Tuesday 28 February 2017

Another Uber Driver Gets Saved

Took a promo Uber. Cost me 60 cents. Thank You Jesus.

The Holy Spirit said, "The left side of his neck is hurting." I asked the driver and he nodded. He said, "How do you know?" I replied, "I will share with you later."

As I remained in my seat, he felt heat on his neck and was completely healed. He then pointed to his thumb area and requested for healing. It, too, was healed.

Next, he pointed the left side of his back. Cut the long story short, he was healed.

Prophesied on him and it was spot on. Then I shared the Good News with him and he received Jesus into his life! Baptised him in the Holy Spirit. He felt the tangible presence of Jesus in front of him.

Before I left, he said, "Thank you. I had attended services with my Christian wife before. But today, I finally met God personally."

This never gets old. I love seeing people knowing Jesus personally. 

Uber drivers for Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #salvation

Saturday 25 February 2017

Cancer Healing for Singaporean Man

Cancer Healing for Singaporean Man

At the beginning of this year, God said, "Healing of cancer will be as easy as healing of muscle ache."

Today, we just received a praise report from a man whom we ministered to last Friday. He was diagnosed with nose cancer and a list of other problems, including 4-5 years of insomnia.

Since healing of cancer will be as easy as healing of muscle ache, we ministered to him as though we were ministering to someone with muscle ache. We simply said, "Be healed in Jesus' name." Since it's not about our length of prayer, our eloquence, etc, it's all Jesus.

The man said that he could sleep through most of the nights for the past one week, which had not happened for 4-5 years. The doctor did a scope into his nasal area this week and cleared him from cancerous growth! Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment 

Update: He did a PET scan one week later and was declared cancer free. Jesus!

P.S: The HRT (Healing Response Team) is focusing on ministering to cancer patients this year. If you know of anyone in need of cancer healing, please kindly read the link below.


Saturday 18 February 2017

Was Man Created To Live Forever?

Adam was a living soul. Jesus was a life-giving Spirit. (1 Cor 15:45)

Was Adam really created to live forever?

A living soul cannot give life to itself. Only a life-giving Spirit can give life to itself and others. Jesus, the last Adam, the life-giving Spirit, gives us life when we make a decision to abide in Him and He in us.

The first Adam, before his fall, was not created to live forever. He simply couldn't. But the tree of Life was in the Garden so that he could partake of it and live forever. If he didn't eat from it, he would still die. He partook it so regularly that it became his lifestyle.

After he sinned, death came, because he was prohibited from eating from the tree of Life. He still had communion with God. But he was separated from the tree of Life.

Genesis 3:22 - Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever."

God drove him out of the Garden so that he would no longer be able to eat from the tree of Life. God didn't want him to live forever in sin. He eventually died at 930 years old.

On the Cross, Jesus removed sin from us so that we are restored to the position which Adam had before the fall. If we continually partake of Christ (tree of Life) as a lifestyle, we will walk in divine health and live forever. That is the power of communion.

Disclaimer: Living forever does not mean present immortality. It simply means that we have eternal life. If our lives end (after completing the race God has given us), we are just asleep. But we can live long enough to see the rapture. Rapture is when the final footstool, the last enemy - death is put under the feet of Jesus.

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Our Flesh Can't Help But Sin. Really?

Been sitting on Romans 6 for three weeks. It's not about how much you read. It's about how deep you meditate and live in it.

One of the most common errors is to interpret Romans 7 as the life of a believer, if we don't read in context. Because there is still Romans 5, 6 and 8. Furthermore, the conclusion of Romans 7 reveals that Christ is our victory over sin.

If our flesh is sinful, we can't help but sin. We give ourselves an excuse to sin. We expect to sin. But Romans 6 reveals that our flesh has become an instrument where we can choose to sin or live in righteousness.

Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts, and do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace. - Romans 6:12-14

It's clear that when Paul said, "do not let sin reign in your body", he meant that we have a choice. We have the power to choose whether we want to sin or not. If we have the power to choose, we cannot have a sinful flesh, because a sinful flesh will only sin.

"do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts..." Notice, Paul did not say, "so that you obey your lusts". He said, "its lusts". Whose lust? Sin's lust. If Paul separated sin's lusts from you, then you are not the problem. Nothing is wrong with you in Christ. You have been perfected by His perfect sacrifice (Heb 10:14). You have a clear conscience (Act 23:1). You don't live in consciousness of sin (Heb 10:2).

When a sinful thought or desire comes to you, it is not you. It is trying to knock at your door from the outside. If your flesh is sinful, there is no way you can overcome sin. But if sin is knocking at your door, you can choose not to respond to it. You can choose not to respond to the door bell.

...consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus. - Romans 6:11

If you are dead to sin, you can't respond to it. You can only respond to Christ because you are alive to Him.

...do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. - Romans 6:13

If you can choose not to present your body to sin, it means that you can choose to present your body to God. Now the body (flesh) has become an instrument. It is either an instrument used for unrighteousness or an instrument used for righteousness. An instrument is neutral. It is neither sinful nor godly. It has to do with how you use it. This instrument refers to our present body, our flesh.

Today, if a sinful thought or desire comes to you, you can praise God that it is not who you are. It is not you thinking about it. It is trying to come in and make you think that it's your identity. Because the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy.

How do you present yourself to God as those alive from the dead? You can't do it by efforts and works. "The righteous shall live by faith." Therefore, it has to be BY FAITH.

"...so now present your members as slaves to righteousness, resulting in sanctification." - Romans 6:19

The more you come before God and present yourself righteous in His sight (despite the fact that you still stumble at times), the more it leads to sanctification of your soul and body. It is always the inward that transforms the outward. You can't change your action unless you change your belief. The more you believe that you are righteous before God, the more it changes your emotions and actions.

Romans 12:1-2 - I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

“And do not be conformed to this world...” 

How do you not be conformed to this world where it's filled with the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride in possessions? It is first and foremost, not about renewing your mind. Because there must be a benchmark which you can renew your mind to. The word "And" tells us what the precedence is.
v1: "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God..."

A sacrifice has to be dead. If it's living, it's not a sacrifice. In the Old Covenant, a sacrifice is only accepted before God when the blood is shed and the animal is dead.
So what does it mean to present your body as a living sacrifice? 

Galatians 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.” You and I are dead. It is no longer about our efforts. It is no longer about our denying of ourselves that make us an acceptable sacrifice to God. 

The only perfect sacrifice that is holy and acceptable to God is Jesus. On the Cross, He became the ultimate sacrifice by dying without any sin. And now, the only reason we can present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God is because "it is no longer I who live, but Christ, the perfect Sacrifice lives in me" – and that makes me a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God.

We are not trying to sacrifice anything to God. Because of the Cross, we are all now living sacrifices – holy and acceptable and righteous before God. If we don't understand who we are in Christ before the Father, we will always conform to the patterns of this world. Because if we don't know who we really are, we can never see what Christ sees. We can never get our mind renewed. Until we know who the Father says we are, we will not be able to walk out the life that Jesus lived.

This is why we need to constantly present ourselves to God (by faith) as His righteous sons. The more we present ourselves that way, the more it leads to sanctification of our soul and body. And the more we walk free from sin.

This is why John could write such a strong statement in 1 John 2:1 - "My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may NOT sin. And IF anyone sins..."

It is no longer about "WHEN" we sin. It is now "IF" we sin...

"Our flesh can't help but sin." That was a life without Christ.

Now, our flesh can choose to walk in righteousness. This is Christ IN us, the hope of glory.

This is why we sing, "My chains are gone. I've been set free."

