Thursday 22 September 2016

Where I Started

Few nights ago, while ministering to a few staff, my wifey waited patiently at the dinner table, for she understood and supported what I was doing.

Reflecting back, I am very thankful and grateful.

It didn't start off this way close to four years ago. There was a point when I 'preyed' and prayed for every single person who needed healing in the streets. I prayed for several months without seeing any single healing. My wife felt embarrassed each time she went out with me. For this was something that was unusual for her. She had no model to see from.

One day, my church had the privilege to host Todd White in my Senior Pastor's office. As a staff, I was able to connect with him and ask questions. Without me asking, Todd shared that for the first eight-nine months when he prayed for people in the streets, his wife refused to go out with him. She, too, felt embarrassed. That was the encouragement that spurred me on to keep doing what I was doing. It was probably one of the best conversations that impacted my life. Todd White is such an authentic man.

Today, I had a conversation with my wife. I used to pray for so many people before I saw my first healing. Because I didn't know anyone who could bring me out to the streets at that time. It was a long process of persistence.

But it is something I don't want anyone to go through anymore. At the breakfast table, I told her, "So far, every single person who went out with us for street healing will definitely see the first healing in their lives and they will continue to walk in healing." She replied, "So I must go out with you one day too."

You don't know how much that sentence meant to me... from where I started from. Jesus is so good! 

Each time when we walk in the truth, it demands a response. Truth either challenges the heart to reject or accept. There is no status quo. As long as we keep walking, the truth will defend itself. I don't know what your situation is. But I know that as long as we keep walking in the truth, God is faithful to do what we can't do.

#tooawesome #beyondwords

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