Tuesday 30 August 2016

Boring Christian Life?

Decided to do Spidey outreach at the very last minute as my appointment ended earlier than I expected.

A group of AIA insurance agents was doing roadshow outside the MRT. While the rest were shouting "Spider-Man!", one of them bravely approached me to sell his product. He got healed completely of his injured finger. Before he could share about his insurance plan, I shared the entire salvation plan with him. He shared that his wife is a believer but he isn't. I asked, "What are you waiting for?" He replied, "I need to experience Him first." I said, "What do you think about this healing?" He kept silent and thanked me, without sharing his insurance plan. There is no need to force a person to receive Jesus. The works of God have spoken enough. The seed has been planted and the plow is on it's way.

I went to board the train, thinking that it would be as 'safe' as before. Well, I have been caught twice in different MRT lines and they brought me to the station control for questioning. Apparently, if you wear a mask, it breaches the security. NEL has been safe so far. So I assumed I could continue. The moment I boarded the train, a staff ran from one side of the train to me and requested that I alight at the following station. I salute our SG security system. It is first-class (perhaps world-class too) level. Why? I tried to board the next train. The moment I walked in, three security men came straight to me, armed with pistols. I reckoned that all the stations' security near where I was had been alerted.

They got me to take down my mask and took down my particulars, and started questioning me. "What are you doing?" I replied, "Do you have any pain in your body right now?" This sounded crazy, but I was in total peace within. If God is for you, who can be against you? The King was right with and in me.

They said "No" and kept questioning. Finally, they let me go and told me not to wear the mask. By now, I was honestly very impressed by our nation's security. We are exceedingly blessed to be living in Singapore.

Boarded the next train with my mask on my hand. Gave up trying. If you get caught the first time boarding NEL, that can be considered being a fool for Christ. If you get caught again, that's just being stupid. I'll practise wisdom the next round hahaha...

Cut the long story short, many got healed and heard about Jesus. Met people from South Africa, US, Aussie, Indonesia, India, China and our own people, whom I have burden for.

As I boarded a cab home, the driver asked, "Why are you in this suit and mask?" I asked, "Your neck is painful, right?" He said "Yes." I continued, "And it's towards the left side." He said, "Yes." Prayed and he was healed. As I shared what I was doing, he told me that he used to attend and was baptized in NCC (what a small world) but stopped attending church for many years since he started driving taxi.

No. I didn't say, "You should go back to church." What's the point of "you should do this and you should do that" if it doesn't come from the desire within? Jesus Himself is the Desire of All nations. The living water that He gives satisfies every desire in our soul. Sometimes, going into the wrong church can kill that very desire. My wife experienced that full well.

I said, "Jesus is with you as you are driving. You can talk to Him anytime. You can read His Word when you are free." He then replied, "Actually I can go to the NCC satellite service in Yishun." I left the spiritual conversation there because it is the Holy Spirit's job to finish what He started in his heart.

Christian life is not boring. It's getting more and more exciting each day. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #healing #Gospel #collectingpayment

Thursday 25 August 2016


I sprained my neck while lifting J from the bed three days ago. It would be painful when I tried to turn my neck. Throughout the whole day, the pain would be irritating when I simply carry a sling bag.

I know that I could just ask someone I know to minister to my neck and it would be healed. But I chose not. I want to walk in healing not just for others, but also for my own family and for me. I have already seen some measure of breakthrough for my own family. I have seen flu and cold leaving my own body supernaturally. This is why I stopped going to the doctor for more than one and a half years. For 40 years, Andrew Wommack hasn't seen any doctor. He is walking in divine health. If he can, so can we. Because God is not a respecter of person.

Disclaimer: Please go to the doctor if you need. Walk according to the revelation you have in your heart. There is no legalism.

Last evening, I partook Holy Communion and declared healing over my neck. This morning, I woke up with the pain gone. Jesus!

I am sharing this not to boast in myself, for there is no power and healing available on my own. I am sharing this to show that every believer can appropriate healing for his own body. It is fully paid for by Jesus. This thing is real. If we don't start learning and walking in it now, it may be too late when we need it.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Revelation On Love - Healing

There is so much revelation on Love. Just spending time in His love and talking to Him reveals more about His love.

