Thursday 1 September 2016

Reaping Mentality

I have read this passage so many times. But God's Word is simply amazing. Because just as God is multi-faceted, so is His Word.

In John 4, Jesus reaped a huge harvest - entire village, by simply reaching a Samaritan woman.

Then He told His disciples, "Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" - John 4:35

While our natural mind sees seeds, the mind of Christ sees harvest. Jesus saw the end from the beginning. He saw the end - fruit, when it was just a seed. He said to His disciples, "It is ready for harvest!"

This is how we should see every soul - it is ready for harvest. It is ready to enter the kingdom. It is ready to be born again. This is why we do lifestyle christianity 101, because every single person is a potential revivalist (once you are born again, you are a walking revival). Until we learn to see the fruit instead of the seed, we will not move.

John 4:37-38 - "For in this the saying is true: ‘One sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labors.”

It is true that one sows and another reaps. But our main role is not sowing. Jesus said, "I have sent you to reap what you have not sown."

In the natural, we reap what we sow.
In the kingdom, we reap what Jesus had sown.

He had sown obedience, zoe life, righteousness, divine health, etc. We are simply reaping what He had sown. This is a life of gratitude. Evangelism IS gratitude. Reaching the lost is simply reaping what He had sown. What a privilege! Jesus has finished it all. Our role is just to reap the souls. #lifestylechristianity101 #Gospel

P.S: It is true that we are not always the ones witnessing the result of someone receiving salvation. We just reaped a measure of their baby steps towards salvation. The next person comes and reaps the full measure as the lost enters the kingdom and gets born again. The opposite is also true. Very often, people before us have preached the Gospel to them and reaped some measure of their steps towards salvation. We just happen to be the next one to reap the full measure.

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