Saturday 30 September 2017

Coins That Teach Divine Healing Perspective

In 2012, a group of us kept playing with coins and other objects (keys, buttons, cards, fork, spoon, etc.) by sticking them on the wall through prayer.

Since then, some items are left sticking on my wall for many years. Make no mistake... they are not stuck there by glue or adhesive tapes. They are stuck there by the power of God. True story...

Yesterday, after my son played with coin sticking. I decided to do this... check the video below.

I did the same way for 10 cents as I did for a dollar. In the natural, the weight of a dollar coin is heavier than the weight of a 10-cent coin. It should be "harder" to stick on the wall. I should pray "harder". But I didn't. Because in relation to the weight of God's glorious power, it is always the SAME, regardless of the weight of the object. The focus is not on the weight of the object. Neither is the focus on the way I pray. The focus is on the glorious weight of God's power.

This has to do with a renewed mind.

In the same way, the healing of muscle ache is the SAME as the healing of terminal diseases such as cancer. In God's perspective, every sickness is of the same level, in relation to His power and the finished works of the Cross.

It is purely human perspective to pray in a simple way for muscle ache, but to pray in a sophisticated way for cancer. In that approach, we are saying, "Cancer is harder to be healed than muscle ache." That is the operation of a carnal mind.

For the spiritual mind, the healing of muscle ache is the same as the healing of cancer. Jesus died to pay for both to be healed. The blood of Christ is REQUIRED for the healing of muscle ache, just as it is required for the healing of cancer. We are not appreciating the blood sacrifice and the finished works of Jesus if we think that healing of muscle ache is "LESSER" or "SMALLER".

The carnal mind exalts cancer above muscle ache. How do we know that? Often, the way we give thanks and share testimony for the healing of cancer is WAY ABOVE the way we give thanks and share about the healing of muscle ache. In fact, more often than not, we choose not to share testimonies of "smaller" healings, thinking that we should only share testimonies of "bigger" healings such as healing of cancer. That is NOT a renewed mind. By exalting "bigger" testimonies, we are indirectly exalting those sicknesses as "BIGGER". 

The mind of Christ does not see it that way. The mind of Christ sees cancer and muscle ache as "sickness". And every sickness is on the SAME LEVEL in heaven's perspective. Just as there is no bigger or smaller sin (Sin is sin. Period.), there is no bigger or smaller sickness. Just as the ONE act of Christ's sacrifice removes every sin, the ONE act of Christ's sacrifice destroys every sickness. The focus is not on the sickness. The focus is on the POWER and the FINISHED WORKS of Christ.

At the beginning of this year 2017, God already said, "The healing of cancer shall be as easy as the healing of muscle ache. But unless My people give thanks for the healing of muscle ache as much as they give thanks for the healing of cancer, they won't see the same result."

Therefore, the way we pray for someone to be healed from cancer should be the SAME as the way we pray for someone to be healed from muscle ache. Because the way we pray for a heavier coin to be stuck on the wall is the same way we pray for a lighter coin to be stuck on the wall. Jesus! #renewedmind #heavenperspective

Friday 29 September 2017

Nothing Can Separate Us From His Love

"For I am persuaded that neither DEATH nor LIFE, nor ANGELS, nor PRINCIPALITIES nor POWERS, nor things PRESENT nor things TO COME, nor HEIGHT, nor DEPTH, nor ANY OTHER CREATED THING, shall be able to separate us from the LOVE of God which is IN CHRIST JESUS  our Lord." - Rom 8:38-39 (emphasis added)

As believers, nothing in this life can separate us from the love of God. Not even death.

According to apostle Paul, even angels and demons cannot separate us from the love of God. So I'm not sure why we still want to focus so much on evil spirits when we should be focusing on the love of God. Even if a believer is oppressed with demonic spirits, the true answer for him to be set free and stay free IS the LOVE of God. Some say that demons can create a stronghold to prevent/hinder the believer from being set free, so you need to cast them out. Really? Is it really in the Bible? Did Paul ever, ever say that? What if the believer knows the love of God? Even the demons cannot stop him from receiving the love of God. Because NOTHING can. Love is the greatest stronghold.

"The love of God which is in Christ Jesus..." 

