Sunday 1 May 2016

Christ - The Hope of Glory

While making payment at BurgerUp on Thursday, I asked the Indian cashier, "How's your left arm? Is there a problem?" She said, "No. I'm fine." I persisted, "Your left arm. Is it ok?" She opened up. "Why did you ask?" I said, "I felt your left arm has a problem." She was surprised and told her colleague who was standing near her, "This is miraculous. How did he know?" She said, "It has been giving me problem on and off for many years. Now there is no pain though." Prayed for her and I turned to her colleague, "Your neck has a problem, right?" She denied.

While sitting at the table having my meal, the Indian cashier came over and sat in front of me. "Sir, how is it possible that you know?" Started sharing Jesus and she responded, "Yes I believe in Jesus. I also believe in Shiva and other gods. I also believe in 2-way communion and having a relationship with gods." Man, this is messy. Anyway we had a conversation before she had to go back to do her work.

I finished my meal and went up to her colleague. Not going to give up. "So how is your neck?" She finally acknowledged it. She frequently has neck problem because of her sleeping posture. Her head was also heavy. Prayed and she was surprised that the heaviness immediately lifted. Realizing that she is a Missionary Baptist, I shared with her on Mark 16 because she could do the same thing.

There is a Spirit realm that we can all walk in. It's called sonship. When we know who we are, we can release what is in us. People are drawn to the One in us - Christ our Hope. This can be a natural and daily thing as we live our normal Christian life.


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