Sunday 29 May 2016

Love Above Healing

Today, I was scolded by a young China lady because I told her that she had pain on her right shoulder area. She said, "Yes." She touched her right shoulder and you could tell that it was really aching. But when I asked her if I could help her remove the pain, she was annoyed. I asked three times and she scolded me. So I backed off. It is important for the person to experience love than to be healed.

While buying my herbal drink, I asked if one of them had pain at the right forearm near elbow area, she said yes and allowed me to minister healing. Her colleague saw what happened and came to me to be prayed for as she had pain too. While praying halfway, she experienced heat but suddenly pulled back her arm and resumed her work. I turned around and saw a man in black. Likely it's their boss. So I backed off. Again, as much as we want to see others healed and be set free, we cannot jeopardise their livelihood. It is ultimately love that triumphs over all. #lifestylechristianity101

Children's Bread

Was in a small group service with probably less than 30 pax. When I entered the room, I had rapid word of knowledge flowing into my mind.

1) The first man (not wearing tshirt indeed) with left shoulder problem stood up and was healed without anyone praying.

2) & 4) healed without me praying. Jesus simply wants to heal.

3) The young lady came to me at the end of the service and said, "It's me." Can you pray for me? She could only test out when she plays sports.

5) Lady with arthritic condition on her knee had no more pain as she climbed up and down the stairs to test out.

The lady with keyboard skills came to me after service and said, "It's me."

Jesus desires to pour out His heart for His people. We just have to be willing vessels and let Him do the job. Some say that healing, signs and wonders are only signs for unbelievers. They are also for believers. They are the children's bread.


Saturday 28 May 2016

Don't Send Revival. Be The Revival!

Without the Holy Spirit, the Bible says, "Wait..."

With the Holy Spirit, the Bible says, "Go..."

We don't wait around in the room praying for revival.

We get out of the room and be the revival.

Jesus didn't sit in the room praying for revival. Neither did His disciples.

Acts 4:29-31 - Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.” And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.


Friday 27 May 2016

Jesus Loves Tattooed Guy

Was walking quickly to the train station for an appointment when I saw this guy manning a night bazaar stall with tattoo all over his body. I was going to enter the train station when the Holy Spirit spoke, "He has pain on his left knee. Go and approach him." I turned back and went to talk to him.

"Hey, you have pain on your leg right?" He asked, "Eh how do you know?" I continued, "It's the left leg." He said, "How come ah?" I touched his left knee and said, "Here." His eyes were wide open. He said, "Eh, how come you know? What kind of work do you do?"

I replied, "I will tell you later." Cut the long story short. He was healed. He asked, "What kind of work do you do?" I told him, "I'm a real estate agent." On seeing that he was wearing a large Buddhist pendant, I shared the God I believe in with him.

What he shared next is very disturbing. He said, "I once went to a large church in Bukit Batok and they kicked me out because of my tattoo." I was thinking, "What the heck is going on with that church?!"

I apologised to him and said, "Jesus would never do that to you. He loves you. I'm sorry. Can I pray for you?"

Holy Spirit spoke and I said, "Your dad has a really bad temper and he whacked you when you were young." He replied, "Yes, almost killed me." I continued, "But you love him very much." He said, "Yes. That's why I'm working hard." He asked, "What else do you know about my life?" I said, "I know in parts. But Jesus knows everything because He loves you."

I released peace and he felt peaceful. Invited him to come to New Creation church. He was excited and said, "I did the LED lights for that church!" Small world.

Dear churches, please don't bruise the broken-hearted. That's the devil's job. #lifestylechristianity101

Thursday 26 May 2016

True Breakthrough

We can't fast and pray to pay a price for greater anointing or new breakthrough. If that is possible, then Jesus failed to pay the full price for the anointing and our breakthrough.

Breakthrough is not by contending or religious spiritual habits. Those are works of the flesh. 

Breakthrough comes by believing and resting in the perfectly completed and completely perfected works of Jesus. Keep the Gospel simple and we will see results.

That's why new believers see immediate results as compared to seasoned believers.

When I was a new believer, I saw a lot of immediate results because I simply believed. Then people older in faith taught me, "God is encouraging you as a new believer. But as you mature in faith, God may not answer according to your prayer and it may take longer." That seemed wise but untrue. In fact, it hinders us from having child-like faith. God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

The difference between those who see results and those who don't lies not in what they do, but what they believe.

When we change our believing, we will change our living. #mindsetchange

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Breakthrough In Own Family's Healing

Last night, J was coughing badly. He even vomited out his milk due to excessive phlegm.