The love of God is most evident on the Cross. It is the reality of His love. If He has given His greatest love - the life of His precious Son, how will He not also with Him graciously and freely give us ALL things (Rom 8:32). All things include the "lesser" - such as finances, freedom, healing, wholeness, health, peace, joy, etc.

Nothing can separate us from receiving ALL these. Not even "any other created thing" - which means that not even our spouse and our best friend can separate us from receiving the love of God. They are not the issues, no matter what they say or do to us. We are the issues when we are not free from self. The reason why we still get hurt is because we fail to receive His love DIRECTLY. We allow His creation to separate us from His love when He HIMSELF said that NOTHING can separate us from His love.

In the list mentioned in Rom 8:38-39, it says "nor things present nor things to come..." Notice, the present and the future are in the list, but the past is NOT in the list.

The past didn't go through the Cross. The past was BEFORE the Cross. The Cross always starts from the present and looks into the future. This is why Galatians 2:20 says "I have been crucified with Christ..." Your past was crucified with Christ. If you still want to hold on to your past, you are resurrecting the old man which is already buried and dead. When God said, "Old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new", He is extremely serious about it. If God is not bringing it up again, don't you dare to bring it up and say that it's the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit and God are One. It is more likely the devil bringing up your past in the disguise of God's voice. Why would God wipe off your past, then remind you of your past again so that He can do some deliverance? 

The devil is a thief. He wants to steal your identity. He wants your past to continue to define you. Oh man, he sure loves inner healing where he can dig up your past. 

You have been delivered (Col 1:13). You are complete in Christ (Col 2:10). It's whether you believe God or the devil.

Our past can stop us from receiving the love of God, which includes healing, deliverance, wholeness, freedom, abundance, finances, etc. Why? Because if guilt, shame and condemnation are still there, we subconsciously think that we deserve to be kept in bondage (sickness, depression, emotional brokenness, financial poverty, bad relationships, etc.) Wrong believing results in wrong living. You can't bear good fruit if you start from the wrong tree. Unless we let go of our past and forgive ourselves because He has already forgiven us on the Cross, we can't receive all the good things He has poured out for us on the Cross.

This is why forgiveness is always tied to healing. If you know that you are forgiven of ALL sins, you can have confidence to be healed of ALL sicknesses (Psalm 103:3).

If we don't begin where Christ finished, we will be finished.

Focusing on the love of God is what enables us to receive from Him. NOTHING can separate us from His love. NOTHING can hinder us from receiving His love. NOTHING can stop us from receiving healing, health, deliverance, freedom, abundance, wholeness, joy, peace, etc... #identity #truth #loveofGod

Jesus Loves Me - Chris Tomlin

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Fast Healing

There were a few people healed today at different situations through word of knowledge. Shared with all of them about Jesus. This is about living a lifestyle where you see healings every single day, wherever you go.

The day before, I was pondering on something with the Lord. I have ministered healings in so many ways.

- Commanding the pain to leave
- Laying hand on the sick without saying a word
- Looking at the sickness without laying hand and without saying anything
- Pointing to the sickness without laying hand and without saying anything
- Standing near the person without doing or saying anything
- Standing far away from the person without doing or saying anything
- And some other ways

But whenever I lay hand on the sick, I would put my hand there for a while, before I see instant healings.

So I pondered on this and told God, "Well, I am so used to lay hand and wait for a while, that it has become a hindrance for my mind. I need to renew my mind for healing to happen quickly. I will lay hand for two seconds and see the person healed next time. In this way, I can reach even more people faster."

Today, as I ministered to the Grab driver, I touched his shoulder for two seconds and he was instantly healed. Jesus!

What we believe, it will happen. It's the renewal of our mind, so that we don't limit our belief.

Growing In The Word of Knowledge

Growing In The Word of Knowledge

"Words of knowledge are going to take tons of practice. Sometimes it seems as if people think I just sovereignly hear God and bypass my twenty-plus years of practice, thinking they can just jump into the gift... you will have to commit to faith and a relationship-building process..."

