Thursday 18 August 2016

Hard Truth

This is a hard truth. But there is no compromise. Recently, I ministered to an elderly woman who had heart problem. She had passed on.

A simple shift of responsibility will be, "Rejoice. She is now with Jesus where there is no pain and sickness."

While it is true that there is no pain and sickness in heaven, it is also true that I didn't represent Jesus accurately.

I apologised to the family. I take responsibility for failing to represent Jesus in faith. I know that if Jesus were to minister to her, she would be made whole. I'm still in a journey of growing to see what Christ sees. Well, I'm not beating myself down. It reminds me that there is much to go deeper in beholding Jesus.

When Jesus wept while Lazarus was in the tomb, He wasn't weeping because Lazarus died. If this was so, He would have wept when the widow's son died. In fact, He actually told her not to weep (Luke 11:13). 

Jesus knew that Lazarus would be raised from the dead. He wept because the mourners, Mary and Martha couldn't believe in Him as the One who said, "I am the Resurrection and the Life." It broke His heart when they couldn't see what He revealed.

There is more for us to grow in than we know. We need to take responsibility. With great authority and power (that God gave to all of us) comes great responsibility.

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