Sunday 2 October 2016

Making Our World Like His

To be perfect love, one has to be just. If my Father is not a just Judge, He can't be perfect Love. 

In trying to explain the goodness of God, there are some who actually re-interpret the Old Testament. I read a book on it. The theologian tried to interchange "The Lord" in the Old Testament with "Satan" whenever death is involved. Because he couldn't reconcile with the fact that John 10:10 says that Jesus has come to give abundant life.

It is clear, however, that God sent the Flood to protect mankind from total destruction due to sin. If we don't understand the mercy and purpose of God, we think that it's satan who sent the Flood and we start interpreting Old Testament by interchanging "The Lord" with "satan" whenever there is death involved. That is man's effort to reconcile the goodness of God found in the Person of Jesus. However, there is no conflict involved between OT God and NT Jesus if we understand the different covenants.

While the Flood was sent by God, those people simply had their breath taken away. Jesus went down to preach to them to set them free (1 Peter 3:19-20). That's extreme mercy.

Under the Law, God had to judge those under the Law, because they chose to relate to Him in that covenant. It's called Mosaic covenant, which was never God's original intention. He had wanted Israel to be sons. But they themselves chose to be servants. They chose the judgment. God has to remain a just Judge because He is perfect Love.

Jesus came to redeem those under the Law so that they were set free from the curse they had bound themselves to (Deut 5:27; Neh 10:29; Gal 3:13).

The whole approach of relating with God changed when Jesus came to reveal the original Way. King David had a foretaste of that relationship. He broke through the Mosaic covenant.

In trying to reconcile the goodness of God in the New Covenant with the justice of God in the Old Covenant, we undermine the true aspect of His perfect love.

A lady was caught in speeding while driving. When she was brought before the judge, she confessed her wrong. The judge said, "Fine her $5000." At the end of the trial, the judge removed his robe and made the payment of $5000 for the lady. This shocked the entire audience. The judge then said, "I am her father. I love her."

God, the just Judge paid for our sins which were supposed to be judged under Old Covenant. That is extreme love.

God cannot be perfect love if He is not a just Judge. If we don't understand the different covenants, we will undermine His true nature. Because He is perfect love, He will come again in the Last Day to judge the choices of mankind. For us as believers, we have passed over the Judgment Seat. 

Now, it is extreme grace. He is not coming yet so that people can make the right choice. It is the time for us to reach out urgently so that our world may look like His. Hell is not meant for people. It's reserved for the devil and his demons. But in choosing the enemy's side because of unbelief, people choose their own destiny. God desires that no one shall perish.

"Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done." When we are ready, He will return. In other words, we can hasten His return by reaping the harvest.

If we are waiting to be rescued from this world, we will sit around and do nothing. We will perhaps hold many prayer meetings to pray for His return. I don't think He will come back by praying.

But if we are preparing ourselves as His perfect Bride for the Grand Wedding, we will advance His kingdom on earth right now. This is why Christ in us is the Hope of glory.

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