Thursday 9 February 2017

John 8:31-32

“If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” - John 8:31-32

If you abide...
If you stay...
If you remain...
If you continue...
If you believe...
If you rest...

"in My word... you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

I once preached the Gospel and spoke about one-step transformation. There is no other method. The Gospel is the beginning and the end for life transformation. I received feedback that some thought I was uttering nonsense, because their lives didn't seem to change after receiving Christ for many years. I can imagine what was going on in their mind, "If what he shared is truth, why is there no life transformation?"

Because we turn the Scriptures into methods and principles, instead of relationship and communion with the Author of the Scriptures. Jesus said, "If you abide/remain/stay/continue/rest/believe in My word, you shall know the truth..." We believe the Gospel for a while. When nothing changes, we think that we need to try something else. We need to pray longer. We need to pray in tongues for one hour daily. We need to fast more. We need to go for more counseling. We need to go for more deliverance ministry. We need to go for more self-improvement seminars. We need to try more new things.

But the Gospel is that simple. If nothing seems to change, STAY/ABIDE/REMAIN/CONTINUE/REST/BELIEVE in the Gospel until there is a knowing in the heart. That changes everything. That is when truth makes you free.

The problem is, we just can't wait too long. We give up too easily. We try a while and think it is not working. That is no longer relationship.

Jesus is God who does not lie. If He said what He said in John 8:31-32, then it will surely come to pass, as long as we stay, remain, abide, continue, rest, believe in what He said.

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