Friday 19 August 2016



1) A group of tenants came to view my landlord's place for the first time. Had a word of knowledge for one of them. His back got healed and his shorter leg grew out (actually it's the straightening of spine that resulted in the leg 'growing' out). They made an offer for the unit right on the spot.

2) A tenant came with her supervisor and her brother to view another landlord's unit for the first time. Had a word of knowledge for her left shoulder. She got healed. The supervisor also received healing. She made an offer for the unit right on the spot.

The Gospel is not a respecter of person. There is no separation between secular work and God, because God lives in us. Unless God departs from you when you are working in your job, it is not possible to separate the two.

People get healed and hear about Jesus everywhere: cafés, restaurants, food-courts, coffee shops, stalls, supermarkets, shopping malls, playgrounds, pavements, literally in the streets, while waiting for traffic light, MRT platforms, in the trains, air planes, cabs, while viewing property, toilet, while in the queue to buy stuff, police officer in the departure hall, condo security guards, government security guards, inside and outside of hotels, in schools, in the hospitals, in family clinics, in the elevators, at the bus stops, at HDB void decks, during roadshows by insurance agents, bankers and other kinds of salespersons, and many other areas, etc. It's everywhere. Because where you walk, God is walking right there. And He loves to touch people and show them that He is the real Love.

Mark 16:15 says, "Go into ALL the world and preach the Gospel..." This can only be fulfilled when God and us are walking as One, not separated.

P.S: This lifestyle is inspired close to four years ago by an earthly role model that I look up to - Todd White. He is the man who represents Love so accurately. Check him out and be blessed!

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