Friday 3 February 2017


Took an uninterrupted time to partake the Holy Communion. Before I knew it, 30 over minutes have passed. The God-reality is so real.

We are always in such a rush, especially us Singaporeans. And we reduce relationship with God to a method that we can apply and live by. It's not about using the method of Holy Communion as though there is something special and magical about the elements. If that is the case, we may as well just burn a piece of paper, put it in a glass of water and drink it.

We listen to sermons and teachings hoping to find some quick fix and secret keys to what we want to see, instead of going to the secret place to seek the One who holds the key to all things.

When we read the Bible, we focus on accomplishing chapters. We follow bible reading plan, hoping to cover as much as possible. Jesus didn't call us to read the Bible. He called us to become the Word made flesh. It is one thing to read the Bible, but it is another to commune with the Living Word. It is better to camp at one verse for many days until we live in it, than to read many chapters in a day without any life transformation.

Shortcut seems good. But there is no shortcut in relationship with the One we are called to behold and to become. 

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