Monday 26 December 2016

Greater Breakthroughs 2017

I am pretty shocked to receive an iPhone from my client for Christmas gift. My current one has no more memory space. As a result, I can't use certain apps as it requires new iOS update. I'm still at iOS 7.0.

One month ago, I told my wife how expensive iPhone 6 and 7 are. I usually buy one version lower as it's much cheaper. But iPhone 6 and 7 are equally expensive this time. Yet because of my work, I need to eventually change it.

Little did I realise that I would receive a new iPhone from my client. I found it a little difficult to receive at first, but I was reminded of what God spoke to me few weeks ago.

Few weeks ago, during my devotion, I felt God speaking that we need to learn to be good receivers. The more we can receive His love, the more we will see breakthroughs.

This includes learning to receive love from people when they bless you. Humility is not rejecting what is good for you. Humility is acknowledging that every good and perfect gift comes from above, even when it's through people.

This is something I'm growing into. Thank You Jesus. You are surely good!

P.S: I think Ps JP confirmed this at Christmas day service. It's likely gonna be the theme for 2017 for New Creation Church. Be good receivers.

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