When we know His love, we will know more of His love.

Love always conquers all.
Love always does good.
Love is the POWER to save all.

Romans 8:39 says that nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. Nothing means nothing. Whatever our experience says otherwise, the Bible says "nothing". It's either we walk based on our experience, or we walk based on the Bible.

In other words, when we minister to the sick, nothing can hinder the sick person from receiving His healing unless we fail to see His love on the Cross when we minister to that sick person. Because faith always works through LOVE.

It is one of the main reasons why we don't see the same kind of miracles in Singapore as in the missions field (third world countries). In third world countries, we can easily see the sick people with the love of the Cross when we minister. But in Singapore, we often fail to see our sick Singaporeans with the love of the Cross.

Of course, the other reason, which I shared before, is that the people in third world countries are desperate and hungry in the spirit. Their faith often surpasses the faith of the one who ministers to them. As such, they receive what they believe. i.e. the centurion, the Gentile woman.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

The Mind Of Christ For Healing

Jesus fed five thousand with five loaves, but four thousand with seven loaves. This defies the natural mind.

The natural mind thinks that five thousand would need more loaves. The natural mind thinks that terminal diseases would need stronger prayer, fasting, persistence, etc.

But apparently, the mind of Christ thinks differently. There is no bigger problem for the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ thinks that terminal diseases are as small as muscle ache.

If we only say, "Be healed" for muscle ache, then we can just say, "Be healed" for terminal diseases instead of doing an ultra long, specific and beautiful prayer that come from the natural mind.

When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He technically only said two words (excluding the name of Lazarus) - "Come out!" This is the mind of Christ.

P.S: If Jesus didn't call the name of Lazarus first, maybe all in the grave will also come out.

Ear Opened

Prayed for an elderly Singaporean lady in her 80s whose right ear couldn't hear any sound from the snapping of my fingers when I did it right in front of her. After prayer, she could hear the snapping of my fingers even when I stood several metres away. She could hear some words from a distance but not all the words in the sentence. Jesus! #healing #earsopened

Friday 19 August 2016



1) A group of tenants came to view my landlord's place for the first time. Had a word of knowledge for one of them. His back got healed and his shorter leg grew out (actually it's the straightening of spine that resulted in the leg 'growing' out). They made an offer for the unit right on the spot.

2) A tenant came with her supervisor and her brother to view another landlord's unit for the first time. Had a word of knowledge for her left shoulder. She got healed. The supervisor also received healing. She made an offer for the unit right on the spot.

The Gospel is not a respecter of person. There is no separation between secular work and God, because God lives in us. Unless God departs from you when you are working in your job, it is not possible to separate the two.

People get healed and hear about Jesus everywhere: cafés, restaurants, food-courts, coffee shops, stalls, supermarkets, shopping malls, playgrounds, pavements, literally in the streets, while waiting for traffic light, MRT platforms, in the trains, air planes, cabs, while viewing property, toilet, while in the queue to buy stuff, police officer in the departure hall, condo security guards, government security guards, inside and outside of hotels, in schools, in the hospitals, in family clinics, in the elevators, at the bus stops, at HDB void decks, during roadshows by insurance agents, bankers and other kinds of salespersons, and many other areas, etc. It's everywhere. Because where you walk, God is walking right there. And He loves to touch people and show them that He is the real Love.

Mark 16:15 says, "Go into ALL the world and preach the Gospel..." This can only be fulfilled when God and us are walking as One, not separated.

P.S: This lifestyle is inspired close to four years ago by an earthly role model that I look up to - Todd White. He is the man who represents Love so accurately. Check him out and be blessed!

Thursday 18 August 2016

Hard Truth

This is a hard truth. But there is no compromise. Recently, I ministered to an elderly woman who had heart problem. She had passed on.

A simple shift of responsibility will be, "Rejoice. She is now with Jesus where there is no pain and sickness."

While it is true that there is no pain and sickness in heaven, it is also true that I didn't represent Jesus accurately.

I apologised to the family. I take responsibility for failing to represent Jesus in faith. I know that if Jesus were to minister to her, she would be made whole. I'm still in a journey of growing to see what Christ sees. Well, I'm not beating myself down. It reminds me that there is much to go deeper in beholding Jesus.

