Tuesday 11 October 2016

Beautiful testimony from Singapore

Doctor diagnosed a woman with unusual growth after mammogram and asked her to make an appointment within two weeks at National Cancer Centre. She came for the healing meeting before going for the appointment. The doctor at NCCS did various scans. Senior consultant confirmed that they could not find anything! She said, "The issues were erased in Jesus' name!"

Her daughter was diagnosed with childhood epilepsy 2 years ago and had since been on medication. She, too, came for the healing meeting. Recently, she went for review with the neurologist, did a test and was found normal! The neurologist cleared her of epilepsy. Praise Jesus! He is so GOOD!

What's even more beautiful is this... I did not pray for her. I simply preached a message based on truth and identity. I love to see people knowing their true identity and experiencing freedom. Stop looking to the pulpit man, gifts and impartation. Start looking within, where your true inheritance lies. Identity is the key to be the incarnated christ.

 #collectingpayment #healing #identity

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