Sunday 12 February 2017

Discerning Of Spirits

At the beginning of this year, God spoke a few things to me and one of them is the operation of gift of the discerning of spirits. He gave me an opportunity to use it recently and it was beautiful. I was personally impacted.

Yesterday, He prompted me to use it again.

Someone I don't know from a different nation emailed me. In the email, she asked if it is a sin for a married couple to abort the baby. She would like to hear my view.

It is often easy to jump straight to the Scriptures, quote the Scriptures and give a person the right, biblical answer. But in my opinion, if we do not know why the person asks what he/she asks, it is not going to help him/her by giving the right, diplomatic answer.

I asked the Holy Spirit to reveal the spirit behind this question. Holy Spirit began to speak to me. Her husband was the one who wanted her to abort. Not that he wasn't a responsible man. But he was faced with a financial lack. They would not be able to raise the child. It came from a loving human spirit that she asked that question.

If I were to quote Scriptures to prove that it's a sin, I will crush a poor soul and make her guilty and condemned.

I replied the email sharing what God said and I didn't mention any word about sin. I shared the intent of God's heart for giving life and affirmed her for her true heart desire. Come on, no one enjoys abortion. So we should stop adding any guilt or shame to people.

I just received the email response. They shared that what God has revealed is very true. They are now in a difficult financial situation. And the hubby wants to abort the baby.

Note: They did not ask me for any financial help. They only asked for prayer. But if anyone of you would like to contribute to that family, in any amount, please kindly PM me. I just found out that they stay in rural area. I believe that any amount will be very helpful for them. We can't help many. But we can help one. We can prevent one child from being aborted. For more details, please PM me.

Discerning of spirits is powerful. Just like healing and prophecy, it is for EVERY believer to operate in. Let's keep growing and going. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment

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