Saturday 29 November 2014

Aircon Maintenance Guys

Made appointment for Aircon maintenance guys to come to my place in the evening.

Received a WOK for them but I gave another one instead, thinking that the first one wasn't so clear. Got it wrong. The first one was correct but I didn't give.

But one of the guys said, "I have pain on my right calf and regular headache." Prayed for him and his right calf was healed. He said, "It's warm..."

Prayed for his headache to go but it couldn't be checked as he didn't have headache at that point in time.

They asked me what I do as a living. Shared with them about church and Jesus.

Seed is sown. Come on Jesus!

Friday 28 November 2014

Bakery Near My Place

Went to the nearby coffee shop to get dinner. On my way, I went to the bakery to get a bread.

Had a WOK - behind left foot - for the lady. She's a new staff.

She asked me, "Why do you suddenly ask?"

While she confirmed that she had pain behind her left foot, she declined my offer to help her get rid of the pain.

I'm used to people rejecting my prayer/help. They are not rejecting me. They just don't know the Gospel. Press on!

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Sunmerry Bakery Again

We went to Sunmerry Bakery again today. Saw a lady giving out pamphlets and had a WOK (right knee) for her. After we purchased some bread and stuff, she disappeared.

About an hour later, we saw her again. I approached her to check if she had problem with right knee. She said "Yes." Then she hesitated before saying, "Maybe it's because I stood for too long."

She wasn't keen to be prayed for.

Prayed for her in my heart though...

Tuesday 25 November 2014

A Fulfilling Day

Today is the fifth day in Taipei. Yet both my wifey and I felt that it's the first day we are really starting our vacation. Tomorrow is the last (full) day of this trip -_-". Jeshua has finally recovered. Thank Jesus!

We went to three places - Taipei Zoo, Gondola Ride and Raohe Night Market. Yeah!

While eating our lunch at Taipei Zoo, I had a WOK - left ear problem for one of the aunties sitting at the table beside us. I didn't manage to check with them though.

At the end of the Gondola Ride, we arrived at a beautiful place called Maokong Station (200 over metres above ground level), where the temperature was much cooler.

Went to buy BBQ black pork sausage. While waiting for the uncle to barbecue it, I received a WOK (left foot) for the uncle. Prayed for him but he didn't test out as he had to sit down and barbecue for others.

Monday 24 November 2014

Out Alone

It was quite an episode since we reached Taipei. Jeshua was down with diarrhoea for the first two days. On the third day, he developed hives - it got so bad that it was all over his body. Thank God the swell has gone down.

As he was sleeping, I went out for a short while to take a look at the various stalls at Ximending. Wifey stayed with him in the room.

Asked a group of three taxi drivers how to get to Ningxia night market. Received a WOK - left neck for one of them. Prayed for him and he was surprised that it really became loosened as he had stiffness at his left neck for many years. At first I didn't tell him that I was praying. When I told him after prayer, he said he understood. He's not a believer though.

Was walking around the streets when I saw a lady wearing a wrist guard. She said that its due to inflammation and whenever she tried to exert strength, she would feel the pain. She had this issue for more than a year. Prayed for her and got her to remove her wrist guard. She had no more pain when she tried to exert it. Praise Jesus! It was a short encounter as she got to go.

The kingdom within never shuts down. More Jesus.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Sunmerry Bakery - Yong Kang Street

We went to Yong Kang Street yesterday. My wife and Jeshua went in to Sunmerry bakery while I waited outside with the stroller and other stuff because walkway in the bakery is too narrow for the stroller to go in.

Saw a lady giving out flyers and had a WOK for her concerning her right foot. She said its the sole of her foot. I told her it's probably because she had been standing for too long.

Prayed for her neck and headache as she shared that she gets this problem very often, though she didn't have it at that moment in time.

She's a Buddhist but she's open for prayer :)

Friday 21 November 2014

Taiwan Driver

Arrived at Taiwan Taoyuan Airport. Pamela had gotten her sister to help us booked a cab to our hotel.

Had a WOK for the uncle - left ankle.

He was surprised and said, "Wow, even better than doctors. Cos you can read fortune."

My wife and I replied, "It's because Jesus knows and He loves you."

He injured his left ankle in a car accident. Doctor said that one of the nerves is permanently damaged.