When Jesus wept while Lazarus was in the tomb, He wasn't weeping because Lazarus died. If this was so, He would have wept when the widow's son died. In fact, He actually told her not to weep (Luke 11:13). 

Jesus knew that Lazarus would be raised from the dead. He wept because the mourners, Mary and Martha couldn't believe in Him as the One who said, "I am the Resurrection and the Life." It broke His heart when they couldn't see what He revealed.

There is more for us to grow in than we know. We need to take responsibility. With great authority and power (that God gave to all of us) comes great responsibility.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Fig Tree Lesson

Now in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. And Peter, remembering, said to Him, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree which You cursed has withered away.” - Mark 11:20-21

Jesus cursed the fig tree on the day before. He then went into the Temple to drive out those religious people. On the next morning, the fig tree dried up from the roots.

Jesus then taught His disciples on faith. "...whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them." - Mark 11:24

Jesus cursed the fig tree and nothing seemed to happen visibly on the spot. However, Jesus knew that it was done because of what He had said (Mark 11:23). The fig tree actually died from the root. It took close to one day before the result could be seen visibly - it dried from the root (hidden in the ground) up to the leaves (visible).

When we minister to the sick (or other problems), Mark 11:24 says, "Believe that you receive them, and you will have them." In other words, believe that it is done even when we don't see it visibly and we will see the manifestation.

Don't shrink back. Stand firm and believe, because the sickness may already be dried up from the root.

Hope of Glory

In one of the healing encounters, we met this group of Filipinos who came here for a vacation. Various healings took place and one of the guys said, "I am supposed to die but my heart suddenly works again. I have just been discharged from hospital."

We said, "Jesus redeemed your life. In fact, He has redeemed you out from drinking addiction so that you can now live your life to set others free from alcoholic addiction and other kinds of addiction."

He was very excited that the God of the Universe actually knew his life personally. He said, "Yes. I used to drink and smoke so much. I even womanized. Now I have stopped all of it. I want to fulfill God's purpose for my life on earth." He asked for our contact as he desired to walk in God's will.

Christ in us, the Hope of glory. We can release hope to others by releasing what the Father has prepared for them. A prophetic word connects them to their destiny so that they will stop looking at the temporal and start looking at the eternal.

Photo credits: Joycelyn Ho

#lifestylechristianity101 #healing #collectingpayment

Friday 12 August 2016

Represent The King Daily

Had early lunch at coffee shop before heading to settle some work.

While making payment, I asked the lady, "How's your knee? The left one." She said, "Oh it's painful due to arthritis." As I was ministering to her, I turned to her husband and asked, "And how's your neck?" He said, "How come you know? I met with a car accident." Cut the long story short, both got healed.

I went to buy a drink and the lady asked what I did for the two of them. She had constant pain at the back of her neck, resulting in nerve pain at the head area. I just put my hand there and continued drinking my lemon tea. She said, "I feel like floating in the air." All pain left her to her amazement. It's not about the words we say. It's what we believe. You can be eating your meal and people still get healed.

Three other aunties and uncle from various stalls saw what happened and came to me. One with knee and calf problem. One with wrist injury and one couldn't lift up his arm. All of them got healed. The uncle lifted his arm and said, "It's gone!" They said, "Why don't you open a shop and we can come to you when we need? You are so good." I said, "I don't have any power. It's Jesus who has the power to make you well and He heals for free." 

Everybody wants a King like Jesus. They long to live in His kingdom. When we represent the King, people experience the life of the Kingdom. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #minihealingrally #daily

People's Response Is Not A Hindrance

A youth with shoulder pain was totally healed. Another lady with knee pain was healed too. Both looked very fearful. In fact, in these two separate occasions, each of them was moving backwards when I prayed. Despite them feeling fearful, they received healing.

The point is... It has nothing to do with them. It is about the one ministering. Jesus said to the demon-possessed boy's father, "All things are possible to Him who believes." Jesus believed and thus, the demon was cast out.

So don't tell the sick person, "You need to be at peace in order to receive" or "You need to stay in faith in order to be healed". If Jesus didn't say, we should also probably keep our mouth shut.

What Happens If It Doesn't Happen?

What happens when it didn't happen? This is something we seldom talk about.