"Some people also think I was just anointed or imparted to by someone and that I just let their gifting rub off on me and now it's all good and easy. That's not at all the case." - Shawn Bolz, probably the man with the sharpest and most detailed Word of knowledge in our generation

I can understand what he meant, because it took me a season of stepping out in faith and practising to reach where I am now. And there is so much more to grow into. In the process, you have to lose your reputation; let people think you are crazy; be a fool; overcome insecurities; etc. The fastest way to grow is Galatians 2:20.

Love this guy who pursues identity. Stop looking to impartation and gifting. Start looking to Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Love + Power

Love + Power

Some like to classify miracles such as creative miracles, healing miracles, etc. You can't find that in the Bible. I'm pretty narrow-minded when it comes to the Word and truth. There's only healing and miracles (1 Cor 12). Of course, there are extraordinary miracles (Acts 19) but they are still miracles.

A miracle is instantaneous. But a healing may not be instantaneous. It can be progressive or sudden. Jesus did not always see instantaneous results, though His standard was within one day.

When we minister to someone and he is healed instantly, the power of God is demonstrated.

But when we minister to someone and he is not healed instantly, what do we do? 

Because it's so easy to do a hit-and-run. We all want to see the power of God. But do we have the love of God?

It takes the power of God to see instant healing. But it takes the love of God to follow up on the person and see him healed 100% eventually.

Make no doubt. We always go after the instantaneous. But when we don't see the instantaneous, we go after 100% healing, demonstrating the love of God by following up with the sick.

If we can't steward what we have to see 100% healing by following up with the sick, we won't get to see 100% instantaneous healing. Because the motivation is not Love.

Word Of Knowledge

I was spending time in the Lord when I suddenly saw a vision of my friend.

So I texted him and gave him the prophetic word I received from the Lord. Short and sweet. Nothing elaborated.

He, in turn, saw a prophetic word for me, which is a confirmation of what I just told God few days ago.

Few days ago, I told Him, "Father, I thank You for the gift of word of knowledge. I'm asking for an increase. Increase in details. Beyond healings, specific names and business/field of education. I'm asking now for birth dates and addresses. I desire to see people encounter Your love and realise how intimate You are and how much You know them."

It's always encouraging to release word of knowledge and prophetic word to one another.

My friend's prophetic word reveals to me the following:
1) God is manifesting His love to me in the "NOW" moment

2) God hears my prayer which I prayed few days ago

3) God wants to assure me

4) God is answering my prayer

What an awesome God we have. Jesus!

Living By Sensuality

If you live by feeling, you will never have a sure foundation.

Over the years, I have heard believers telling me, "I don't feel Him for quite some time."

You can't find that in Scriptures. It's still the old man trying to live by sensuality, sight and manifestation.

The old hymn doesn't go, "Jesus loves me this I know. For I feel Him everyday."

It's "Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so."

The new man lives by faith. Faith is simply trusting His Word.

The Cross is the sure foundation. The next time you feel like He is not there, just remember the Cross. He never leaves you nor forsakes you. He died so that He can live IN you.

Monday 25 September 2017

Identify With Christ

" whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world." - Gal 6:14

We are not called to identify with people. We are called to identify with Christ.

Identify not with earth. 
Identify with heaven.

If we can identify with heaven, we can bring heaven into the lives of people on earth. They don't need another person to identify with them. They need Someone to give them heaven on earth.

Only truth makes them free (Jn 8:32).

Solution To Life Issues

Saturday 23 September 2017

Xperiential Outreach at Boat Quay

So glad to have a busker in the team. Was supposed to hit the pubs but there was a change of plan. It's beautiful to have worship songs sung openly in the public. The songs of heaven released His presence into the atmosphere, moving and changing the hearts of passersby. Even if you sing secular songs, as long as your heart is worshiping, it can release the same presence.

As people were drawn to the songs, even non-believers, many were healed and some prophesied over.

Two local M ladies sat there to listen to the songs. They asked, "Is this Christian song?" We said, "Yes." We handed them our cards and they received healing while holding onto the cards. One of them asked, "Can I visit a church with you?" We exchanged contact and she will be coming to NCC. A local M. So good. Jesus!

One of the M Cisco police officers was healed. So the security guard beside him said, "I also have a certain measure of power. Can you feel it?"

We said "No." 

Then we said, "You touch our hand and see who has power."