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. - John 8:32

Monday 13 February 2017

Easy 2017 - Part 3

This year 2017, if we think that we need to pray longer or lay hands longer for cancer patient than someone with muscle ache, we are trusting in our own eloquence and effort than trusting in the finished works of the Cross. If we do it differently because we think that cancer is a bigger sickness, we are exalting cancer above muscle ache; we are setting our mind on things on the earth instead of setting our mind on things above. We are seeing from human compassion instead of heavenly compassion. Because Jesus' compassion is God's passion to see every sickness crushed immediately.

Galatians 2:20 - I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God...

If I have died and it is Christ who now lives in me, then I no longer minister with my eloquence, effort and thinking, I minister like Christ would in the face of someone with cancer. I place my trust in His finished works. By grace through faith.

If we minister to cancer patient the same way we minister to someone with muscle ache, we will see cancer healed as easily as muscle ache. #mindrenewal #perspective

Let's crush cancer in Jesus' name. Check out the link below.


Sunday 12 February 2017

Easy 2017 - Part 2

This year 2017, if we take cancer more seriously than muscle ache, we are taking muscle ache less seriously as Jesus did. He died for muscle ache as much as He died for cancer. Same price. Same seriousness. So if we treat cancer like we treat muscle ache, we will see cancer healed like muscle ache. #mindrenewal #perspective

Healing Is A Person

Healing is not a ministry. Healing is a Person. You can't find a church with healing ministry or deliverance ministry in the New Testament. If we do that, we unknowingly make believers think that healing ministry is reserved for a special group of gifted ones.

Every believer has Christ in him/her. Every believer is commanded to heal and to do deliverance.

And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease. - Matthew 10:1

Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases.- Luke 9:1

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to OBEY ALL things that I have COMMANDED you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. - Matthew 28:18-20 (emphasis added)

All authority and power (Acts 1:8) are given to Christ. And Christ is IN us. So we have received ALL authority and power to heal all sicknesses and diseases, and to cast out all demons.

God is not choosing some special and gifted ones to heal and to deliver. God is not releasing more power and authority to us. God is not giving us more power and authority. On the Cross, all authority and power were already given to you.

God is not giving more breakthroughs. All of heaven already broke through (the veil was torn; heaven was rent open) when Christ died on the Cross. If God is now giving breakthrough, it means He had been withholding breakthrough. He is not withholding any breakthrough, just like He is not withholding forgiveness, salvation and healing. He desires our heart to believe MORE in the finished works of the Cross so that we can see the breakthroughs that He had long given 2000 years ago.

The question is, "What do you do with the authority and the power that you have already received?"

If we believe that there is more authority and power we need to receive from God, we will keep tarrying. Wrong believing produces wrong living.

If we believe that we have already received MAXIMUM authority and MAXIMUM power from God, we will start using it. The more we believe we have ALL authority and power, the more we will see results.

Instead of waiting for a Word from God, let's be the Word of God. The reason why God has to keep using others to prophesy over us is because we are not listening and responding to His written Word. That's why prophecy is for edification, comfort and encouragement. He's encouraging and adding "courage" onto you so that you will start believing that you already have ALL that you need, and you will start moving and begin acting upon what He has already spoken in the Word through Christ.

We shall know the truth and the truth will make us free. - John 8:32

Discerning Of Spirits

At the beginning of this year, God spoke a few things to me and one of them is the operation of gift of the discerning of spirits. He gave me an opportunity to use it recently and it was beautiful. I was personally impacted.

Yesterday, He prompted me to use it again.

Someone I don't know from a different nation emailed me. In the email, she asked if it is a sin for a married couple to abort the baby. She would like to hear my view.

It is often easy to jump straight to the Scriptures, quote the Scriptures and give a person the right, biblical answer. But in my opinion, if we do not know why the person asks what he/she asks, it is not going to help him/her by giving the right, diplomatic answer.

I asked the Holy Spirit to reveal the spirit behind this question. Holy Spirit began to speak to me. Her husband was the one who wanted her to abort. Not that he wasn't a responsible man. But he was faced with a financial lack. They would not be able to raise the child. It came from a loving human spirit that she asked that question.

