Tuesday 1 November 2016

Spidey Duo Outreach

Spidey duo outreach today:

During the first hour or so, there was only a few people in the streets due to unexpected rain. We were thinking of ending today's outreach early.

However, as we were walking back to where we started, in the short 40 minutes or so, there were so many whom we ministered to. Two group of students interviewed us as they did their surveys/project.

Three necks healed; knees healed; few backs healed; unknown stomach pain healed; few shoulders healed; wrists healed; frozen shoulder and old injury healed; lungs restored, etc.

Many faces were in complete shocked because of the healing.

1) A lady with breathing difficulty felt her heart burning during prayer and she began to breathe properly.

2) A male student had an old wrist injury for many years and he could hardly bend his wrist. When he was healed, his face was totally stunned. He even tested out by doing a hand stand.

3) A magician with old shoulder injury (healed) was so shocked that he said, "I have done magic for many years. But what is this man?!"

4) His Hindu friend was healed of frozen shoulder. He cursed and said, "What is this shit, man?!" We shared the Gospel with him. As he's a Hindu, we had to be intentional in explaining that Jesus is the only true God (apart from the rest of the gods he worshiped) and the only Way to the Father. Praise Jesus! He's born again into the family of God. As we baptized him with the Holy Spirit, he felt his whole body vibrating because the Spirit has taken residence. Then we prophesied on him about what God sees in his life and he nodded in agreement with the One who knew him before he was born into this world.

I must say Rei's Mandarin is really good and some of us probably need a crash course from him on "How to share the Gospel in Mandarin". #lifestylechristianity101 #healing #collectingpayment #gospel

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