

When we pray to God, we are not praying from earth to heaven. We are praying from heaven to heaven. Because we are seated with Christ in the heavenly places.

If we see Jesus as a Saviour, we pray from earth to heaven. If we see Jesus in us, we pray from heaven to earth. #thykingdomcome

Thursday 13 October 2016

TLA Session 1

Prior to the teaching session last night, God gave me some WOK in advance. This shows that He dwells outside of time.

All came to pass. The last one is something new that I tried. It has to do with bank account balance. Jesus desired to pour out finances on this person who responded. He is so good!

Wednesday 12 October 2016


Was having an egg prata at the prata shop. I asked the first staff, "How's the back of your neck?" He said, "How you know?" He was healed. I turned to the other staff and said, "And how's your arm?" He, too, was healed.

Two more staff queued for their turn. All of them were healed. The first staff asked, "How did you identify our pain?" Shared Jesus with them. Most of them are Hindus. It is one thing to ask them to receive Jesus. It is another to ask them to stop believing in the rest of the thousands of gods. In our zeal to get people receive Jesus, sometimes we deny them an opportunity to know who Jesus really is. As a result, the Jesus they receive is not the real Jesus. It becomes another god. Receiving Jesus usually means adding one extra god to their list of gods. As the customers were flowing in, I had to leave it as that. Yet one thing I know, Jesus doesn't stop blessing people. Not all He healed followed Him. But it didn't stop Him. It is unconditional. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #daily

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Beautiful testimony from Singapore

Doctor diagnosed a woman with unusual growth after mammogram and asked her to make an appointment within two weeks at National Cancer Centre. She came for the healing meeting before going for the appointment. The doctor at NCCS did various scans. Senior consultant confirmed that they could not find anything! She said, "The issues were erased in Jesus' name!"

Her daughter was diagnosed with childhood epilepsy 2 years ago and had since been on medication. She, too, came for the healing meeting. Recently, she went for review with the neurologist, did a test and was found normal! The neurologist cleared her of epilepsy. Praise Jesus! He is so GOOD!

What's even more beautiful is this... I did not pray for her. I simply preached a message based on truth and identity. I love to see people knowing their true identity and experiencing freedom. Stop looking to the pulpit man, gifts and impartation. Start looking within, where your true inheritance lies. Identity is the key to be the incarnated christ.

 #collectingpayment #healing #identity

Sunday 9 October 2016

Open Our Mouth

Been a while since I posted daily testimonies...

Was representing the landlord but helping the tenant to find adapter out of goodwill.

I went to Home-Fix and approached the Malay staff who served me. Before I left, I asked, "You have ankle problem?" He replied, "Why do you ask?" I said, "You have it, right?" He asked, "What do you mean? Why would you ask this kind of thing?"

I answered, "I sensed it." He then confessed, "Yes. For two weeks." He was totally healed and was stunned. I said, "Jesus lives in me. He tells me about people's condition and their lives. When I touch your ankle, He heals you. He loves you."

His expression was priceless.

So I continued, "In fact, He is telling me that you are someone who swims against the current. You don't follow the majority in the way you think about things. There is such creativity that He has put in you."

He smiled and nodded, "That is really true." He asked me for my name. So I told him about the name of Issa in Koran.

Every single person we meet is an opportunity to present the Good News. Jesus is doing a shoutout from our spirit all the time. Our role is simple: Just open our mouth and let Him do the rest. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #daily #evangelismisarest

Wednesday 5 October 2016


It is possible to walk without sin. If Jesus was impeccable and could not sin, we have no model to look to. Jesus could sin but He didn't. That gives us a model.

The early disciples walked from that model without sin. This is why John could write 1 John.

1 John 3:5-6 - And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin. Whoever abides in Him does not sin.

1 John 3:9 - Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.

The Son of God was manifested to destroy both the nature and the works of the devil. (1 John 3:5, 8)

The blood of Jesus removes you from sin, the stain of sin, the sting of sin, the effects of sin, the reminder of sin, the mark of sin and even the action of sin. - Dan Mohler

What a privilege! Train me in righteousness, Jesus.

Sunday 2 October 2016

Making Our World Like His

To be perfect love, one has to be just. If my Father is not a just Judge, He can't be perfect Love. 