If I were to quote Scriptures to prove that it's a sin, I will crush a poor soul and make her guilty and condemned.

I replied the email sharing what God said and I didn't mention any word about sin. I shared the intent of God's heart for giving life and affirmed her for her true heart desire. Come on, no one enjoys abortion. So we should stop adding any guilt or shame to people.

I just received the email response. They shared that what God has revealed is very true. They are now in a difficult financial situation. And the hubby wants to abort the baby.

Note: They did not ask me for any financial help. They only asked for prayer. But if anyone of you would like to contribute to that family, in any amount, please kindly PM me. I just found out that they stay in rural area. I believe that any amount will be very helpful for them. We can't help many. But we can help one. We can prevent one child from being aborted. For more details, please PM me.

Discerning of spirits is powerful. Just like healing and prophecy, it is for EVERY believer to operate in. Let's keep growing and going. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment

Thursday 9 February 2017

John 8:31-32

“If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” - John 8:31-32

If you abide...
If you stay...
If you remain...
If you continue...
If you believe...
If you rest...

"in My word... you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

I once preached the Gospel and spoke about one-step transformation. There is no other method. The Gospel is the beginning and the end for life transformation. I received feedback that some thought I was uttering nonsense, because their lives didn't seem to change after receiving Christ for many years. I can imagine what was going on in their mind, "If what he shared is truth, why is there no life transformation?"

Because we turn the Scriptures into methods and principles, instead of relationship and communion with the Author of the Scriptures. Jesus said, "If you abide/remain/stay/continue/rest/believe in My word, you shall know the truth..." We believe the Gospel for a while. When nothing changes, we think that we need to try something else. We need to pray longer. We need to pray in tongues for one hour daily. We need to fast more. We need to go for more counseling. We need to go for more deliverance ministry. We need to go for more self-improvement seminars. We need to try more new things.

But the Gospel is that simple. If nothing seems to change, STAY/ABIDE/REMAIN/CONTINUE/REST/BELIEVE in the Gospel until there is a knowing in the heart. That changes everything. That is when truth makes you free.

The problem is, we just can't wait too long. We give up too easily. We try a while and think it is not working. That is no longer relationship.

Jesus is God who does not lie. If He said what He said in John 8:31-32, then it will surely come to pass, as long as we stay, remain, abide, continue, rest, believe in what He said.

Easy 2017

This year 2017, if we celebrate healing of muscle ache as much as we celebrate healing of cancer, we will see healing of cancer as easy as healing of muscle ache. It's easy for Jesus. #mindofChrist #canceriscancelled

P.S: It's not that God is doing a new thing. Terminal diseases were healed by many individuals in the past few centuries. We are just growing in having our mind renewed, because we started 'backward'.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Combo Hits For Uber Driver

Booked a promo Uber ($5 off) to fetch my son from school to home as it was raining. I texted the M driver to ask if he can take my 4-year old boy, since the ruling has changed. Well, he didn't reply.

We boarded the car. Holy Spirit immediately said, "His right arm." So I asked, "Is your right arm sore?" He was shocked. "How did you know?" I remained in my seat with my son and he was completely healed. His facial expression was priceless as he tested out his arm. The sore was totally gone.

He asked, "Don't mind me asking. What is happening? How did you know? And what happened?"

I shared with him about Issa. I said, "Issa lives in me. He tells me about your problem and He healed you. He loves you."

Then Holy Spirit just loved on him with combo hits. I said, "And your left knee also has problem. Is it an old injury?" He opened his mouth wide and said, "Yes. Soccer injury." I replied, "We'll take a look later."

Then I prophesied on him about his strength and who he is wired to be. I said, "You are very different from most men who compartmentalise things. You connect stuff in the way you think. You are sensitive to people's emotions because you are a feeler. That's a powerful strength." He nodded in agreement and started sharing about what is going on in his family between him, his mum and his siblings, and how he is the one who is able to connect with their emotions.

