Thursday 26 May 2016

True Breakthrough

We can't fast and pray to pay a price for greater anointing or new breakthrough. If that is possible, then Jesus failed to pay the full price for the anointing and our breakthrough.

Breakthrough is not by contending or religious spiritual habits. Those are works of the flesh. 

Breakthrough comes by believing and resting in the perfectly completed and completely perfected works of Jesus. Keep the Gospel simple and we will see results.

That's why new believers see immediate results as compared to seasoned believers.

When I was a new believer, I saw a lot of immediate results because I simply believed. Then people older in faith taught me, "God is encouraging you as a new believer. But as you mature in faith, God may not answer according to your prayer and it may take longer." That seemed wise but untrue. In fact, it hinders us from having child-like faith. God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

The difference between those who see results and those who don't lies not in what they do, but what they believe.

When we change our believing, we will change our living. #mindsetchange

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