Prayed for him when we reached hotel. He said that he felt the ankle loosened.

Am trusting God for brand new ankle for him. Amen!

Thursday 20 November 2014

Construction Worker

Was walking towards Jeshua nanny's place when I saw a construction worker sitting at the pavement. Had a WOK for his left knee.

Went up to him and asked. He said, "No." I persisted. "Any problem with your left leg - knee?" He nodded and asked how I knew.

Apparently, it was due to arthritis. He had this three months ago in China before he came to Singapore. He had taken medicine, so there was no pain at that moment in time.

Prayed for him and talked about Jesus. Thanked him for working in Singapore.

I realise that sometimes, people choose not to acknowledge their pain when I check with them. It's interesting...

Muslim & Drink Stalls

Went to buy chicken cutlet rice from the Muslim stall near my place. Received a WOK that wasn't so clear but decided to step out in faith anyway - right knee area.

The Muslim lady confirmed it and said that she has abit of arthritis but she's on medicine. She asked me why. I requested to bless her with prayer for recovery, but she declined.

I realised that devout Muslims often reject prayer from Christians. Next time, I shall approach in a different way for Muslims.

Went to the drink stall to get a drink and I had a WOK for one of the aunties - left shoulder area. She said its the right shoulder area instead. But the pain comes on and off and she didn't have the pain at that moment. Prayed for her anyway. She felt her shoulder become lighter.

More Jesus more.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Mass WOK

Gave four WOKs at TLA after closing up the session - Gospel of Mark Part 2.

Left heel
Right knee
Left neck to shoulder area
Spine problem

Three people responded to the first three. Got the people around them to pray. Healing took place in Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday 15 November 2014

Minced Meat Noodles Stall

After CG QM, I went to Compassvale Point foodcourt to buy dinner home for my wife.

While waiting for my food at minced meat noodles stall, I had a WOK for the auntie - right foot, front part of her ankle.

Checked with her and she was kinda surprised. But I didn't manage to pray for her as she was the only one managing the stall. She said she was busy and thanked me.

Prayed for her in my heart anyway.

Walked to the escalator and prayed for a lady who fractured her left elbow. She was wearing a cast. Praise God that she is a believer too.

Indians Who Are Here For Vacation

Saw a group of guys taking photos outside Furama hotel.

I asked the Holy Spirit and He showed me a left shoulder problem. Went out of the hotel to approach them. Initially, I thought that they are from Blangadesh but one of the guys said that they are from India.

Had a short conversation with one of them and he asked me what I work as. I said, "I work in the church. By the way, does anyone of you have problem here (pointing to my left shoulder area near the deltoid)?" Immediately, he pointed to one of them and said, "He has."

This guy injured his left shoulder area for several months. Prayed and he could lift up his arm freely. Praise Jesus!

One by one, they came to me with problems.

Right arm injury - partially healed.

Gall stones in stomach - prayed but can't check.

Neck problem - prayed but can't check.

Back problem for one year - prayed and he gave a surprise look - "Wow. It is now loosened!" Such look is always priceless. Jesus is so good!

Unfortunately, they were rushing off as their coach was waiting. I told them, "Jesus heals you and bless you!" One of them said, "Yes, Jesus!" 

Took a photo of the two of them.

Father, reveal Your Son to them. Amen.

Furama Hotel (Havelock Rd)

Reached Furama hotel for CGL Quarterly Meeting.

Had a WOK for one of the two bell boys - left ankle. Checked with him.

Me: You have a problem with your ankle?
He: Yes.
Me: Left ankle?
He: Yes, because I have flat foot and it sprains easily.
Me: Only the left one right?
He: Yes.

Wanted to pray for him but he declined. He's a pious Muslim, who doesn't accept Christian prayer.

I spoke to his Muslim friend (the other bell boy) and I realised how their view of God has shaped them so differently. They believe that God is the one who gives them pain. If He wants to take it away, He will.

Had a conversation with him and I learnt more about Muslim beliefs.

Had another WOK and went to approach two other staff at the reception counter. They said that it's the Muslim bell boy that I spoke to who has the problem.

Tried to be thick-skinned and went to him again to see if I can pray for him. But like his friend with the left ankle issue, he declined.

