Saturday 18 February 2017

Was Man Created To Live Forever?

Adam was a living soul. Jesus was a life-giving Spirit. (1 Cor 15:45)

Was Adam really created to live forever?

A living soul cannot give life to itself. Only a life-giving Spirit can give life to itself and others. Jesus, the last Adam, the life-giving Spirit, gives us life when we make a decision to abide in Him and He in us.

The first Adam, before his fall, was not created to live forever. He simply couldn't. But the tree of Life was in the Garden so that he could partake of it and live forever. If he didn't eat from it, he would still die. He partook it so regularly that it became his lifestyle.

After he sinned, death came, because he was prohibited from eating from the tree of Life. He still had communion with God. But he was separated from the tree of Life.

Genesis 3:22 - Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever."

God drove him out of the Garden so that he would no longer be able to eat from the tree of Life. God didn't want him to live forever in sin. He eventually died at 930 years old.

On the Cross, Jesus removed sin from us so that we are restored to the position which Adam had before the fall. If we continually partake of Christ (tree of Life) as a lifestyle, we will walk in divine health and live forever. That is the power of communion.

Disclaimer: Living forever does not mean present immortality. It simply means that we have eternal life. If our lives end (after completing the race God has given us), we are just asleep. But we can live long enough to see the rapture. Rapture is when the final footstool, the last enemy - death is put under the feet of Jesus.

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