Sunday 1 May 2016

Singapore - Tough Ground

Singapore is actually one of the toughest grounds. I think Japan is probably tougher. You have to keep pushing gently because the locals are generally skeptical and closed up. We are too self-sufficient. When you have nothing much, that's when you will go full on for God. I love third world countries because they are so so hungry for God. Seeing their hunger never fails to impact my life. God always moves powerfully as a response to their hunger and desperation. Nevertheless, we still need to reach the locals and break through their resistance.

On Friday, I walked to a condo for viewing. As I signed in at the security, I said to one of them, "One of you has a problem with your right knee." Another guy replied, "Oh he is not here today." I looked at him and said, "No. I'm not talking about your colleague. I'm referring to you." Finally he nodded. I wonder why so many of our locals like to deny their problems.

Laid hand and he felt electricity current. Few months of pain disappeared totally. "This is Jesus and I'm a Christian." The other security guard said, "My upper back has been giving me problem. Can you heal me?" I had to rush for my viewing and told them I would be back. But when I was done, they had gone out for lunch.

I will be back. If a door swings open, let's grab it. #lifestylechristianity101

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