Before we alighted, I looked at the fare. It was $1.60 due to promo. I took out $10 and said, "You keep the change." He kept rejecting many times and said that it was too much. He couldn't accept it. I said, "For God so loved the world that He gave.... So I'm giving because He first gave." He finally accepted.

Disclaimer: I don't always do this because I don't have a lot too. I don't even have regular income. Else I would not have booked a promo Uber. But I'm sharing this because I believe that for those of you who are wealthy, you can give generously. You can give and impact individual lives by sharing how God gives. You can sow more to non-believers than the church. Ahem. Now that's touchy. Anyway...

As he held the $10 note, I ministered to his left knee and he was completely free from pain.

These are combo hits of His amazing love. It will leave him thinking about Issa for sometime. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #dailyhealings #Gospel #collectingpayment #combohits

P.S: I'm typing halfway and someone offered $10 for what I've been trying to sell at Carousell. There was no response for a period of time. Now someone just suddenly offered immediately. Isn't that the amount I just gave away? Well, you can never outgive God. Jesus!

Interesting Outreach

Took a short break before and during CNY. So I decided to resume hitting the streets intentionally today in superhero costume.

A group of University students approached me to take photo. One of the students on my left had a neck problem. She leaned towards me but I said, "I won't be touching you." I simply stood there. Her friend asked, "How is it? You feel anything?" She said, "I'm feeling cold on my neck." Another friend, who stood on my right, said, "I'm feeling cold too. This is weird." She tested her neck and it was completely healed. I was going to preach the Gospel but an elderly lady gently nudged me and asked what I was doing. So I explained to her. The students had to go anyway.

Two Ms came to me for selfie. The Holy Spirit said, "One of them has an ankle problem. On the right side." I looked at the M lady and said, "You have right ankle pain, right?" She said, "No." So we took a selfie first. Then she asked, "Why did you ask?" I replied, "Because I sensed it." She confessed, "Actually yes. I have." As I stood there, she suddenly felt tingling around her ankle and was completely healed. Shared with them about Issa.

Two staff from Centre Point approached me to take photo. One of them had knee problem. As I stood there, she felt tingling around her knee and was healed.

Was talking to a M guy when I heard the Holy Spirit saying, "Diabetes." So I asked, "Do you have diabetes?" He said, "No. I'm healthy and well." But the Holy Spirit continued, "Diabetes." So I asked, "How about your closest family member?" He said, "My wife has diabetes." We prayed on the spot for his wife.

After ministering to another person with an issue of thickening of blood, a Chinese lady came to ask, "Are you a healer?" I said, "I minister healing." She responded, "Really? I have anxiety and I can hardly breathe properly today. I also have strain on my neck." The Holy Spirit spoke to me about her husband. He had wounded her deeply and the symptoms were just a manifestation of what was going on in her heart. This is pretty sensitive in the public. So I had to draw it out slowly from her. I asked her and her friend to come with me to a corner. Then I asked, "Are you married?" She said, "I've just divorced." And I went straight after it. She's a believer. So I gave her Scriptural truth to meditate on. Ministry can get her free but it won't keep her free. Only truth can make her and keep her free. Jesus!

There were some other healings but what happened next was really interesting.

While waiting for the traffic light to turn green, I began speaking in tongues. A lady stood beside me and positioned herself to take a photo. All of a sudden, she screamed at the top of her voice and ran aside. It was so loud that I was also shocked. Then she looked at me from afar, trembling and said, "You are not a human. Who are you?" Technically speaking, she's not wrong. I'm not a human being. I'm a spirit being. Christ is IN me. But I wondered what kind of spirit is in her. She ran away quickly before I could talk to her.

What Bill Johnson said is true - Your shadow will always release whatever overshadows you. If we keep staying in consciousness of Him, others will be conscious of the One in us.

