Thursday 19 May 2016

Hard Truths That Keep Us Going And Growing

Hard truths that keep us going and growing:

1) If I minister healing to someone and he gets healed, it is not necessary my faith that made him well. It could be his faith. So don't get too haughty. (Luke 8:48; Mark 5:34; Luke 17:19; Mark 10:52, Luke 7:7-9, and more)

2) If I minister healing to someone and he doesn't get healed, I must take responsibility instead of saying, "You don't have enough faith." It is the minister's job to stand in faith for the sick. This simply means that I have failed to see what the Father sees and I need to grow in that. (Matt 17:20; Mark 9:19)

Sometimes, it is easy for us to say, "I don't know why the healing doesn't take place. It's all up to God. It's a mystery that I can't explain." But when we look at Jesus, He healed ALL who came to Him. (Matt 9:35; Acts 10:38) 

If we want to represent Him fully, we can't choose bits and pieces. It is always God's will and timing to heal. By saying that it's a mystery implies that God's will and timing are not certain. 

The problem is never on God's side. He settled it 2000 years ago on the crucified body of His Son. It is us who are in the growth journey to become like Jesus in all areas.

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