Tuesday 16 August 2016

Hope of Glory

In one of the healing encounters, we met this group of Filipinos who came here for a vacation. Various healings took place and one of the guys said, "I am supposed to die but my heart suddenly works again. I have just been discharged from hospital."

We said, "Jesus redeemed your life. In fact, He has redeemed you out from drinking addiction so that you can now live your life to set others free from alcoholic addiction and other kinds of addiction."

He was very excited that the God of the Universe actually knew his life personally. He said, "Yes. I used to drink and smoke so much. I even womanized. Now I have stopped all of it. I want to fulfill God's purpose for my life on earth." He asked for our contact as he desired to walk in God's will.

Christ in us, the Hope of glory. We can release hope to others by releasing what the Father has prepared for them. A prophetic word connects them to their destiny so that they will stop looking at the temporal and start looking at the eternal.

Photo credits: Joycelyn Ho

#lifestylechristianity101 #healing #collectingpayment

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