Wednesday 3 August 2016

Stand Firm

Brought J to SAFRA Kids' Amaze.

Two staff at indoor water playground got healed of wrist injury and right shoulder problem through word of knowledge.

While we were leaving, one of them ran to us to pass us a free gift and one free entry to the water playground. We declined the offer but they insisted on blessing my son. Of course, J was delighted.

Disclaimer: Healing is free. So we shouldn't expect anything in return from people.

We went in Wang Cafe for lunch. I saw the lady whom I prayed for some time ago. It was through a word of knowledge - she had a bike accident and injured her right arm. Whenever she tried to lift her arm, her upper right chest would be very painful. When I prayed for her last time, she felt strong heat. But when she tried to test out her arm, the pain was still there with zero improvement. I walked away knowing that it's done.

Today, she told me that there was no more pain when I asked how she was.

Healing sometimes happens instantly. Sometimes, it happens suddenly. Sometimes, it is progressive. I have no answer for that. Jesus didn't always have instant healing too. But the point is, when we have ministered healing, we must walk away trusting that it is done, instead of looking at the "unhealed" condition and think, "Ah, it didn't work." If we think this way, we have withdrawn our faith.

But if we simply trust God to do what He says He will, if we simply stand firm on the truth, we will see the manifestation - either immediate or later.

Walk by faith, not by sight/manifestation.

#lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #fatherandson #tagteam #fatherandsonday

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