Wednesday 8 February 2017

Interesting Outreach

Took a short break before and during CNY. So I decided to resume hitting the streets intentionally today in superhero costume.

A group of University students approached me to take photo. One of the students on my left had a neck problem. She leaned towards me but I said, "I won't be touching you." I simply stood there. Her friend asked, "How is it? You feel anything?" She said, "I'm feeling cold on my neck." Another friend, who stood on my right, said, "I'm feeling cold too. This is weird." She tested her neck and it was completely healed. I was going to preach the Gospel but an elderly lady gently nudged me and asked what I was doing. So I explained to her. The students had to go anyway.

Two Ms came to me for selfie. The Holy Spirit said, "One of them has an ankle problem. On the right side." I looked at the M lady and said, "You have right ankle pain, right?" She said, "No." So we took a selfie first. Then she asked, "Why did you ask?" I replied, "Because I sensed it." She confessed, "Actually yes. I have." As I stood there, she suddenly felt tingling around her ankle and was completely healed. Shared with them about Issa.

Two staff from Centre Point approached me to take photo. One of them had knee problem. As I stood there, she felt tingling around her knee and was healed.

Was talking to a M guy when I heard the Holy Spirit saying, "Diabetes." So I asked, "Do you have diabetes?" He said, "No. I'm healthy and well." But the Holy Spirit continued, "Diabetes." So I asked, "How about your closest family member?" He said, "My wife has diabetes." We prayed on the spot for his wife.

After ministering to another person with an issue of thickening of blood, a Chinese lady came to ask, "Are you a healer?" I said, "I minister healing." She responded, "Really? I have anxiety and I can hardly breathe properly today. I also have strain on my neck." The Holy Spirit spoke to me about her husband. He had wounded her deeply and the symptoms were just a manifestation of what was going on in her heart. This is pretty sensitive in the public. So I had to draw it out slowly from her. I asked her and her friend to come with me to a corner. Then I asked, "Are you married?" She said, "I've just divorced." And I went straight after it. She's a believer. So I gave her Scriptural truth to meditate on. Ministry can get her free but it won't keep her free. Only truth can make her and keep her free. Jesus!

There were some other healings but what happened next was really interesting.

While waiting for the traffic light to turn green, I began speaking in tongues. A lady stood beside me and positioned herself to take a photo. All of a sudden, she screamed at the top of her voice and ran aside. It was so loud that I was also shocked. Then she looked at me from afar, trembling and said, "You are not a human. Who are you?" Technically speaking, she's not wrong. I'm not a human being. I'm a spirit being. Christ is IN me. But I wondered what kind of spirit is in her. She ran away quickly before I could talk to her.

What Bill Johnson said is true - Your shadow will always release whatever overshadows you. If we keep staying in consciousness of Him, others will be conscious of the One in us.

"Arise, shine, for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you." - Isaiah 60:1

Let's keep shining wherever we go. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #Gospel #outreach #dailyhealings

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