Tuesday 30 August 2016

Boring Christian Life?

Decided to do Spidey outreach at the very last minute as my appointment ended earlier than I expected.

A group of AIA insurance agents was doing roadshow outside the MRT. While the rest were shouting "Spider-Man!", one of them bravely approached me to sell his product. He got healed completely of his injured finger. Before he could share about his insurance plan, I shared the entire salvation plan with him. He shared that his wife is a believer but he isn't. I asked, "What are you waiting for?" He replied, "I need to experience Him first." I said, "What do you think about this healing?" He kept silent and thanked me, without sharing his insurance plan. There is no need to force a person to receive Jesus. The works of God have spoken enough. The seed has been planted and the plow is on it's way.

I went to board the train, thinking that it would be as 'safe' as before. Well, I have been caught twice in different MRT lines and they brought me to the station control for questioning. Apparently, if you wear a mask, it breaches the security. NEL has been safe so far. So I assumed I could continue. The moment I boarded the train, a staff ran from one side of the train to me and requested that I alight at the following station. I salute our SG security system. It is first-class (perhaps world-class too) level. Why? I tried to board the next train. The moment I walked in, three security men came straight to me, armed with pistols. I reckoned that all the stations' security near where I was had been alerted.

They got me to take down my mask and took down my particulars, and started questioning me. "What are you doing?" I replied, "Do you have any pain in your body right now?" This sounded crazy, but I was in total peace within. If God is for you, who can be against you? The King was right with and in me.

They said "No" and kept questioning. Finally, they let me go and told me not to wear the mask. By now, I was honestly very impressed by our nation's security. We are exceedingly blessed to be living in Singapore.

Boarded the next train with my mask on my hand. Gave up trying. If you get caught the first time boarding NEL, that can be considered being a fool for Christ. If you get caught again, that's just being stupid. I'll practise wisdom the next round hahaha...

Cut the long story short, many got healed and heard about Jesus. Met people from South Africa, US, Aussie, Indonesia, India, China and our own people, whom I have burden for.

As I boarded a cab home, the driver asked, "Why are you in this suit and mask?" I asked, "Your neck is painful, right?" He said "Yes." I continued, "And it's towards the left side." He said, "Yes." Prayed and he was healed. As I shared what I was doing, he told me that he used to attend and was baptized in NCC (what a small world) but stopped attending church for many years since he started driving taxi.

No. I didn't say, "You should go back to church." What's the point of "you should do this and you should do that" if it doesn't come from the desire within? Jesus Himself is the Desire of All nations. The living water that He gives satisfies every desire in our soul. Sometimes, going into the wrong church can kill that very desire. My wife experienced that full well.

I said, "Jesus is with you as you are driving. You can talk to Him anytime. You can read His Word when you are free." He then replied, "Actually I can go to the NCC satellite service in Yishun." I left the spiritual conversation there because it is the Holy Spirit's job to finish what He started in his heart.

Christian life is not boring. It's getting more and more exciting each day. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #healing #Gospel #collectingpayment

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