Tuesday 23 August 2016

The Mind Of Christ For Healing

Jesus fed five thousand with five loaves, but four thousand with seven loaves. This defies the natural mind.

The natural mind thinks that five thousand would need more loaves. The natural mind thinks that terminal diseases would need stronger prayer, fasting, persistence, etc.

But apparently, the mind of Christ thinks differently. There is no bigger problem for the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ thinks that terminal diseases are as small as muscle ache.

If we only say, "Be healed" for muscle ache, then we can just say, "Be healed" for terminal diseases instead of doing an ultra long, specific and beautiful prayer that come from the natural mind.

When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He technically only said two words (excluding the name of Lazarus) - "Come out!" This is the mind of Christ.

P.S: If Jesus didn't call the name of Lazarus first, maybe all in the grave will also come out.

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