Monday 19 September 2016

Pubs & Sleazy Areas

Beautiful outreach with sons and daughters from different churches at the pubs and sleazy areas with many healed, prophesied to and heard about Jesus! 

One rugby guy was healed of his 12 years of shoulder injury and he lifted one of us high in the air by simply using his wrists and shoulders' strength. Jesus gave him a brand new shoulder.

Several were prophesied to. One guy was prophesied twice by us in few minutes apart and he received the exact same words God had for him. That released the revelation of his destiny.

One of the two guys disguising as zombies was completely healed when trying to promote an Halloween event. He exclaimed, "What is in your hand?!!!!"

A group of Singaporean ladies were celebrating birthday. When asked if they had problems physically, they were so skeptical that they said, "We are all fine. Oh come back when we are drunk so that you guys can jump on us." But when one of them got healed, they started to look serious and queued for their turn to be healed. Of course, Jesus was made known.

Many knee problems healed; two ACL healed; broken rib healed; forearm healed; tennis elbow healed; backs and necks healed; addiction broken - a guy saw a bright light when being ministered by the ladies; and the list went on with various other testimonies, etc. Jesus is so good! 

The harvest is ready. What are we waiting for?

The reason why many church leaders are afraid of empowering their members is because they are fearful of losing control. They are fearful of members realising their identity as sons and daughters and stop giving them the attention, approval and dependence they seek for. John the Baptist told his disciples, "Behold the Lamb of God." And his disciples left him and went after Jesus. That's true empowerment.

#lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #healing #Gospel #harvestisready

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