We laid hand and ministered healing to him. This morning, he was healed! Praise Jesus!

There is a breakthrough in seeing my own son healed in Jesus' name!

On two other occasions, he was down with high fever on the night before. After ministering healing, he woke up the next day completely healed without medication! Jesus is so good!

This is the third time Jesus healed him. For my wife, a couple of times too!


Saturday 21 May 2016

Arthritis Healed In Seconds

Man with arthritis on his finger saw many doctors but to no avail. Within a few seconds, pain left and there was full restoration. He was shocked and kept testing it and pressing against it to find the pain. He said, "This is so incredible. Only within seconds and I could bend fully and freely." He shall be on his way back to church after leaving for so long.

Lady With Extreme Diabetic Condition

This lady lost her sight 6 years ago due to extreme diabetic condition. Didn't video her face as I respect privacy.

When I prayed for her, she felt fire in her whole body. She started to cry and laugh at the same time before realising and saying, "Oh my god I'm in the public!" 

A passer-by asked, "What happened to you?" She replied, "The joy of the Lord." She then told me, "God is setting my whole body on fire. It is way too hot! My eyes are burning too!"

I told her, "You shall be off all medication." She gave me her contact so that I can follow up. Thank You Jesus for a brand new body and eyes.

Many healings today because it's #lifestylechristianity101

Thursday 19 May 2016

Truths That Are Settled

Was doing my daily Scripture reading and I was meditating on this verse.

“If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” - Jn 8:31-32

Sometimes, when we don't experience a certain truth after a protracted period of time, we either change our belief concerning the Word or give up altogether.

But if we remain, stay and refuse to change our position and belief concerning the Word, we will know (experientially) the truth and it shall set us free. It is awesome to have experiences. But it is even more vital to remain in the Word when those experiences have yet to manifest.

By the grace of God, I have long settled in my heart a few things (not exhaustive) and nothing is going to change these important truths. Whether I experience it fully or not is not important. The Word is the final authority. Someone quoted, "God said it. I believe it. That settles it." But I think otherwise. If God said it, that settles it, whether I believe or not.

1) Healing is the WILL of God. (1 Peter 2:24)

2) No curse can come upon a believer if he understands the truth of what Christ did on the Cross (Gal 3:13)

3) No believer can be possessed by any demon if he understands Who is in him (1 John 4:4)

4) A believer's history ended at the Cross if he understands that he is a new creation (2 Cor 5:17)

5) A believer is forever righteous in Christ (2 Cor 5:21) because righteousness is a gift received by grace through faith

6) Righteousness is the foundation for every fruit (healing, miracles, signs and wonders, abundance, love, character, etc.) that abides (Rom 5:17)

7) Every believer is called to do the works of the kingdom (Mark 16:17-18) including healing the sick, raising the dead and casting out demons, and he can walk in all the gifts of the Spirit because it is about identity

8) There is no special anointing (i.e. Elijah's anointing, breaker anointing) in a believer. There is only one anointing. The Holy Spirit. And He comes in fullness (1 Jn 2:27). How much we appropriate the anointing is the reason why different people see different level of breakthroughs.

9) The purpose of signs and wonders is to demonstrate the kingdom and reach the lost (Mark 16:15). It doesn't matter if you visit heaven frequently, build a galaxy in the Universe, see and differentiate many types of angels, etc. If that doesn't translate to reaching the lost, then you miss the Gospel.

Hard Truths That Keep Us Going And Growing

Hard truths that keep us going and growing:

1) If I minister healing to someone and he gets healed, it is not necessary my faith that made him well. It could be his faith. So don't get too haughty. (Luke 8:48; Mark 5:34; Luke 17:19; Mark 10:52, Luke 7:7-9, and more)

2) If I minister healing to someone and he doesn't get healed, I must take responsibility instead of saying, "You don't have enough faith." It is the minister's job to stand in faith for the sick. This simply means that I have failed to see what the Father sees and I need to grow in that. (Matt 17:20; Mark 9:19)

Sometimes, it is easy for us to say, "I don't know why the healing doesn't take place. It's all up to God. It's a mystery that I can't explain." But when we look at Jesus, He healed ALL who came to Him. (Matt 9:35; Acts 10:38) 

If we want to represent Him fully, we can't choose bits and pieces. It is always God's will and timing to heal. By saying that it's a mystery implies that God's will and timing are not certain. 

The problem is never on God's side. He settled it 2000 years ago on the crucified body of His Son. It is us who are in the growth journey to become like Jesus in all areas.