He said, "Sure." We held hand and he asked, "You feel anything?" We said, "No." We asked, "What about you?" He said, "Yes I can feel power coming from you."

Then we told him that he did Yoga and has a curved spine which gave him back problem because we saw a vision of a snake on his back. He nodded but didn't want to be ministered.

But now he knows Christ has the real power.

Stay tuned for October outreach as we busk at Sentosa during Halloween. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #healing #healings #daily #healingpower #healinghands #healingwords #healingvibes #healingheart #healingtouch #healingenergy #healinglove #healingpowers #freehealthcare #love #lovepeople #loveforever #people #nostringsattached #freehealing #free #health #divinehealth #healingtime #heart #wholeness #divinewholeness #xperiential

Busking Clip

Giving The Blood What It Deserves

We ministered to a Pakistan guy turned Singaporean in the streets. He had trauma and pain on his wrist due to an injury a year ago. Whenever he tried to bend, he would feel the pain. It disturbed him quite a tad as he's a sports person.

We ministered three times. Each time, he said, "It still feels the same. The pain is still there."

Some of us will give up at this point thinking that it is not working. But the Word says that when you lay hand on the sick, the sick will recover. It's either you believe that it is working or you give up thinking that it's not.

We are not moved by what we see. Neither are we moved by manifestation. We are moved by the Word.

We ministered the fourth time and the pain began to bow. By the sixth time, he was completely healed. We didn't change the way we minister because changing it means that we think it's not working. We didn't change it because healing is not about methods. Don't reduce healing to a method. Jesus never taught His disciples any single method on healing. In fact, He didn't teach on healing at all. Healing is about the faithfulness of a Person.

When the guy was healed, he exclaimed, "Bloody hell!" Then he gave us a hug because he was so grateful. You know that a non-believer is telling the truth when profanities start coming out from their mouth. Love it!

Some of us would stop at a few times and give up. But we need to give the Blood of Christ what it deserves. Jesus paid for 100% healing and redemption. So we don't give up unless the recipient himself gives up being ministered. It's either we persist longer because of what Christ went through or we give up because of what we do not see.

Each time when you minister, you are ministering because it is working, not because it is not. You keep going after it because Jesus paid for it. #collectingfullpayment

Thursday 21 September 2017


I can't sleep.

In 2018, we are going to see Normal Christianity exploding everywhere. It is no longer about one man at the pulpit. It is no longer about big churches. It is about sons and daughters awakening to Father-reality. It's the revelation of inheritance.

The so-called "revival" we are looking for is not men and women gathering in churches worshiping and hearing the Word preached.

The so-called "revival" is the awakening of normal believers seeing tremendous harvest of souls coming into the kingdom.

To reach the whole city, the believers in the city must be involved. We are going to see normal believers ushering in the revival from the bottom. It will be bottom up. It is the awakening of the Bride.

Behold. The Groom is coming for the Bride. And the Bride is getting ready.

Friday 15 September 2017

Distance Healing

Took a Grab and Jesus revealed the pain area of the M driver. Ministered and he was healed. Then he said, "Actually my wife is in severe pain for her left shoulder. She's working now."

We said, "Don't worry. We minister healing in proxy for her." We spoke healing for his wife in the car and said, "When you are home tonight, you check with your wife."

Distance healing is possible because Love transcends distance. Jesus!

In Control By Out Of Control?

This morning, I saw a vision of a man juggling a soccer ball beautifully. The ball did not drop on the ground. It seemed that the man had full control of the ball.

I asked the Lord what it meant, but I didn't seem to have the interpretation.

After sending J to school, I was walking home when I brought it up to Him again. "What do You mean with that vision?"

He said, "You are in full control when you surrender full control."

That's deep. I'm not a philosopher. I tried to figure out what it meant but I didn't understand. Baffled, I asked, "What do You mean?"

He began speaking to me...

We try to control our situations, often subconsciously. We try to control the way we handle people, circumstances and even our kids. It is easiest to deal with a kid's behaviour by control. But when we try to control, we have lost control. i.e. if we raise our voice at our child, we have lost control. Period.