God, bless them anyway, that they may know You as their Father who loves them.

Friday 14 November 2014

Driver Who Holds Two Jobs

Received a WOK and prayed for the driver's right ankle. He said he had injured it long time ago and it might have resulted in rheumatism.

He couldn't test the difference on the spot as his pain would come around 2-3am. Trusting God for his complete healing.

He's a free thinker but he shared that if he is free, he may visit my church.

SMRT Staff

Arrived at LRT platform and saw the SMRT staff - an auntie.

"Holy Spirit, let's love and bless her."

Received a WOK concerning her right knee.

She asked me how I knew it. I said that I'm a Christian. Apparently, she is, too. She's from Paya Lebar MC.

Prayed for her. She couldn't tell the difference yet as her pain comes on and off due to osteoporosis.

Grant her complete healing, Lord.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Knees & Back

Just arrived home from LCEC meeting.

Had a WOK for the driver - left knee. He was caught by surprise. He shared that it's actually both his knees. He would have pain if he walks for a distance or when he plays badminton.

Prayed for him twice and he felt the improvement. He also had lower back problem due to an injury long ago. Prayed and he was very happy that he didn't feel any pain/ache after that.

He was so thankful that he actually bowed to me. I shared about Jesus but he's a Buddhist. Jesus loves him anyway.


This afternoon, I had a WOK for a lady - left arm, rheumatism.

I asked her if she had pain on her left arm, she said, "No." I responded, "I thought you have."

Then she shared, "When the aircon is too cold, I get the pain on both my arms."

I replied, "Isn't that rheumatism?"

She said, "I think so."

Prayed for her. She's a free thinker but she gladly stretched out her hand to let me pray.

Sometimes, non-believers are more believing than believers.

Sunday 9 November 2014

God Is Humorous

I'm not into miracles, signs and wonders. I'm into seeing people healed, set free and encounter God's love so that they want Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

With so many bags of stuff (bread, cakes, etc.) to carry home from mum-in-law's place, my wife, Jeshua and I took a cab home.

I thought I received a WOK concerning the driver's right foot. When asked, he said, "Why leh?"

I replied, "You have it, right?"

He was surprised, "How did you know?"

My wife replied for me, "Because Jesus cares for you."

However, to the uncle, he thought that 'right foot' is 'right lower back'. He explained, "I injured my lower back while helping a customer to carry stuff more than a month ago."

God is so humorous. I received a WOK concerning the driver's right foot. Yet for the driver, his understanding of right foot was different. Well, God encountered him anyway haha.

Told him to drive us to the lobby area so that I could pray for him. Prayed for him while my wife told Jeshua what I was doing. Prayed twice and he said, "No more pain."

He's a free thinker but I told him that Jesus loves you regardless of your belief.

And yes... I'm still having a throbbing tooth. Arghh...

Church Member - Deafness

A church member came to approach me today. He had been with the church for 30 over years.

He said that he had problem listening with both his ears. His left ear was almost completely deaf. His hearing became so bad that he felt like stopping church altogether, because he couldn't hear the sermons anyway.

He then shared with me that few months ago, when I was speaking on the stage, he could suddenly hear (but not complete healing). I guess that was when I preached in main service in May, because that was the only time.

Since then, he had wanted to approach me to pray for him for complete restoration of both his ears but he was shy to do so.

Today, he saw me at the missions carnival and he approached me.

Prayed for both his ears and he saw an improvement. Then I told him, "Let's see what God does."

He said that if he gets healed, he will give me a call.

Am trusting God for complete restoration of his ears.

Pavilion At Tampines

Was walking to mum-in-law's place when I went past a group of domestic helpers sitting in the nearby pavilion.

Received a WOK concerning a right knee. Decided to walk back to them.

Me: Are you all from Philippines?

They: Yes.

Me: One of you has pain on your right knee.

She: Yes. Why?

Me: Are all of you Catholics?

They: Yes.

Me: I'm a Christian and like all of you, I believe in Jesus. I was walking to my mum-in-law's place when I heard the Lord saying that one of you has pain on your right knee. So I'm here to pray for you to be healed.

She: Wow.

Apparently she (lady in pink top) had pain on both her knees for few months. She felt pain whenever she squatted. Prayed for her and she was completely healed. She squatted and was very surprised that there was no more pain. Immediately, she told her friends about it.

I asked the rest if they needed physical healing. The lady in green top said she had pain at her left shoulder. Prayed and she was healed. Pain was gone.

The lady (in black top) on the furthest right had lower back problem for few months. I asked one of them to lay hand on her back and we prayed. Her pain was gone but she said that she would test out further because the pain usually comes when she stands or walks for a long time.

Found out that they had attended Holy Trinity Catholic Church earlier. Told them that Jesus loves them and thanked them for serving Singaporeans.

MRT To Tampines

Boarded the train from Toa Payoh to Tampines to visit my mum-in-law. Am down with a toothache & slight headache. Prayed but haven't gone away. Gonna press on.

Prayed for an uncle who was sitting on the wheelchair. He had a stroke 8 years ago and it left him unable to walk as his left leg has no strength. Didn't ask him to stand up and try as we were in the train.

There was a group of Indonesians standing around me. Received a WOK for one of them - left foot (interesting - kept having left foot these two days).

She didn't want to be prayed for as she's shy. The rest of her friends were telling her to let me pray. Before they could persuade her more, they had arrived at Tanah Merah.

God, I want to represent You more and more everywhere I go.

Muslim Lady

Spoke to a Muslim lady in her 50s. Received a WOK concerning her left foot.

When asked, she said it's her right foot (I was not so accurate but it's still the foot haha). Apparently, she met with a traffic accident many years ago and she had undergone a surgery. Now her right one was shorter than her left.

She had to go but I got down her contact number as she stays in Sengkang. She is willing to meet me again so that I can pray for her leg.

Yay Jesus! Encounter her when we meet again!

Saturday 8 November 2014

Two Muslims At Bus Stop

Was waiting for my wife at the bus stop with Jeshua as she went home to put some stuff we bought from the supermarket.

We were going to Punggol Plaza foodcourt for dinner.

Saw two Muslims and had a WOK for one of them concerning the right foot. Went to approach them. The lady asked, "Why leh?"

I said, "You have, right?" She nodded. Prayed for her but didn't manage to check how she was doing because both my wife and the bus came and we had to board it.

Encounter her, Jesus.

Thursday 6 November 2014

On A Driver's Blessing Tour

Finally got to spend some couple time with my wife.

I'm off today and wanted to go Little India to bless the Indians but I still have work to do - preparation for the Gospel of Mark. Decided to work until my wife knocked off from school.

Met her for late lunch and coffee before we went to pick Jeshua from his nanny. It was raining and my wife proposed that we take a cab home as it would cost $4 plus only.

While collecting back my change, I asked the uncle, "You have problem with your left hand?"

He said, "It's rheumatism."

Me: Only left hand right?

He: Yes.

Prayed for him without asking for permission. He couldn't tell the difference as there was no ache at that moment.

Heal him, Lord, that he may know You.

Maybe one of my assignments is to bless cab drivers.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

What A Day!

Jeshua is still having a fever. So I applied for childcare leave today as I needed to bring him to his pediatrician.

I mixed up the timing which I needed to be queuing at the pediatric clinic at Rivervale Mall, Sengkang. I thought I had to be there by 8.30am. But my wife told me that I needed to be there by 8.15am to queue.

As such, I had to take a cab though it was a short distance from my place. Received a WOK for the driver regarding his right arm.

Me: You have problem with your right arm?

He: Why do you ask?

Me: You have a problem there right?

He: Why do you ask leh?

Me: I'm a Christian. I worship Jesus and He told me that you have this problem.

He: Serious?

Me: Yes. And when I pray for you, you will be well.

He: Oh okay.

Me: Are you a Christian?

He: No. I am not sure if Jesus will accept me as I have done many wrongs in the past. My friend told me that a Christian can pray anywhere, is that right?

Me: Jesus accepts you no matter how many wrongs you have done in the past. He loves you. And yes, you can pray anywhere if Jesus is in your heart.

We had a short conversation as it was a very short journey. I asked him if he could stop somewhere (instead of the clinic) so that I could pray for his arm. He drove to a nearby carpark opposite the pediatric clinic.

Prayed for his arm and he felt that the tightness became loosened. He said that he also had back problem. He got out of the car and let me pray for his back and he felt his back loosened up too. I told him that he would be well. Then I told him, "Jesus is the One who heals you. He loves you very much. Do you want to have this Jesus in your heart?"

He nodded.

I led him to receive Christ. Initially, I was worried as I didn't know how to pray in Mandarin. I was glad that he told me that he usually speaks in English. As I prayed, he repeated after me. He then shared with me that he felt relaxed. I said, "Jesus has come into your heart. Now you can pray to Him wherever you are."

He thanked me and asked me which church I go to. I invited him to come to TPMC as I would usually be there everyday for work.

Thank You Jesus for encountering this driver! One more soul in the kingdom! Multitudes of angels are rejoicing in heaven! Hallelujah!

I believe that someone had sown the seed of the Gospel in this driver. I merely brought him another step to make the decision to receive Jesus. Through these few days, I am reminded that I should bring my name cards along so that I can give to people, should they want to contact me or attend TPMC.

Oh yes, I ended up reaching the clinic at 8.25am instead. Hope my wife doesn't "kill" me after knowing what has happened :p
After queuing at the clinic, I went to withdraw money from the ATM. Meanwhile, my wife was messaging me and I was replying her messages. I'm someone who can't multitask. Guess what? I actually took back my ATM card but I forgot to take my money from the ATM!!! When I went back after realising it, the money was gone! This was the first time such thing happened in my life! I just couldn't multitask.

I was a little upset for a while as it wasn't just a small amount. But I decided to switch to thanksgiving. I thanked God that the person who took it was blessed. I thanked God that even though I lost it, the person had gained the blessing. I prayed for him that he and his family would be blessed too. All of a sudden, joy filled my heart. I want to grow and be more and more like Jesus. There is no point grumbling about it.

Went to buy breakfast to bring home. As the auntie was preparing the noodles, I had a WOK concerning her right wrist. Checked with her and she said that she would feel the pain and sore when she is resting, but not when she is working. When she passed me the change (money), I laid hand on her wrist and spoke a quick prayer over her. I'm trusting that God would heal her and she would experience His love.

As I was walking towards the bus stop to board a bus home, I saw an auntie walking towards me. She was wearing a knee guard on her right knee. Went up to her and asked if it was arthritis. She nodded. Laid hand and prayed. She felt better as she tested it out. Told her that Jesus loves her.

The journey back home was filled with so much joy that I couldn't contain it. I think Jesus must be elated each time He saw people set free and healed. Every day, there is an opportunity to be a blessing to someone in our lives. We just have to know that Jesus is living right inside us and He loves to touch people.

Free-Thinker Driver

Last night, I took a cab home after CGO meeting. Jeshua was still down with fever and I wanted to be home with him as much as I could, especially when I had been away for missions for the past few days. If I were to take the train, it would take me an hour and he would be sleeping by then. Anyway, it's my way of blessing any cab driver financially, physically and spiritually. I love cab drivers because they can't escape from Jesus when I talk to them.

Had a WOK concerning his right hand and neck.

Me: Do you have neck problem?

He: No... Actually yes. It comes on and off.

Me: And you also have problem with your right hand?

He: Eh? How come you know?

Me: I'm a Christian. I worship Jesus like you worship god (I saw a Buddha sculpture in his car). I talk to Him and He talks to me. He tells me that you have these problems.

He: (Surprised). Actually, I'm a free thinker. I think Christians shouldn't force people to Christ.

Me: Ya. We shouldn't force anyone. This kind of thing cannot be forced.

We continued with our conversation. Apparently, he is 75 years old and will have to retire from driving taxi in few months' time. He shared that he had a friend who was very sick in the hospital at one period and the friend's nephew kept persuading him to receive Christ every day. This taxi driver felt that the Christian shouldn't keep forcing his uncle.

I understood where the nephew was coming from and the driver too. Nonetheless, I didn't want to explain or debate. There is no point using reasoning to draw someone to Christ. It's always better to let the Holy Spirit do His job.

I purposely got the driver to drop me near my lift lobby so that I could minister to him. I had a word for him - "He is a very brilliant person. He is good with Mathematics stuff. He is someone who is not calculative though and he can easily overlook the mistake of others." This is what I felt the Holy Spirit saying. But I realised that I forgot to mention this to him after I alighted.