A couple of months ago, I ministered to one youth with wrist injury. When I first saw his wrist guard, I thought, "It is easy for Jesus." Prayed for him three times and nothing happened. But I remember his facial expression before I prayed. He looked very fearful.

There was another time when I prayed for a person's ankle. He, too, looked very fearful. I prayed twice with only partial healing.

Of course, there is a position to stand where we continue to believe in the healing where complete manifestation happens in the same day or days after. But there is also a reality where it just didn't happen.

I was pondering about these two incidents when I heard god saying, "Because they are fearful, so they can't receive." This thought is in line with what some seasoned healers believe in, which I read and heard about.

The only problem I have with this is... It is not found in Jesus. Not in the Bible.

I said, "God, You need to show me Scriptures." And He said, "Well, the reason it didn't happen is because you saw their fearful look and you allowed what you saw to affect what you should see."

Now this is Scripture. When the disciples couldn't cast out the demon, Jesus said, "Because of your unbelief." In other words, "Because you are not seeing what I see."

So apparently, the first voice I thought I heard from god (small letter 'g') is not God because it is not in line with Jesus. Anything that is contrary to the full truth is still a lie, and if I believe in the lie, I empower the enemy. If I believe that people can't receive healing because they are fearful, that will become my hindrance. If Jesus didn't say it, we need not add extra stuff to His words, regardless of the experiences and patterns we saw.

So what happens if it doesn't happen? We don't have to beat ourselves down. Instead, we have opportunity to go back to Him and go deeper, until we see what He sees.

The Importance of Standing in Faith

The importance of standing in faith.

Just met the lady whom I prayed for some time ago. I prayed one time for her arthritic knee through word of knowledge and nothing happened. I prayed for her colleagues and they got healed. But I walked away knowing that it's done.

She can now squat without any pain. She said, "It's healed."

When our heart stays in the position of 'done' instead of 'not yet', the mountain has to move.

1 Timothy 5:23

It is often interesting how divine healing as God's will is often "debunked" by those who do not believe. There are many passages which people use to come against it. One of them is 1 Timothy 5:23 where Paul instructed Timothy to drink a little wine for his stomach's sake.

Before we are quick to jump into conclusion that Paul didn't manage to heal Timothy, we need to understand that in those days, water was often contaminated. It was a common thing since the days of Hippocrates. Contaminated water causes stomach issue.

Paul, in his wisdom, obviously recognised the cause of Timothy's ailment - the latter kept drinking contaminated water. Even if Paul healed Timothy, the ailment would come back because the latter just kept drinking contaminated water. It's a no brainer.

To prevent this from happening, Paul suggested Timothy to 'use' a little wine. The word 'use' in Greek means to 'employ' or to 'make use of'. In other words, Paul is saying, "Stop drinking only water. Employ/make use of a little wine - mix it into the contaminated water." This will kill the bacteria in the contaminated water. In fact, ancient Greeks and Romans usually drank their wine mixed with water for this reason. It's amazing how the wisdom of God way surpasses the discovery of medical science.

Having said that, if we supposed that Paul really didn't manage to heal Timothy (assumed by those who don't believe in divine healing as God's will), which cannot be proven in Scriptures, who are we supposed to walk like? Paul or Jesus? The answer is obvious. The model we are to represent is not Paul. It's Jesus.

When it comes to loving people, we are on the common page - "We must love others like Jesus loves." But when it comes to healing, "Oh we must follow Paul instead of Jesus..." Is that biblical?

Why don't we model after Paul? Because he is not the ultimate model. In fact, he and Barnabas had such a sharp argument over John Mark that they had a division. Was the division God's desire? Nope. Did God redeem the division? Yes. That's how most of epistles were written.

Jesus embraced Judas in ministry despite knowing that the latter would betray Him. This is why He said, "I have loved them to the very end." He is the true representation of Love and we are to walk like Him. Paul didn't embrace John Mark - and this was just one of his shortcomings. Why don't we fully follow after Paul's example of love? The answer is obvious.

In a nutshell... 

1) We can't conclude that Paul didn't heal Timothy. However, we know that Timothy could be continually drinking contaminated water. Hence, Paul gave the wise advice for prevention.

2) Even if Paul didn't manage to heal Timothy (not proven in Scriptures), Paul isn't our ultimate example. Jesus IS.