"Arise, shine, for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you." - Isaiah 60:1

Let's keep shining wherever we go. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #Gospel #outreach #dailyhealings

Monday 6 February 2017

Progressive Revelation

Progressive Revelation

This blog on healing and another blog on "A Father's Heart" were started to leave a legacy for my son so that he would begin from the right foundations.

Jeshua, when you read this blog, it is important to know that my latest entries may differ from my earlier entries in terms of theology.

This is due to my progressive revelation of the knowledge of Christ. My theology has changed much over the years as I know Him more and more.

So if you find that some of my entries seem to contradict each other, always focus on my latest entries. They are usually clearer and more accurate as I grow to see what Christ sees.

May you take what I have received and run with it. Do not let others sway you to the left and right in understanding the nature and the heart of our Abba Father, through the Person of Jesus Christ. Who you think God is must be found in the life of Jesus.

Sunday 5 February 2017

Faith Is Interesting

Faith Is Interesting

Haven't heard anyone shared this before. But some time ago, when I was in communion with God, He shared with me about faith when I wasn't even thinking about it. I honestly think that my natural mind is not so smart to think of this.

Faith is interesting. It doesn't matter if it is your faith or the recipient's faith. As long as there is faith, grace comes down to make faith a reality.

There is a disparity between two incidents in Mark 5. The first incident has to do with the recipient's faith. And the second has to do with the minister's faith.

First incident:
The woman with the issue of blood heard about the faithfulness and the goodness of God. It is always the faithfulness and the goodness of God that imparts faith to us. As such, the woman had faith for her healing. In fact, there was no record about anyone healed by touching the hem of the garment of Jesus. She was the forerunner in that area. She believed that she would be healed, simply by touching the hem of Jesus' garment. Jesus said that it was her faith that made her well.

And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. - Mark 5:34

In this case, it was the recipient's faith (the sick person's faith) that got her healed.

Disclaimer: You can't build your own faith. You just can't do it by your own. If you focus on your faith, you will not make it. But if you focus on how faithful and how good Jesus is, your faith is automatically present. Because faith is always a response towards His goodness and faithfulness.

Second incident:
Jairus' daughter was dying. In fact, after Jesus stopped to speak to the woman with the issue of blood, his daughter died. 

In this incident, Jairus didn't say, "If Jesus were to touch my child, she would be raised from the dead." He was afraid and doubtful. But Jesus told him to believe.

As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, He said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not be afraid; only believe.” - Mark 5:36

Jesus didn't need Jairus to believe in order to work miracles. Because He Himself believed.

Then He took the child by the hand, and said to her, “Talitha, cumi,” which is translated, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.” Immediately the girl arose and walked, for she was twelve years of age. And they were overcome with great amazement. - Mark 5:41-42

The fact that they were overcome with great amazement revealed that they didn't expect her to be raised from the dead.

In this case, it was Jesus' faith (minister's faith) that got Jairus' daughter raised from the dead.

There were many other instances in the Gospel to show us that healing works either through the minister's faith (Mark 3:1-5; Mark 9:23-25; Luke 13:10-13; Luke 7:14-15; Acts 3:4-7) or the recipient's faith (Matthew 8:13; Matthew 9:29; Matthew 15:28; Acts 14:9-10). These are just some instances.

It doesn't matter if it is the minister's faith or the recipient's faith. As long as there is faith, grace comes down to make faith a reality.

This truth actually reveals a number of things.

1) If a person is healed, we simply turn to Jesus and praise Him. Because it is not always the minister's faith that makes the person well. It could be the sick person's faith that makes himself well. The minister is simply the point of contact between the recipient and Jesus. Knowing this will prevent the minister from pride, thinking that he is the MAN. At the same time, it prevents people from exalting the minister above Jesus.

This also reveals why healing happens easily in third world countries and third world natives as compared to first world like Singapore when it is the SAME minister who ministers healing. If God is the same and the minister is the same, why isn't there a consistent result when we minister in the first world? Because the third world natives have simple faith. They turn desperately to Jesus instead of medical science. It is their faith that gets them well. The minister is just the point of contact between them and Jesus.

