Monday 9 May 2016

Chronic Kidney Problem

Testimony written by a friend who invited me to minister healing with her for her friend's sister:

"This afternoon I went to work with my Heavenly DAD. :-)

I met up with my new friend Wilson Barnabas Koh and we both had lunch with my other new friend Andy Nai who had asked if we could go over to see his sister who had had chronic kidney problems since her teens. 

According to Andy, several pastors had  prayed for her but to no avail. Both he and his sister were naturally disappointed and discouraged. 

Well, we first prayed for Michelle's back where there was one spot she had constant pain. I placed my finger over a sore spot and felt the lump go down. And asked her if she was still feeling pain. 

The pain was gone. 100%. Yay!

You should've seen Andy's face. So Wilson and I proceeded to ask for Jesus to heal Michelle in the various parts of her body, laying hands over the painful bits. Every part that had pain - the pain left instantaneously. 100%. We made sure to ask Michelle to check by moving and stretching her limbs. 

In the end, we baptized her in the Holy Spirit with her speaking in tongues. I anointed her with oil and blessed her new life - praying over her mind, heart and spirit - as she walks 100% pain-free for the rest of her life. 

We are all looking forward to her blood test in 2days' time so we can have medical proof of her healing she has received from Jesus. :-)

Fifteen munutes ago, Michelle was set free from the cage of pain the enemy had put her in. Fidteen minutes ago, Michelle was delivered from the shame, doubt and pain that she had lived with for more than 2 decades. Fifteen minutes ago, Michelle wept tears of joy that Jesus has come to be her deliverer. 

Fifteen minutes ago, Andy's tears streamed down his face because of what Jesus did for his sister. 

And all because DAD put us to work at the same agency on the 8th day of my stint and changed where he had sat to where I was seated so that I would end up talking to him. So divinely appointed!

And today I went to see my first kidney patient. Michelle is completely healed and delivered! 


Jesus is always GOOD!

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