Likewise, the reason why we are frustrated, anxious and worried about situations and stuff is because we try to control. And when we try to control, we have lost control. To have those feelings arising is clearly the sign of losing control. There is only one way to be in full control.

That is to surrender our full control.

God is in charge but He is not in control. He is not in control because He has given us control - freewill. You and I have the freewill to make decisions where God has no control over.

But the key is to return the control to Him. It's giving Him back the freewill He has given to us. It's saying, "Not my will, but Yours be done" (only when His will is not clearly defined in the Word). It's called surrendering.

When we surrender our control to Him, He becomes IN control of our situations. When we yield our will to Him, His will becomes evident in our lives. It's saying, "Father, I can't control this situation. I give up controlling. I give it to You. I surrender control." When we give Him control, frustration, anxiety and worries lose control over us. We become FREE.

The fruit of the Spirit has self-control. But it is not your self-control. It is His self-control. That's why it's the fruit of the Spirit and not your own fruit. When you completely surrender your control to Him, He has full control, and because He is IN you, you have full control.

"You are in full control when you surrender full control." #revelation

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Door Knock

Door Knocking

An interviewer knocked on our house door to do an interview. She was shocked when she was told where her pain was. She initially couldn't place her right arm behind her back due to pain. When she was healed, her expression was priceless. She said, "This is really amazing."

We shared Jesus with her. She said that her daughter is also a Christian but she isn't. She has certain concerns holding her back from being one. As we shared with her, she said, "I'm really touched by what you said." Before she left, she said, "I think I will go with my daughter to church now."

Usually, it's Jesus knocking at your door. This one knocked on the door of the household of Christ.

This is a lifestyle every believer can walk in every single day, regardless of where you are and what you are doing. You keep sowing the seed of Love (Gospel) to people, because you never know when you are going to reap the harvest. Some sow and some reap. Don't underestimate your sowing. Your sowing will empower others to reap. Others who sow also empower you to reap. That's partnership in the kingdom.

Can you imagine 3000 Singaporeans walking in this lifestyle of identity every single day? I can imagine how we will impact our nation. 

This is why I'm sharing these testimonies these few days. You can touch at least one life everyday. It's a lifestyle you and I can walk in every single day. You don't wait until you enter into a ministry mode, a church ministry or an outreach event. You ARE the ministry. You ARE the outreach. You never stop. 

It's not about signs and wonders. It's about you being the sign that makes people wonder who Christ is. You don't pursue signs and wonders. You pursue IDENTITY, and signs and wonders will follow you.

"As Christ is, so are we in this world." We use this verse for many things including the supernatural. What about using this verse in its original context ---- by simply becoming Love?

1 John 4 is talking about love.

As Christ is Love, so are we to become Love in this world. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #identity #powerandlove2018 #dailyhealings #everyday

P.S: As we entered the same lift with a M lady, we asked, "Your left knee is giving you problem?" She responded, "Ya. It is STILL painful." Suddenly, she realised that she didn't know us. Thus, she asked, "Eh? How come you know?" Cut the long story short, she was healed. Jesus!

M Lady Grab Driver

M lady Grab driver was shocked after receiving word of knowledge and healing. We just sat at the back seat without saying or doing anything as she got healed for the right side of her neck. She was unable to turn her neck to the right before that. She said, "You are freaking me out." We shared Issa with her.

And my own neck was sore due to the budget airline flight.

What you are going through has nothing to do with your identity. What Christ went through IS your identity. This is why you can minister healing regardless of what you are going through. 

What happens if 3000 Singaporeans walk in their identity? #identity #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #powerandlove2018

Monday 11 September 2017

Jiao Xi County

Acupuncturist solicited for foot massage. We didn't need but ministered to her back and she was completely healed.

Ministered word of knowledge for one of the staff in the restaurant and he was healed. All the staff then came out to queue for their turn to be ministered. Jesus.

What happens if we have 3000 Singaporeans living a lifestyle of outreach? #powerandlove2018 #anywhere #everywhere #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment

P.S: Wondering if 天龙八步teaches powerful martial arts.

Thursday 7 September 2017

Chinese WOK & Arch Growth

First time received word of knowledge in traditional Chinese "脖子”. 

Another waitress who had flat foot now has an arch grown at her foot and all pain left her. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment