Saturday 3 September 2016

Mum's Salvation

I had bought two tickets for New Creation Church Mooncake Festival Hokkien Evangelistic service. Invited mum to attend with me.

As the date was drawing nearer, mum kept having various excuses for not wanting to attend. I knew that the enemy was influencing her mind to stop her from going.

Even this morning before the event, I suddenly had a throbbing headache. Felt so nausea that I wanted to puke. Took authority over the enemy in Jesus' name. When we arrived at the service, the headache just disappeared all of a sudden. The enemy has no new trick. But oh well, he is a defeated foe. We just have to stand firm in Jesus' name.

I had invited mum to many Mandarin services before few years ago, but it came to a point where she refused to attend, for fear of being 'converted' to be a Christian.

I was so glad that she agreed to attend today. I told God that I would simply rest and trust in Him.

During the altar call, she actually lifted her left hand to indicate her decision to receive Jesus! She stood up and prayed both in Hokkien and Mandarin to receive Jesus into her life!

As a first generation Christian whose parents are pious Taoists, I am overjoyed! My mum's generation and her mum/siblings are all Taoists.

Woo hoo! Thank You Jesus!!!! Yay God!!! So good!!! Jesus!

Acts 16:31 indeed!

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