In trying to explain the goodness of God, there are some who actually re-interpret the Old Testament. I read a book on it. The theologian tried to interchange "The Lord" in the Old Testament with "Satan" whenever death is involved. Because he couldn't reconcile with the fact that John 10:10 says that Jesus has come to give abundant life.

It is clear, however, that God sent the Flood to protect mankind from total destruction due to sin. If we don't understand the mercy and purpose of God, we think that it's satan who sent the Flood and we start interpreting Old Testament by interchanging "The Lord" with "satan" whenever there is death involved. That is man's effort to reconcile the goodness of God found in the Person of Jesus. However, there is no conflict involved between OT God and NT Jesus if we understand the different covenants.

While the Flood was sent by God, those people simply had their breath taken away. Jesus went down to preach to them to set them free (1 Peter 3:19-20). That's extreme mercy.

Under the Law, God had to judge those under the Law, because they chose to relate to Him in that covenant. It's called Mosaic covenant, which was never God's original intention. He had wanted Israel to be sons. But they themselves chose to be servants. They chose the judgment. God has to remain a just Judge because He is perfect Love.

Jesus came to redeem those under the Law so that they were set free from the curse they had bound themselves to (Deut 5:27; Neh 10:29; Gal 3:13).

The whole approach of relating with God changed when Jesus came to reveal the original Way. King David had a foretaste of that relationship. He broke through the Mosaic covenant.

In trying to reconcile the goodness of God in the New Covenant with the justice of God in the Old Covenant, we undermine the true aspect of His perfect love.

A lady was caught in speeding while driving. When she was brought before the judge, she confessed her wrong. The judge said, "Fine her $5000." At the end of the trial, the judge removed his robe and made the payment of $5000 for the lady. This shocked the entire audience. The judge then said, "I am her father. I love her."

God, the just Judge paid for our sins which were supposed to be judged under Old Covenant. That is extreme love.

God cannot be perfect love if He is not a just Judge. If we don't understand the different covenants, we will undermine His true nature. Because He is perfect love, He will come again in the Last Day to judge the choices of mankind. For us as believers, we have passed over the Judgment Seat. 

Now, it is extreme grace. He is not coming yet so that people can make the right choice. It is the time for us to reach out urgently so that our world may look like His. Hell is not meant for people. It's reserved for the devil and his demons. But in choosing the enemy's side because of unbelief, people choose their own destiny. God desires that no one shall perish.

"Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done." When we are ready, He will return. In other words, we can hasten His return by reaping the harvest.

If we are waiting to be rescued from this world, we will sit around and do nothing. We will perhaps hold many prayer meetings to pray for His return. I don't think He will come back by praying.

But if we are preparing ourselves as His perfect Bride for the Grand Wedding, we will advance His kingdom on earth right now. This is why Christ in us is the Hope of glory.

Sunday 25 September 2016

Forgiven & Healed

Mark 2:5 - When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.”

This passage used to really baffle me. The paralytic man didn't ask to be forgiven of his sins. Neither did Jesus see his faith and forgave him. Jesus only saw the faith of his friends, who climbed the roof and lowered him to be healed.

Can salvation be received on behalf of someone? I don't think so.

Mark 2:9-11 - Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Arise, take up your bed and walk’? But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins”—He said to the paralytic, "I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.”

It is obviously easier to say, "Your sins are forgiven you" than to say, "Arise, take up your bed and walk." You have to prove the latter if you say it.

Jesus, however, chose the tougher move. He healed the paralytic man to prove that He has forgiven his sins. Apparently, for Jesus, there is no separation between forgiveness and healing. It is the religious people who tend to say, "Oh forgiveness of sins is spiritual, but healing is a different story."

Jesus said, "But that you may know that the Son of Man has the power on earth to forgive sins." He confirmed the forgiveness of the paralytic man by healing him.

This is the work of grace. Jesus didn't need the paralytic man to say, "Lord, forgive me." By His grace, He chose to forgive his sins. Because He is the Son of Man who has the authority on earth to forgive sins.

On the Cross, Jesus forgave the sins of the world. It is the same work of grace. God so loved the world that He chose His Son to die so that the sins of every mankind are forgiven. This also means that He has chosen to heal ALL.

However, being forgiven and healed doesn't automatically mean that a person has entered the kingdom of God. It is by grace THROUGH faith. It requires a response by us - believing in Him.

