Friday 12 August 2016

What Happens If It Doesn't Happen?

What happens when it didn't happen? This is something we seldom talk about.

A couple of months ago, I ministered to one youth with wrist injury. When I first saw his wrist guard, I thought, "It is easy for Jesus." Prayed for him three times and nothing happened. But I remember his facial expression before I prayed. He looked very fearful.

There was another time when I prayed for a person's ankle. He, too, looked very fearful. I prayed twice with only partial healing.

Of course, there is a position to stand where we continue to believe in the healing where complete manifestation happens in the same day or days after. But there is also a reality where it just didn't happen.

I was pondering about these two incidents when I heard god saying, "Because they are fearful, so they can't receive." This thought is in line with what some seasoned healers believe in, which I read and heard about.

The only problem I have with this is... It is not found in Jesus. Not in the Bible.

I said, "God, You need to show me Scriptures." And He said, "Well, the reason it didn't happen is because you saw their fearful look and you allowed what you saw to affect what you should see."

Now this is Scripture. When the disciples couldn't cast out the demon, Jesus said, "Because of your unbelief." In other words, "Because you are not seeing what I see."

So apparently, the first voice I thought I heard from god (small letter 'g') is not God because it is not in line with Jesus. Anything that is contrary to the full truth is still a lie, and if I believe in the lie, I empower the enemy. If I believe that people can't receive healing because they are fearful, that will become my hindrance. If Jesus didn't say it, we need not add extra stuff to His words, regardless of the experiences and patterns we saw.

So what happens if it doesn't happen? We don't have to beat ourselves down. Instead, we have opportunity to go back to Him and go deeper, until we see what He sees.

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