If we want to model after Jesus in love, then let us also model after Him in power.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

How To Walk In Healing Instantly

Our personal breakthrough paves a way for others to follow through.

The woman with the issue of blood (Mark 5) had a personal breakthrough. Everyone was pressing against Jesus in the crowd, including this woman. But none was healed, except this woman. She saw what was possible and appropriated grace through faith. Thus, she received complete healing.

In the following chapter in Mark 6:56, people started touching the "hem of the garment" of Jesus and they, too, were healed. They saw/heard what happened to the woman with the issue of blood. Her personal breakthrough paved the way for them to follow through.

John Richard Wimber prayed for many people for more than one year before he saw his first healing. The same goes for Randy Clark, Bill Johnson and many others. Todd White prayed for close to 1000 people before he saw his first healing. Personally, I went out into the streets and prayed for many people for months before I saw my first healing.

This is not the model for anyone of you who desires to see healing. Our personal breakthrough should pave the way for others to follow through. You do not repeat what we do.

The quickest way for you to see healing instantly is to follow anyone who already walks in healing. As you are there, ask him/her to let you minister healing while he/she watches you do it. I have a few people who went out with me for the first time. They had never seen any healing prior to that. But all of them saw the first healing through their hands during the outreach. In fact, they couldn't stop. Each of them saw few healings at one go. Once you start, you can't stop.

If you desire to see healing, don't waste time going through what some of us had gone through. Tag along someone who already walks in healing and you WILL see your first healing.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Stand Firm

Brought J to SAFRA Kids' Amaze.

Two staff at indoor water playground got healed of wrist injury and right shoulder problem through word of knowledge.

While we were leaving, one of them ran to us to pass us a free gift and one free entry to the water playground. We declined the offer but they insisted on blessing my son. Of course, J was delighted.

Disclaimer: Healing is free. So we shouldn't expect anything in return from people.

We went in Wang Cafe for lunch. I saw the lady whom I prayed for some time ago. It was through a word of knowledge - she had a bike accident and injured her right arm. Whenever she tried to lift her arm, her upper right chest would be very painful. When I prayed for her last time, she felt strong heat. But when she tried to test out her arm, the pain was still there with zero improvement. I walked away knowing that it's done.

Today, she told me that there was no more pain when I asked how she was.

Healing sometimes happens instantly. Sometimes, it happens suddenly. Sometimes, it is progressive. I have no answer for that. Jesus didn't always have instant healing too. But the point is, when we have ministered healing, we must walk away trusting that it is done, instead of looking at the "unhealed" condition and think, "Ah, it didn't work." If we think this way, we have withdrawn our faith.

But if we simply trust God to do what He says He will, if we simply stand firm on the truth, we will see the manifestation - either immediate or later.

Walk by faith, not by sight/manifestation.

#lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #fatherandson #tagteam #fatherandsonday

Monday 1 August 2016

Usefulness of WOK

The word of knowledge opens door for ministry, especially in Singapore. We don't really need word of knowledge for healing in church. If believers need healing, they can just open their mouth to ask. But for non-believers, it is a sign that points them to the love of God.

While buying a pair of loafers, I have a word for the sales staff - her bicep. I asked her and she wondered, "How did you know?" Ministered healing and she got healed.

Then I went to meet a friend at Subway. I asked the cashier, "You have problem on your right upper back?" She said "Yes. It has been a recurring problem." Ministered healing to her. She had no pain at that moment. The presence of God fell upon her and she said, "From my feet all the way up, I'm feeling the whole thing." She's a converted M. So I shared who God is to her.

Next, I headed to coffee bean and had a word for the barista's wrist. He said, "Oh yes. That's the persistent pain on my wrist." Cut the long story short, he got healed.

Headed for an appointment in the evening. While making payment, I asked the cashier, "You have pain on your left arm opposite the elbow area?" She said "Yes." And I told my Christian friend, "Now you do the healing and follow what I tell you." He ministered healing and she felt the whole arm become light. But she was too busy running around at work.

When we walk conscious of Him, we can release His presence to those around us. It's a daily lifestyle. The Gospel is very mobile. 'Go-spur' the hearts of people towards Christ. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #neverstop #daily