The question is not, "Am I forgiven?" or "Can I be healed?" Because the work is already completed on the Cross. The question is, "Will I believe in Him as the Saviour and Lord?"

Saturday 24 September 2016

Wife's First Healing

After dinner celebration, we were about to go when the cashier played with my son. God spoke to me about her right shoulder. Asked her and she was surprised that I knew. I got my wife to lay hand on her shoulder and she immediately felt relief.

Another staff came and said that she often sprains her neck. She had pain at the right side of her neck. My wife laid hand and she got healed.

We shared with them about Jesus. Yay God! 

It is all about walking out our identity and inheritance everywhere we go.

#lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #daily #everywhereyougo #firsthealingbywifey #manymoretocome #coupleforces #coupleunited

Unknown Stomach Issue Healed

Young girl with one year of unknown stomach issue healed.

Doctor couldn't diagnose the root of her continual stomach pain. She would have severe pain in the mornings.

She went for a healing service recently but the pain worsened on the following day. Went to minister to her on the following week.

Just received news from her mum that she is now pain free! Jesus!

Ministering Truth

I am guilty of leading so many times of altar ministry in the past. But in this past year, I have come to realise that altar ministry "destroys" the truth on identity that is meant to set people free. It is not a question of humbling yourself to go to the altar for ministry. If we seek to live by experiences/manifestations/impartations, we will fail to understand and walk in the truth.

I always wondered about inner healing ministry. I haven't seen/heard about a biblical inner healing that follows Jesus' ways. But now I realise that Jesus simply ministered truth.

What Dan Mohler said is very true. People always shared testimonies of how they were delivered after the inner healing/deliverance session, but they almost never shared the fruit of it, because many went back to bondage again. Only truth can produce fruit.

"If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." - John 8:36

"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." - John 8:32

The key to wholeness is knowing the truth.

Jeshua: When you read this blog in future, remember that this is the truth. Don't ever be swayed by other teachings. The Spirit in you will always bear witness. Watch this video if the link is still working for you.

Thursday 22 September 2016

Where I Started

Few nights ago, while ministering to a few staff, my wifey waited patiently at the dinner table, for she understood and supported what I was doing.

Reflecting back, I am very thankful and grateful.

It didn't start off this way close to four years ago. There was a point when I 'preyed' and prayed for every single person who needed healing in the streets. I prayed for several months without seeing any single healing. My wife felt embarrassed each time she went out with me. For this was something that was unusual for her. She had no model to see from.

One day, my church had the privilege to host Todd White in my Senior Pastor's office. As a staff, I was able to connect with him and ask questions. Without me asking, Todd shared that for the first eight-nine months when he prayed for people in the streets, his wife refused to go out with him. She, too, felt embarrassed. That was the encouragement that spurred me on to keep doing what I was doing. It was probably one of the best conversations that impacted my life. Todd White is such an authentic man.

Today, I had a conversation with my wife. I used to pray for so many people before I saw my first healing. Because I didn't know anyone who could bring me out to the streets at that time. It was a long process of persistence.

But it is something I don't want anyone to go through anymore. At the breakfast table, I told her, "So far, every single person who went out with us for street healing will definitely see the first healing in their lives and they will continue to walk in healing." She replied, "So I must go out with you one day too."

You don't know how much that sentence meant to me... from where I started from. Jesus is so good! 

Each time when we walk in the truth, it demands a response. Truth either challenges the heart to reject or accept. There is no status quo. As long as we keep walking, the truth will defend itself. I don't know what your situation is. But I know that as long as we keep walking in the truth, God is faithful to do what we can't do.

#tooawesome #beyondwords

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Seeing What Christ Sees: Healing Is Not A Mystery

How healing works is a MYSTERY. But how healing doesn't work is not a mystery. 

It is kind of contradicting to say that God's will is clear about healing but when it doesn't happen, we say it's a mystery.

The disciples were given power and authority to cast out ALL demons and to heal ALL sicknesses and diseases. (Luke 9:1; Matt 10:1)

But for one incident, they failed to cast out the demon. (Matt 17)

Jesus didn't say, "Oh boy, it's a mystery."

He didn't say, "You know what? God is still good and He is absolute love."

He didn't say, "This demon is very powerful."

He didn't say, "Well done. You have done your part."

He didn't say, "Well, the boy's father didn't really believe."

He didn't say, "Sometimes, it doesn't happen. Anyway, if he dies, it will be ultimate healing."

