Friday 27 May 2016

Jesus Loves Tattooed Guy

Was walking quickly to the train station for an appointment when I saw this guy manning a night bazaar stall with tattoo all over his body. I was going to enter the train station when the Holy Spirit spoke, "He has pain on his left knee. Go and approach him." I turned back and went to talk to him.

"Hey, you have pain on your leg right?" He asked, "Eh how do you know?" I continued, "It's the left leg." He said, "How come ah?" I touched his left knee and said, "Here." His eyes were wide open. He said, "Eh, how come you know? What kind of work do you do?"

I replied, "I will tell you later." Cut the long story short. He was healed. He asked, "What kind of work do you do?" I told him, "I'm a real estate agent." On seeing that he was wearing a large Buddhist pendant, I shared the God I believe in with him.

What he shared next is very disturbing. He said, "I once went to a large church in Bukit Batok and they kicked me out because of my tattoo." I was thinking, "What the heck is going on with that church?!"

I apologised to him and said, "Jesus would never do that to you. He loves you. I'm sorry. Can I pray for you?"

Holy Spirit spoke and I said, "Your dad has a really bad temper and he whacked you when you were young." He replied, "Yes, almost killed me." I continued, "But you love him very much." He said, "Yes. That's why I'm working hard." He asked, "What else do you know about my life?" I said, "I know in parts. But Jesus knows everything because He loves you."

I released peace and he felt peaceful. Invited him to come to New Creation church. He was excited and said, "I did the LED lights for that church!" Small world.

Dear churches, please don't bruise the broken-hearted. That's the devil's job. #lifestylechristianity101

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