Friday 4 November 2016

Kill Religious Sacred Cows

Kill Religious Sacred Cows

Always love Acts 3 where Peter healed the man born lame.

1) The man did not expect healing. He was expecting money.
2) The man did not have faith to be well. He had no clue.
3) The man did not even want/request to be well. He just wanted money.

Yet Peter simply released the life of the Spirit through faith in Jesus' name.

A bible teacher said, "There are 100 over reasons why a person is not healed." 

If there are many reasons, Jesus would have taught that in the Gospel.

It is the goodness of God that leads men to repentance. Not the other way round. If we say, "Well, just use whatever method, as long as the person gets healed." Then we should get the New Age people to do healing. They can be rather effective. But why do we not ask for their help? Because it misrepresents who God is and it opens door for demonic deception.

Similarly, if we need to break generation curses or get the person to release forgiveness/bitterness before he can be healed, we are misrepresenting the nature and the goodness of God. Because the afflicted one will walk in fear, always thinking that the enemy can attack him anytime if he doesn't make sure that unforgiveness in his heart is constantly released. So he ends up focusing on the devil instead of the goodness of God.

I think we need to stop giving extrabiblical reasons on why a person is not healed, because it has nothing to do with the afflicted one if we are walking in true power. Just admit that we are not there yet. There are many healings I have seen and there are many I haven't seen. I'm just not there yet. It is a misrepresentation of God's nature if we say that the afflicted ones cannot be healed because they don't have faith or have deep seated issues of unforgiveness and bitterness.

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