Monday 16 May 2016

Some Testimonies Today

Two electricians came to a client's house to change new cables. I asked the guy on the ladder, "You have pain on your right shoulder?" He said, "Yeah. Also right bicep and right forearm." I said, "Let me take a look." And he received total healing in Jesus' name. He asked, "How did you remove all the pain?" I said, "Jesus!"

There is no psychological thingy involved because I didn't say what I would do and could do. Jesus is real, man!

While having lunch at a fast food place, I felt heat at the back of my left thigh. Looked around but didn't know who needed healing. The heat disappeared. Suddenly it came back again. I looked up and saw the lady staff. Checked with her and she confirmed the problem. Laid hand but couldn't test out as she was on painkiller.

Another Muslim staff saw what I was doing and asked what I was doing. She had pain on her right leg due to vein issue. Laid hand and asked, "How are you feeling?" She said, "The pain disappeared." She walked around and said, "Weird. No pain. Is that magic?" I said, "No. You believe in Allah? I also believe in God. But I believe in Issa. He is the God who heals you."

While buying coffee, I asked if anyone of the barista has pain. One of the Muslim ladies has pain at her toe area for more than a month. She suspects it's a spur. As I prayed, her pain left and she wondered how it happened. Her colleagues were very skeptical. But she told them, "It's real. Serious!" What good news it is. Jesus is the real pain killer. You can't get an overdose.

The One in us never shuts down. It's whether we want to let Him out or not, because we carry His presence everywhere we go.

#lifestylechristianity101 #effortless #healing #everydaytestimonies #sharingsomeofthem #letusdoit

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