Sunday 29 May 2016

Children's Bread

Was in a small group service with probably less than 30 pax. When I entered the room, I had rapid word of knowledge flowing into my mind.

1) The first man (not wearing tshirt indeed) with left shoulder problem stood up and was healed without anyone praying.

2) & 4) healed without me praying. Jesus simply wants to heal.

3) The young lady came to me at the end of the service and said, "It's me." Can you pray for me? She could only test out when she plays sports.

5) Lady with arthritic condition on her knee had no more pain as she climbed up and down the stairs to test out.

The lady with keyboard skills came to me after service and said, "It's me."

Jesus desires to pour out His heart for His people. We just have to be willing vessels and let Him do the job. Some say that healing, signs and wonders are only signs for unbelievers. They are also for believers. They are the children's bread.


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