Wednesday 8 February 2017

Combo Hits For Uber Driver

Booked a promo Uber ($5 off) to fetch my son from school to home as it was raining. I texted the M driver to ask if he can take my 4-year old boy, since the ruling has changed. Well, he didn't reply.

We boarded the car. Holy Spirit immediately said, "His right arm." So I asked, "Is your right arm sore?" He was shocked. "How did you know?" I remained in my seat with my son and he was completely healed. His facial expression was priceless as he tested out his arm. The sore was totally gone.

He asked, "Don't mind me asking. What is happening? How did you know? And what happened?"

I shared with him about Issa. I said, "Issa lives in me. He tells me about your problem and He healed you. He loves you."

Then Holy Spirit just loved on him with combo hits. I said, "And your left knee also has problem. Is it an old injury?" He opened his mouth wide and said, "Yes. Soccer injury." I replied, "We'll take a look later."

Then I prophesied on him about his strength and who he is wired to be. I said, "You are very different from most men who compartmentalise things. You connect stuff in the way you think. You are sensitive to people's emotions because you are a feeler. That's a powerful strength." He nodded in agreement and started sharing about what is going on in his family between him, his mum and his siblings, and how he is the one who is able to connect with their emotions.

Before we alighted, I looked at the fare. It was $1.60 due to promo. I took out $10 and said, "You keep the change." He kept rejecting many times and said that it was too much. He couldn't accept it. I said, "For God so loved the world that He gave.... So I'm giving because He first gave." He finally accepted.

Disclaimer: I don't always do this because I don't have a lot too. I don't even have regular income. Else I would not have booked a promo Uber. But I'm sharing this because I believe that for those of you who are wealthy, you can give generously. You can give and impact individual lives by sharing how God gives. You can sow more to non-believers than the church. Ahem. Now that's touchy. Anyway...

As he held the $10 note, I ministered to his left knee and he was completely free from pain.

These are combo hits of His amazing love. It will leave him thinking about Issa for sometime. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #dailyhealings #Gospel #collectingpayment #combohits

P.S: I'm typing halfway and someone offered $10 for what I've been trying to sell at Carousell. There was no response for a period of time. Now someone just suddenly offered immediately. Isn't that the amount I just gave away? Well, you can never outgive God. Jesus!

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