Tuesday 13 September 2016


It's everyday Jesus. Everyday I pray, "Father, I thank You that I am a son and I will live as a son. Help me to represent You accurately to others."

While buying a cup of teh si siu dai at foodcourt, I had a word of knowledge. So I asked the cashier, "Does one of you have a problem with the wrist?" She asked, "Why did you ask?" I said, "Do you have it?" She said, "Yeah it's me." Held her wrist and she was completely healed.

Then I headed to my Propnex main office to collect a document which was left for me by a real estate partner. While I was waiting for the receptionist to pass me the document, I spoke to the M receptionist and asked how Hari Raya Haji had been for her. The word of knowledge came and I asked, "How's your right wrist?" She asked, "How did you know?! It suddenly hurt since last week." Ministered to her twice and she was set free. The Chinese receptionist asked, "Are you a Christian?" I said, "Yes." She said, "That's powerful." And I told the M about Jesus.

While having dinner with my wife at a Malaysian food stall, I had a word for the female cashier. I asked, "How's the left side of your shoulder?" She said, "I sprained it." While ministering to her, her male colleague looked at me. I turned to him and asked, "And how's your back?" He replied, "How you know? I have serious back problem. I can hardly get up from bed every morning." The lady got completely healed. 

The male colleague kept asking me, "Are you a physician or doctor?" I said, "No. I will tell you the reason later." Anyway, he had his left leg grown out. To be precise, it's actually not the leg growing out when it comes to healing of back problem. It is the spine being adjusted and straightened, thus it seems that the leg is growing out. The leg is not growing. It's the spine that is straightened. Real leg growth is when someone's leg has been amputated or certain part of the bone has been cut off.

The guy felt relieved for his back. I told him, "You see how it goes when you wake up the next day." He asked, "What do you do? What kind of job do you do? Are you a Pastor?" I said, "No. I'm just a Christian. Jesus lives in me and He heals you." One of his colleagues saw what happened and came to me, "I have numbness on my finger. Can you heal that?" She received healing. The same guy came back to me and asked, "Actually I can't really open my palm in the morning. Can you pray for me?" I ministered to him and said, "You see how it goes the next morning."

There is a place where we can manifest Him without being churchy. It's a daily thing to be the church instead of asking people to go to church. I am a first generation believer. I was a Taoist. When I stand in the shoes of a non-believer, I can feel what they feel. If I were to ask a Christian to join me in the Buddhist temple, almost 100% will reject my invitation. If I organise an outreach event to be held in the Buddhist temple with free food and stuff, which Christian wants to participate? It's time to stop inviting people to the church unless you have first been the church to them. It's not about clocking number to make the church look big and good.

Jesus didn't ask Zacchaeus, "Would you like to come to My house today? I'm holding an evangelistic meeting." Instead, He said, "Zacchaeus, I must go to your house today." You don't need to keep giving invitation if you learn to be a walking incarnation of Christ. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #daily #healing #Gospel

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