Belief System

These signs will accompany those who BELIEVE:

It didn't say that these signs will accompany those who pray long enough / fast for many days / are perfect without sin / are pastors / are prophets / are evangelists / apostles / are very intimate with God / persist long enough / strive hard enough / contend and war enough, etc.

It says "those who believe". So if these signs do not accompany us, it probably has to do with our belief system. If we can tweak our belief a little, which often needs only a slight adjustment, we will see these signs following us.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

The Mind of Christ - Right Healing Perspective

Our human mind thinks that healing of headache is a small thing as compared to healing of terminal diseases. It is revealed when we celebrate the latter more than the former. This mindset actually hinders us from seeing what the Father sees. As a result, we see no result. As far as the mind of Christ is concerned, Jesus paid the same price for headache and cancer. Both still have names that bow down to the name of Jesus.

Jesus said, "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead and cast out demons."

Apparently, there is no category of sickness in His eyes. The lepers are specifically mentioned, probably because they are socially and culturally rejected - they need emotional healing and restoration of identity.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Funny Testimony - Wifey

After sharing today's encounter with my wifey, I asked her if she had any pain because I was God-confident that she would be healed.

She issued a challenge, "Since you always get word of knowledge for others, why not you give me one today?" I replied, "You can just tell me mah. I'm your spouse. No need word of knowledge. Besides, a prophetic word never works for own spouse. He/she will get defensive."

She answered, "I'm not asking for a prophecy. You just need to tell me where my pain is."

I paused for a moment and asked Jesus. Then I said, "So you have pain on your wrist area." She said, "Yes you are right." I asked, "But you never told me you have pain there before." She answered, "Only today. I also don't know why."

Prayed and she was healed. I learnt something new - word of knowledge works for our spouse too hahaha.

Mini-Healing Rally At Foodcourt

This is rather interesting. After bringing my son to childcare, I dropped by the food court at Rivervale Mall to have brekkie. Wanted to order Mee Robus but they didn't have Mee. So I decided to try out Bee Hoon Robus for the first time. While making payment, Holy Spirit spoke and I asked, "One of you has pain at the elbow area. Which one of you?" The male staff responded. He had elbow problem ever since he started working here long ago. Prayed for him and he was totally healed. He tried to carry heavy stuff and there was no more pain. From that, a mini-healing rally started. The lady staff said, "I have pain at the back of my right shoulder." She was totally healed. The main chef came to me and said, "Both my arms are painful." Prayed for her. She said, "It is getting very hot." She kept telling her colleague, "This is so good!" Finally, she said, "It is too hot. Can we stop?" And she was totally healed. The other lady asked for my number to stay in contact. All of them are Muslims and I shared about Jesus with them. By the grace of God, there is an entry into their community now. Jesus!

P.S: Please support their food if you go to Rivervale Mall Food Fare. Bless them further. It is the only M stall at the non-aircon section.

#lifestylechristianity101 #effortless #Jesusissogood

Monday 16 May 2016

Some Testimonies Today

Two electricians came to a client's house to change new cables. I asked the guy on the ladder, "You have pain on your right shoulder?" He said, "Yeah. Also right bicep and right forearm." I said, "Let me take a look." And he received total healing in Jesus' name. He asked, "How did you remove all the pain?" I said, "Jesus!"

There is no psychological thingy involved because I didn't say what I would do and could do. Jesus is real, man!

While having lunch at a fast food place, I felt heat at the back of my left thigh. Looked around but didn't know who needed healing. The heat disappeared. Suddenly it came back again. I looked up and saw the lady staff. Checked with her and she confirmed the problem. Laid hand but couldn't test out as she was on painkiller.

Another Muslim staff saw what I was doing and asked what I was doing. She had pain on her right leg due to vein issue. Laid hand and asked, "How are you feeling?" She said, "The pain disappeared." She walked around and said, "Weird. No pain. Is that magic?" I said, "No. You believe in Allah? I also believe in God. But I believe in Issa. He is the God who heals you."

While buying coffee, I asked if anyone of the barista has pain. One of the Muslim ladies has pain at her toe area for more than a month. She suspects it's a spur. As I prayed, her pain left and she wondered how it happened. Her colleagues were very skeptical. But she told them, "It's real. Serious!" What good news it is. Jesus is the real pain killer. You can't get an overdose.

The One in us never shuts down. It's whether we want to let Him out or not, because we carry His presence everywhere we go.

#lifestylechristianity101 #effortless #healing #everydaytestimonies #sharingsomeofthem #letusdoit

Saturday 14 May 2016

Thank You Jesus!