Some time ago, I wanted to minister to a person face to face. But the person said, "It's fine. Just say a word and I will be well." This person actually had such simple faith that I didn't have. I had thought that I needed to minister in person.

A similar incident happened when Jesus ministered to a centurion's servant. Jesus had planned to go to his house to minister healing. But the centurion said, "Lord, just say a word and my servant will be healed." (Matthew 8:8)

We have much to learn from third world natives. They have child-like faith.

Disclaimer: There will be times when we don't see consistent results, not because it's third world or first world, but because we don't always see what Christ sees at the very point of ministering. Mountains move when we minister in faith (Matthew 17:20). When the mountains don't move, it's because we fail to see clearly His finished works on the Cross. The fruit will always determine the root of what we believe.

2) When the minister releases healing from the pulpit for the same type of sickness, why do we see some healed and some not healed? Because healing flows either through the minister's faith or through the recipients' faith. If Jesus were to be the One releasing healing from the pulpit, guess what? All will be healed. Because He believes!

This is one reason why a minister likes to share a healing testimony from the pulpit. He also preaches the Gospel from the pulpit. He even releases word of knowledge to impart faith to the recipients. Faith comes from hearing and hearing from the Word of God (Rom 10:17). Each time when the minister preaches the Gospel, shares a healing testimony and/or releases word of knowledge, faith arises in the hearts of the recipients, positioning them to receive healing (Galatians 3:5). Without the preaching of the Gospel and the sharing of testimony, we will see a different result, because healing now rests on the minister's faith.

Jesus didn't need to preach or share a testimony to get people healed, because He always sees what the Father sees. In other words, He always believes.

Having said that, we should use all available platforms to get a person healed in the name of Jesus. At the same time, we need to personally continue to grow in seeing what Christ sees.

3) If a person is not healed, it is the minister who needs to grow in seeing what Christ sees (Matthew 17:17-20). Jesus never ever told the sick person, "Because of your unbelief." But He told His disciples (the ones ministering healing), "Because of your unbelief." We don't put burden and yoke on the recipient. If we are the ones ministering, we should humble ourselves and realise that we have much to grow if we don't see the person healed. Neither should we say, "Oh it's a mystery that I don't understand." It is contradictory to say that we believe that it is always God's will and timing to heal all the time, but when it doesn't happen, we say, "I don't know why." Because we can't see this in the life of Jesus. He is the only example we should follow. He is the only standard. Furthermore, if Jesus were to be right there to minister, the person will guarantee be healed.

Faith is interesting. It doesn't matter if it is the minister's faith or the recipient's faith. As long as there is faith, grace comes down to make faith a reality.

Why am I sharing this? Should we try to find out if it's the minister's faith or the recipient's faith that healed the recipient? By no means!

As long as someone is healed, we worship Jesus. We exalt Him. We look to Him. We don't look to man and exalt man above Jesus. This sharing brings clarity to the truth that it is not always the minister who gets someone healed, just because the person is healed. 

It's about the grace and the love of Jesus that healing flows through either party as long as faith is in the equation. It encourages the minister and the recipient to partner together and focus on Jesus. It's about the Body coming together and growing in maturity by looking at the Head instead of looking at one another's Body.

Some relegate what is not understandable at the present to the mystery of God. While there are many things that we do not yet understand, it does not mean that we can never understand. We have been given the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). We have the Holy Spirit who searches all things and teaches us concerning all things. It's just that we are still growing in knowing those things.

But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. - 1 Corinthians 2:10-12

Faith is interesting. It is also the way of living. "The righteous shall live by faith." If we are to live by faith, faith is probably the most important thing that we can learn about. But the only way to live by faith is to know His love. Because faith always works through love (Galatians 5:6). 

