Monday 9 May 2016

Freely Received, Freely Give

Freely you have received, freely give.

The word "freely" means "gratuitiously". It is an undeserved and unearned gift. The way we receive salvation is undeserved and unearned. It is purely by grace and without a cause - meaning without any effort from our end.

Apparently, the way we freely received from Him is the way we should freely give to others. That's how we can give healing to others. Peter said, "What I have, I give to you."

The more we understand this effortless way to give to others, the more we will see healing effortlessly.

Today, a waitress who sprained the back of her knee was limping badly for two weeks. I put my hand on her knee and said nothing. She felt a minor surgery going on. When it finally ended, she was healed and shocked. I said, "Jesus loves you very much and this healing is the proof that He really loves you." Left it as that and I know the Holy Spirit will do the rest.

Some religious police will say, "Hey you should always lead her to Christ and pray the sinner's prayer (and count the number of people you have led to Christ)." Well, she is a life, not a number. Don't you dare to reduce someone to a number. There is a time for salvation prayer. But my job is not to lead someone to Christ. That's the Holy Spirit's job. Do not limit Him and think that He can't move and speak to her when I leave. We are not the Saviour. Jesus is. My job is to love without a condition. Furthermore, when I look at the Gospel, Jesus healed because He is love, not because He wanted them to bow to Him. In fact, there was no salvation prayer in the Gospel. True story. #effortless #lifestylechristianity101 #healing

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