He actually rebuked the disciples, "O faithless and perverse generation..." (Matt 17:17) The word "perverse" is to "distort the purpose and plans of God." God's will is to heal. By failing to heal the demon-possessed boy, it was a distortion of God's purpose. Jesus expected His disciples to cast out the demon because they were given authority and power over ALL demons.

The disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?” (Matt 17:19)

Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." (Matt 17:20)

Jesus didn't say, "Because of your lack of faith." He said, "Because of your unbelief." The disciples had faith to cast out demons. They had good success (Luke 10:17). But they couldn't cast out the demon this time, not because they didn't have faith, but because they had unbelief - failing to see what Christ sees. 

The level of faith is not an issue when it comes to healing and deliverance. Jesus confirmed that by saying, "...if you have faith as a mustard seed..." Mustard seed is extremely small. In other words, even if you have a very small degree of faith, nothing will be impossible for you. Mark 11:23 also confirms this. It says, "whoever says to this mountain... and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says." It's simply about believing without doubting (Mark 5:36 - "Fear not, only believe and she will be well.").

James 1:6-8 says "But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways."

The problem does not lie with the level/degree of faith. The problem lies with having unbelief mixed with believing. It doesn't take great faith for healing and deliverance. It takes PURE faith (no unbelief).

Jesus gave the tool to remove unbelief. "This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting." This is not referring to the demon. If it is so, we will not know which demon requires fasting and prayer before we can cast it out. Jesus didn't fast and pray to cast out this demon either. Jesus never fasted and prayed for a miracle. Jesus fasted and prayed into a lifestyle. He stayed in the place of intimacy with the Father so that He could always see what the Father sees.

Here, Jesus was talking to His disciples about removing unbelief by fasting and prayer --- communion with the Father. Because when we get to the place of intimacy with the Father, we learn to see what He sees. When we see what He sees, unbelief has to go. Nothing will be impossible for us.

Before Jesus cast out the demon, He was actually at Mount Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1). He was in communion with the Father. He was continually seeing what the Father sees. He came down from the mountain (Matthew 17:9) bringing the Father's perspective to the demon-possessed boy.

This is the only passage where Jesus taught His disciples when they failed to cast out a demon / heal someone.

We need to grow in seeing what Christ sees and removing unbelief so that nothing is impossible for us. The way to grow is to know and see His love for us on the Cross, because faith always works through love.

How healing works is a mystery. But how healing doesn't work is not. We don't have to make it so complicated by coming out with all kinds of theories that the Bible didn't say.

P.S: This is not for us to beat ourselves down. Because neither do we beat ourselves down for not walking in 100% unconditional love yet. We are not there yet. But we can keep growing.

Monday 19 September 2016

Pubs & Sleazy Areas

Beautiful outreach with sons and daughters from different churches at the pubs and sleazy areas with many healed, prophesied to and heard about Jesus! 

One rugby guy was healed of his 12 years of shoulder injury and he lifted one of us high in the air by simply using his wrists and shoulders' strength. Jesus gave him a brand new shoulder.

Several were prophesied to. One guy was prophesied twice by us in few minutes apart and he received the exact same words God had for him. That released the revelation of his destiny.

One of the two guys disguising as zombies was completely healed when trying to promote an Halloween event. He exclaimed, "What is in your hand?!!!!"

A group of Singaporean ladies were celebrating birthday. When asked if they had problems physically, they were so skeptical that they said, "We are all fine. Oh come back when we are drunk so that you guys can jump on us." But when one of them got healed, they started to look serious and queued for their turn to be healed. Of course, Jesus was made known.

Many knee problems healed; two ACL healed; broken rib healed; forearm healed; tennis elbow healed; backs and necks healed; addiction broken - a guy saw a bright light when being ministered by the ladies; and the list went on with various other testimonies, etc. Jesus is so good! 

The harvest is ready. What are we waiting for?

The reason why many church leaders are afraid of empowering their members is because they are fearful of losing control. They are fearful of members realising their identity as sons and daughters and stop giving them the attention, approval and dependence they seek for. John the Baptist told his disciples, "Behold the Lamb of God." And his disciples left him and went after Jesus. That's true empowerment.

#lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #healing #Gospel #harvestisready

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Testimony From The Test

When I started to work in the real estate industry, I encountered some difficult property agents and uncommon deals. My wife said that God was giving me accelerated training in such a short span of time to handle various difficult issues.