Let's focus on Jesus and grow. Jesus is altogether lovely and awesome!

P.S: I know many will disagree with this sharing. It may even step on some people's toes. It's not a matter of whether you are right or I am right. This is just what I believe. Compare with Scriptures and come to your own conclusion :) In the end, Jesus is still Lord and He loves us. That's the most important thing.

Friday 3 February 2017


Took an uninterrupted time to partake the Holy Communion. Before I knew it, 30 over minutes have passed. The God-reality is so real.

We are always in such a rush, especially us Singaporeans. And we reduce relationship with God to a method that we can apply and live by. It's not about using the method of Holy Communion as though there is something special and magical about the elements. If that is the case, we may as well just burn a piece of paper, put it in a glass of water and drink it.

We listen to sermons and teachings hoping to find some quick fix and secret keys to what we want to see, instead of going to the secret place to seek the One who holds the key to all things.

When we read the Bible, we focus on accomplishing chapters. We follow bible reading plan, hoping to cover as much as possible. Jesus didn't call us to read the Bible. He called us to become the Word made flesh. It is one thing to read the Bible, but it is another to commune with the Living Word. It is better to camp at one verse for many days until we live in it, than to read many chapters in a day without any life transformation.

Shortcut seems good. But there is no shortcut in relationship with the One we are called to behold and to become. 

Healing of Cancer Cases Shall Be Easy

Healing of Cancer Cases Shall Be Easy

IMPORTANT: If you know of anyone who is suffering from cancer in Singapore, please continue reading.

This year 2017, I felt God saying that cancer healing is going to be as easy as healing of muscle ache. There will be many healings of cancer cases.

As such, I am posting this to share what our team HRT does. HRT stands for Healing Response Team. We are from various different churches. We share the same passion and desire to see people made whole and walk in health. We believe that the Great Commission Jesus gave in Matthew 28:19-20 includes healing the sick, raising the dead and casting out demons. 

Yes, even if someone passes on, we will go and raise the dead, if the family allows. In US, there have been many cases of dead-raising where the dead person comes alive again. In Singapore, there is a documented case where a lawyer came back to life. The link is below.


We have received healing requests from different individuals from time to time. Most of the time, we would visit the sick to minister healing to them.

This year, I felt that we are to minister to cancer patients more than ever before. Cancer is an aggressive disease. Families who have one of their members suffering from cancer go through physical, emotional and financial turmoils. I understand because my wife's family went through with her dad.

It is our desire to see cancer patients healed, set free and walk in health.

IMPORTANT: If you know of anyone who is suffering from cancer (whether it is stage 1 or stage 4) and is open for us to minister healing, we will go. There was a recent case of a cancer patient verified with no more trace of cancer.

The worst thing that can happen after we minister is that nothing happens. It would then just be the same as before we minister. But what happens if something happens?

What happens if the cancer marker goes down?
What happens if the cancer cells die?
What happens if the cancerous tumour shrink and disappear?
What happens if the person is totally healed and free from cancer?

This is what we believe and the reason why we do what we do.

Note: We will minister in the name of Jesus, but you don't have to be a Christian. Neither do you need to become a Christian. There is no string attached and no money involved. We have rejected money and offering from people we ministered to before. It's purely out of goodwill.

Due to our schedule, please kindly note the following:
1) We may come to your place in two or three, but we may also come individually, if our schedule doesn't permit more to come at the same time

2) Please give us some time to plan our schedule once we are notified of the healing request

3) If you are a Christian, you can ask someone in your church (who believes that it's always God's will to heal and it's always the right time for Him to heal) to minister to you. We have the same Holy Spirit. No one is more anointed than the other. It's about believer's identity and priesthood. This will free us up with more resources for others who have no one to minister to them.

4) We are focusing on cancer cases. If you have other requests, we may take longer to get to you because of the urgency and danger of cancer disease.

Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee the result. But we will do our best to minister healing.

God bless all of you.

In His grace and love,
HRT Team

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