Prayed for his neck and right hand. His right fingers were also painful due to a nerve issue from upper back (near neck) to the right hand. He had been suffering with these for many years and he had seen many Western and Chinese doctors but there was no improvement. Prayed twice and he felt the improvement. By faith, I told him that he's going to get better and better.

He then asked me for my name and the church I attend. Told him that it's Toa Payoh Methodist Church and I work there in the English department.

He said that he would come to the church and find me as he stays in Toa Payoh.

When the Holy Spirit reveals Himself, even a free thinker who has doubts about Christianity will be drawn to Jesus. The uncle could say whatever he wanted but when the Holy Spirit touched him, his mind and heart would have to change.

Thank You Lord for touching him!

Ephesians 5:16 says that we are to make the most of every opportunity we have for doing good. In another translation, it says "... walk circumspectly... redeeming the time..."

In other words, when we make use of an opportunity we have for doing good, we are redeeming the time. People are an opportunity for us to do good, i.e. healing and blessing them. When we do that, they will be drawn a step closer to the Lord. This reduces the time they need to come to Jesus. It is redeeming the time!

Waitress At Soup Restaurant

Last evening, we had CGO meeting at the Soup Restaurant, Toa Payoh. This is to thank all the CG Overseers for their contribution and service unto the Lord for  taking care of various CGs under them.

I went slightly earlier. Two waitresses came to serve. I asked the Holy Spirit for a WOK for either one of them. He told me that one of them had ankle issue. I thought I saw an image of right ankle. As I looked at both of them, I felt drawn to the older waitress.

Went up to ask her if she had problem with her ankle. She initially said, "No." I pointed to my ankle and asked again. She then replied, "Actually I have. It comes on and off. But there is no pain now." She pointed to her left ankle. Apparently, I got it wrong concerning the side of the ankle. But it's still the ankle anyway.

Offered to pray for her but she declined, saying that she's working. I am a little "aggressive" in this area. So I persisted and told her that when she came to our table again, I would just say a prayer within seconds. She agreed.

Prayed for her. She couldn't test out as she didn't have pain at that moment. I'm trusting the Lord to heal her completely.

I got to know that she's also a Christian from Church of God.

Sunday 2 November 2014


Just took a cab home as I was tired after a long meeting that ended at 5pm.

Haven't been sleeping well for the past five nights due to a persistent cough. Prayed many times but I'm still coughing. But it doesn't change the truth that God's will is to heal. This doesn't stop me from going around to heal the sick. My cough doesn't determine my identity. Neither does it change the truth in God's Word. God heals. Period.

Tired but wanted to bless the driver. Asked for a WOK and received a vision of him bending his left arm up and down. It had to do with his elbow area.

Checked with him and he was surprised that I knew. Shared with him about Jesus. He said that he had a growth in the inner part of the elbow (not visible on the outside). There is no pain though, except when he leans his elbow on something for long.

Prayed for him anyway. He also had a lump near his left toe. Prayed and told him (by faith) that it would get smaller and smaller.

He asked me which church I attend and he might come on one of the Sundays. He's a free thinker.

Holy Spirit, draw him to Jesus. Amen!

Saturday 1 November 2014

Flight Back To Singapore

On our way back to Singapore, I had a WOK for a Caucasian lady on the flight. It had to do with stiffness or pain at her right shoulder.

Checked with her and she confirmed it. Prayed for her and got her to test out. Not sure if she was instantly healed because she said that she had this problem on and off.

Apparently, she and her husband have been with WEC International for 50 years and they are coming to Singapore to recruit missionaries. The husband is the Chairman of WEC New Zealand. They are the ones who started WEC Singapore 30 years ago. Amazing!

Glad to know them :)

Chairman Of Laohu Churches

Yesterday, we checked with the guy who had sharp pain at his back area for few months to see how he was doing. He shared that he still had no more pain. Praise Jesus!

Apparently, he is the chairman of Laohu (tribe) churches. He oversees many churches in that tribe. Now that he is healed, he is very excited to bring the message of healing to his people. In the past, he would pray for the sick without any expectation. Now that he has experienced God's power and healing, he is going to pray with expectation.

Very encouraged to hear this.