In one of the deals, I met an unscrupulous Christian agent. I have never met anyone like him before. By far, he's still the champion when it comes to manipulation, staging and dishonesty. A non-Christian will easily have a much greater level of conscience than this man. But I know that God sees him righteous as His son. It is him who doesn't know. I remember challenging him on his method, "What do you think as a Christian?"

He was so unethical that I decided to give up the entire deal and lose a huge sum of money where I could pamper my wife and my son with over Christmas period. I was going to close the deal for sure. But I decided to get my hands off the deal and let him take over my buyer directly. I know that if I were to report him to the authorities, he would be in serious trouble. But my buyer (a friend) would also end up with legal issues.

In the midst of all these, a female seller (who is also a property agent) had been following up with me as my buyer was also interested with her unit under the same development. When my buyer bought another unit at a radically low price (orchestrated by the unethical Christian property agent), this female agent was very upset. The low transacted price greatly affected her unit's possible selling price. Despite much explanations, she was fuming. She threatened me, accused me countless of times, and decided that she would report me to the authorities. Being new to the industry, I did not fully understand the implication. I only know that by the grace of God, I have held my integrity and walk uprightly. I could have easily cooperated with the unethical Christian agent and earned a huge sum of money without breaking the law legally.

Christian businessmen: What is legal does not mean it is biblical. There will be loopholes in the legal area. But there is no loophole in the biblical area.

Christian agents: You don't have to follow the methods of top producers and top trainers to earn alot of money or even set breaking records for sellers, if you are doing the dishonest way. Yes, a seller may think you are extremely capable to fetch high price for him. But a white lie is still a lie. Earn it with peace within - that will give God the true glory.

Thus, I spoke to a lawyer and was thankful that I would be charged as innocent even if the female agent were to report me to the authorities. However, over a period of few months, she continued to accuse me and give verbal abuses. In the midst of these, I actually shared Jesus with her. She was wondering why I wasn't afraid.

Eventually, she began to pour out her troubles and problems with me concerning her family. Well, my wife knows this. For a short few months, she didn't contact me. One day, she contacted me and told me that she just recovered from depression and was discharged from hospital. You never know why some people respond in such a negative way. There is a root issue of identity - not knowing who she is.

I continued to share Jesus and prayed for her. She began to visit a church (without me inviting) and came to know Jesus! Today, I just received a photo of her and her family in their church camp. She said, "I'm learning from the Bible."

Your test can become a testimony when you choose Jesus. Todd White said, "Don't let sin against you become sin in you." That is so so true. Jesus is so good! #salvation

Baby Raised From Dead

Brought so much tears. This thing is real. This is what we give ourselves for. So much hope. Jesus!

Tuesday 13 September 2016


It's everyday Jesus. Everyday I pray, "Father, I thank You that I am a son and I will live as a son. Help me to represent You accurately to others."

While buying a cup of teh si siu dai at foodcourt, I had a word of knowledge. So I asked the cashier, "Does one of you have a problem with the wrist?" She asked, "Why did you ask?" I said, "Do you have it?" She said, "Yeah it's me." Held her wrist and she was completely healed.

Then I headed to my Propnex main office to collect a document which was left for me by a real estate partner. While I was waiting for the receptionist to pass me the document, I spoke to the M receptionist and asked how Hari Raya Haji had been for her. The word of knowledge came and I asked, "How's your right wrist?" She asked, "How did you know?! It suddenly hurt since last week." Ministered to her twice and she was set free. The Chinese receptionist asked, "Are you a Christian?" I said, "Yes." She said, "That's powerful." And I told the M about Jesus.

While having dinner with my wife at a Malaysian food stall, I had a word for the female cashier. I asked, "How's the left side of your shoulder?" She said, "I sprained it." While ministering to her, her male colleague looked at me. I turned to him and asked, "And how's your back?" He replied, "How you know? I have serious back problem. I can hardly get up from bed every morning." The lady got completely healed. 

The male colleague kept asking me, "Are you a physician or doctor?" I said, "No. I will tell you the reason later." Anyway, he had his left leg grown out. To be precise, it's actually not the leg growing out when it comes to healing of back problem. It is the spine being adjusted and straightened, thus it seems that the leg is growing out. The leg is not growing. It's the spine that is straightened. Real leg growth is when someone's leg has been amputated or certain part of the bone has been cut off.

