Saturday 25 February 2017

Cancer Healing for Singaporean Man

Cancer Healing for Singaporean Man

At the beginning of this year, God said, "Healing of cancer will be as easy as healing of muscle ache."

Today, we just received a praise report from a man whom we ministered to last Friday. He was diagnosed with nose cancer and a list of other problems, including 4-5 years of insomnia.

Since healing of cancer will be as easy as healing of muscle ache, we ministered to him as though we were ministering to someone with muscle ache. We simply said, "Be healed in Jesus' name." Since it's not about our length of prayer, our eloquence, etc, it's all Jesus.

The man said that he could sleep through most of the nights for the past one week, which had not happened for 4-5 years. The doctor did a scope into his nasal area this week and cleared him from cancerous growth! Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment 

Update: He did a PET scan one week later and was declared cancer free. Jesus!

P.S: The HRT (Healing Response Team) is focusing on ministering to cancer patients this year. If you know of anyone in need of cancer healing, please kindly read the link below.

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