New update from the host of last night's home group meeting:

A nurse who suffered pain for a long time on half of her body, from neck, back, waist, hip and both knees is completely healed with no more pain. Awesome Jesus! #effortless #healing #Jesusissogood

Healing Meeting

Was invited to speak on healing.

Tonight's home group healing meeting: Arthritis on fingers healed; tennis elbow healed; sprained neck healed, frozen shoulder healed, sore at arm healed; growth on throat shrank; stiffness at neck and shoulder healed; back and knees got better. Waiting for the lady with rheumatoid arthritis to go for medical review. Thank You Jesus! #effortless #healingisnatural

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Intimacy VS Power

Intimacy with God has nothing to do with moving in power. Fasting and prayer have nothing to do with moving in power. We can move in power without any intimacy with Him.

Intimacy with Him is not about getting Him to do what He has already done through the Cross. Intimacy is simply knowing Him and His love for us.

Monday 9 May 2016

Chronic Kidney Problem

Testimony written by a friend who invited me to minister healing with her for her friend's sister:

"This afternoon I went to work with my Heavenly DAD. :-)

I met up with my new friend Wilson Barnabas Koh and we both had lunch with my other new friend Andy Nai who had asked if we could go over to see his sister who had had chronic kidney problems since her teens. 

According to Andy, several pastors had  prayed for her but to no avail. Both he and his sister were naturally disappointed and discouraged. 

Well, we first prayed for Michelle's back where there was one spot she had constant pain. I placed my finger over a sore spot and felt the lump go down. And asked her if she was still feeling pain. 

The pain was gone. 100%. Yay!

You should've seen Andy's face. So Wilson and I proceeded to ask for Jesus to heal Michelle in the various parts of her body, laying hands over the painful bits. Every part that had pain - the pain left instantaneously. 100%. We made sure to ask Michelle to check by moving and stretching her limbs. 

In the end, we baptized her in the Holy Spirit with her speaking in tongues. I anointed her with oil and blessed her new life - praying over her mind, heart and spirit - as she walks 100% pain-free for the rest of her life. 

We are all looking forward to her blood test in 2days' time so we can have medical proof of her healing she has received from Jesus. :-)

Fifteen munutes ago, Michelle was set free from the cage of pain the enemy had put her in. Fidteen minutes ago, Michelle was delivered from the shame, doubt and pain that she had lived with for more than 2 decades. Fifteen minutes ago, Michelle wept tears of joy that Jesus has come to be her deliverer. 

Fifteen minutes ago, Andy's tears streamed down his face because of what Jesus did for his sister. 

And all because DAD put us to work at the same agency on the 8th day of my stint and changed where he had sat to where I was seated so that I would end up talking to him. So divinely appointed!

And today I went to see my first kidney patient. Michelle is completely healed and delivered! 


Jesus is always GOOD!

Freely Received, Freely Give

Freely you have received, freely give.

The word "freely" means "gratuitiously". It is an undeserved and unearned gift. The way we receive salvation is undeserved and unearned. It is purely by grace and without a cause - meaning without any effort from our end.

Apparently, the way we freely received from Him is the way we should freely give to others. That's how we can give healing to others. Peter said, "What I have, I give to you."

The more we understand this effortless way to give to others, the more we will see healing effortlessly.

Today, a waitress who sprained the back of her knee was limping badly for two weeks. I put my hand on her knee and said nothing. She felt a minor surgery going on. When it finally ended, she was healed and shocked. I said, "Jesus loves you very much and this healing is the proof that He really loves you." Left it as that and I know the Holy Spirit will do the rest.

Some religious police will say, "Hey you should always lead her to Christ and pray the sinner's prayer (and count the number of people you have led to Christ)." Well, she is a life, not a number. Don't you dare to reduce someone to a number. There is a time for salvation prayer. But my job is not to lead someone to Christ. That's the Holy Spirit's job. Do not limit Him and think that He can't move and speak to her when I leave. We are not the Saviour. Jesus is. My job is to love without a condition. Furthermore, when I look at the Gospel, Jesus healed because He is love, not because He wanted them to bow to Him. In fact, there was no salvation prayer in the Gospel. True story. #effortless #lifestylechristianity101 #healing

Sunday 1 May 2016

Christ - The Hope of Glory

While making payment at BurgerUp on Thursday, I asked the Indian cashier, "How's your left arm? Is there a problem?" She said, "No. I'm fine." I persisted, "Your left arm. Is it ok?" She opened up. "Why did you ask?" I said, "I felt your left arm has a problem." She was surprised and told her colleague who was standing near her, "This is miraculous. How did he know?" She said, "It has been giving me problem on and off for many years. Now there is no pain though." Prayed for her and I turned to her colleague, "Your neck has a problem, right?" She denied.

