Wednesday 24 August 2016

Revelation On Love - Healing

There is so much revelation on Love. Just spending time in His love and talking to Him reveals more about His love.

When we know His love, we will know more of His love.

Love always conquers all.
Love always does good.
Love is the POWER to save all.

Romans 8:39 says that nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. Nothing means nothing. Whatever our experience says otherwise, the Bible says "nothing". It's either we walk based on our experience, or we walk based on the Bible.

In other words, when we minister to the sick, nothing can hinder the sick person from receiving His healing unless we fail to see His love on the Cross when we minister to that sick person. Because faith always works through LOVE.

It is one of the main reasons why we don't see the same kind of miracles in Singapore as in the missions field (third world countries). In third world countries, we can easily see the sick people with the love of the Cross when we minister. But in Singapore, we often fail to see our sick Singaporeans with the love of the Cross.

Of course, the other reason, which I shared before, is that the people in third world countries are desperate and hungry in the spirit. Their faith often surpasses the faith of the one who ministers to them. As such, they receive what they believe. i.e. the centurion, the Gentile woman.

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