The guy felt relieved for his back. I told him, "You see how it goes when you wake up the next day." He asked, "What do you do? What kind of job do you do? Are you a Pastor?" I said, "No. I'm just a Christian. Jesus lives in me and He heals you." One of his colleagues saw what happened and came to me, "I have numbness on my finger. Can you heal that?" She received healing. The same guy came back to me and asked, "Actually I can't really open my palm in the morning. Can you pray for me?" I ministered to him and said, "You see how it goes the next morning."

There is a place where we can manifest Him without being churchy. It's a daily thing to be the church instead of asking people to go to church. I am a first generation believer. I was a Taoist. When I stand in the shoes of a non-believer, I can feel what they feel. If I were to ask a Christian to join me in the Buddhist temple, almost 100% will reject my invitation. If I organise an outreach event to be held in the Buddhist temple with free food and stuff, which Christian wants to participate? It's time to stop inviting people to the church unless you have first been the church to them. It's not about clocking number to make the church look big and good.

Jesus didn't ask Zacchaeus, "Would you like to come to My house today? I'm holding an evangelistic meeting." Instead, He said, "Zacchaeus, I must go to your house today." You don't need to keep giving invitation if you learn to be a walking incarnation of Christ. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #daily #healing #Gospel

Saturday 3 September 2016

Mum's Salvation

I had bought two tickets for New Creation Church Mooncake Festival Hokkien Evangelistic service. Invited mum to attend with me.

As the date was drawing nearer, mum kept having various excuses for not wanting to attend. I knew that the enemy was influencing her mind to stop her from going.

Even this morning before the event, I suddenly had a throbbing headache. Felt so nausea that I wanted to puke. Took authority over the enemy in Jesus' name. When we arrived at the service, the headache just disappeared all of a sudden. The enemy has no new trick. But oh well, he is a defeated foe. We just have to stand firm in Jesus' name.

I had invited mum to many Mandarin services before few years ago, but it came to a point where she refused to attend, for fear of being 'converted' to be a Christian.

I was so glad that she agreed to attend today. I told God that I would simply rest and trust in Him.

During the altar call, she actually lifted her left hand to indicate her decision to receive Jesus! She stood up and prayed both in Hokkien and Mandarin to receive Jesus into her life!

As a first generation Christian whose parents are pious Taoists, I am overjoyed! My mum's generation and her mum/siblings are all Taoists.

Woo hoo! Thank You Jesus!!!! Yay God!!! So good!!! Jesus!

Acts 16:31 indeed!

Thursday 1 September 2016

Reaping Mentality

I have read this passage so many times. But God's Word is simply amazing. Because just as God is multi-faceted, so is His Word.

In John 4, Jesus reaped a huge harvest - entire village, by simply reaching a Samaritan woman.

Then He told His disciples, "Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" - John 4:35

While our natural mind sees seeds, the mind of Christ sees harvest. Jesus saw the end from the beginning. He saw the end - fruit, when it was just a seed. He said to His disciples, "It is ready for harvest!"

This is how we should see every soul - it is ready for harvest. It is ready to enter the kingdom. It is ready to be born again. This is why we do lifestyle christianity 101, because every single person is a potential revivalist (once you are born again, you are a walking revival). Until we learn to see the fruit instead of the seed, we will not move.

John 4:37-38 - "For in this the saying is true: ‘One sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labors.”

It is true that one sows and another reaps. But our main role is not sowing. Jesus said, "I have sent you to reap what you have not sown."

In the natural, we reap what we sow.
In the kingdom, we reap what Jesus had sown.

He had sown obedience, zoe life, righteousness, divine health, etc. We are simply reaping what He had sown. This is a life of gratitude. Evangelism IS gratitude. Reaching the lost is simply reaping what He had sown. What a privilege! Jesus has finished it all. Our role is just to reap the souls. #lifestylechristianity101 #Gospel

P.S: It is true that we are not always the ones witnessing the result of someone receiving salvation. We just reaped a measure of their baby steps towards salvation. The next person comes and reaps the full measure as the lost enters the kingdom and gets born again. The opposite is also true. Very often, people before us have preached the Gospel to them and reaped some measure of their steps towards salvation. We just happen to be the next one to reap the full measure.