While sitting at the table having my meal, the Indian cashier came over and sat in front of me. "Sir, how is it possible that you know?" Started sharing Jesus and she responded, "Yes I believe in Jesus. I also believe in Shiva and other gods. I also believe in 2-way communion and having a relationship with gods." Man, this is messy. Anyway we had a conversation before she had to go back to do her work.

I finished my meal and went up to her colleague. Not going to give up. "So how is your neck?" She finally acknowledged it. She frequently has neck problem because of her sleeping posture. Her head was also heavy. Prayed and she was surprised that the heaviness immediately lifted. Realizing that she is a Missionary Baptist, I shared with her on Mark 16 because she could do the same thing.

There is a Spirit realm that we can all walk in. It's called sonship. When we know who we are, we can release what is in us. People are drawn to the One in us - Christ our Hope. This can be a natural and daily thing as we live our normal Christian life.


Singapore - Tough Ground

Singapore is actually one of the toughest grounds. I think Japan is probably tougher. You have to keep pushing gently because the locals are generally skeptical and closed up. We are too self-sufficient. When you have nothing much, that's when you will go full on for God. I love third world countries because they are so so hungry for God. Seeing their hunger never fails to impact my life. God always moves powerfully as a response to their hunger and desperation. Nevertheless, we still need to reach the locals and break through their resistance.

On Friday, I walked to a condo for viewing. As I signed in at the security, I said to one of them, "One of you has a problem with your right knee." Another guy replied, "Oh he is not here today." I looked at him and said, "No. I'm not talking about your colleague. I'm referring to you." Finally he nodded. I wonder why so many of our locals like to deny their problems.

Laid hand and he felt electricity current. Few months of pain disappeared totally. "This is Jesus and I'm a Christian." The other security guard said, "My upper back has been giving me problem. Can you heal me?" I had to rush for my viewing and told them I would be back. But when I was done, they had gone out for lunch.

I will be back. If a door swings open, let's grab it. #lifestylechristianity101

Everyday Jesus!

It's everyday Jesus!

Went to the MRT station control to ask for specific direction. As I approach the staff, I asked, "Your neck is sore, right? He nodded but he was very skeptical. Couldn't lay hand on his neck as he was inside. Managed to squeeze my hand in to shake his hand and pray. He felt better immediately.

As I went into an eatery to have brunch with two friends, I asked the waitress, "How's your right ankle?" She was surprised and she said, "It's painful." She just converted from Catholic to Buddhist and she didn't want me to pray. Nevertheless, we had a short conversation. She asked me how I knew and I told her about Jesus. I prayed that God will draw her back to Him.

While waiting at the traffic junction, I approached a local in front of me. He was wearing sports shoes. As the Spirit revealed, I asked, "Do you have problem with the sole of your feet?" He responded, "Yes. Normally I have to wear boots to work and it's giving me problem." He didn't let me pray though. But as he had to go off, I put my hand on his shoulder and said, "Be healed IJN."

While waiting for bus, I suddenly felt heat on the back of my left thigh all the way to the sole of my foot, I turned around and saw a Muslim man. Went to ask him, "You have pain from here all the way down." He said, "Yes." Before I could pray, his bus came and he had to go up. Quickly laid my hand on his shoulder and said, "Be healed IJN!" Well, Jesus only said lay hands on the sick. He didn't specify where we have to lay haha.

Before rushing for a viewing, I entered the supermarket at Yishun looking for a drink. Went to the cashier and asked, "You have pain on your fingers?" She said, "Yes. Arthritis on my fingers." Laid hand on her fingers. She didn't have pain at that juncture so I couldn't verify. Told her about Jesus before I had to rush off.

Moral of the story: Be much earlier for viewing so that I have more time to minister.

The world is waiting for us Christians to walk as sons and daughters of God. I didn't start off having all these knowledge about people. But as you start by laying hand on the sick, God will start showing you more stuff about their lives. The Spirit of God can't wait to work through us to love on others. We just have to step out and He will back you up.

It is possible to tap into the realm where we perceive the thoughts of men. Jesus did it. So can we. We need to grow into all power and character to represent Christ accurately.

Don't worry about results. Sons of God are already set free from "results-approval". We were approved 2000 years ago.

Sometimes, we sow and reap. Sometimes, we sow and others reap. Just don't stop sowing. The kingdom must advance!

Let's stop the debate on theology and start stepping out and reaching out.

#neverstop #nevershutdown #everywhereyougo
