Friday 11 November 2016

Hosting The King - Healing Without Words Or Actions

Staff At Burger-Up Received Jesus!

Met up with a friend at Burger-Up. I saw one M lady wearing a wrist guard. So I approached her. She was suspicious and skeptical about what I wanted to do. I said, "I do free healing." She replied, "No thanks. It's okay." I continued, "It just takes a few seconds and I don't have to touch you." She insisted, "No it's ok." I responded, "A few seconds start now." She looked at her friends and gave the weird look. Her friends were giggling. She started giggling too. Well, you have to get past any offense to minister.

I did nothing and said nothing. Then I said, "You test it out." She was shocked when she couldn't find any pain. I said, "Take out your wrist guard and test it." She looked surprised and spoke in M language to her friends. She said, "It's totally okay now!" All her friends' expressions changed from giggling to amazement.

"What did you do?"
"Is that magic?"
"Is it permanent?"

I received a word of knowledge and I asked if one of them had pain at the back of the neck. Everyone said "No." I looked at one guy and said, "It's you, right?" He was surprised and nodded his head. I said, "Test out your neck now." He tested and said, "F**king weird!!" Because it's healed.

One of their friends had ACL. So I ministered without doing anything. She couldn't test it as she had no pain at that moment.

The fourth friend had pain at the side of her foot. As I conversed with her, she felt tingling at her foot. In the end, she was completely healed. She told her friends, "Som Ba!" It means "I swear!"

All of them were astonished. I started sharing about Jesus with them. They are all M.

As I was sitting down with my friend, one of the Burger-Up staff approached me and told me she had pain at both shin areas. She said, "But I can't stay here because my boss is around. I have to go back to the counter."

I went up to the counter to find her. As she was wiping the tray, I said, "What are you feeling right now?" Her mouth opened wide and she replied, "There's stuff going on in my legs!" I replied, "Now, you walk and test them out." She was completely healed. With her eyes and mouth wide opened, I shared the Gospel and she received Jesus into her life right behind the cashier's counter. When the Holy Spirit filled her, her whole body was filled with His presence. She said, "I can't describe what I'm feeling right now."

Jesus is awesome! Ministry is so much easier when you don't have to do or say anything. It's about hosting the King. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #Gospel #dailylifestyle #dailyhealings

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